14 research outputs found

    (a) Comparison of c<sub>pg</sub>(710), a<sub>p</sub>(710) and a<sub>CDOM</sub> (710) along all the samples used in this study. (b) Scatter plot of TSM and the attenuation at 710 nm.

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    <p>Best fit ± 90% confidence intervals are shown in blue. Black solid and dashed lines represent the 90% prediction bounds of the [TSM]-c<sub>p</sub>(670 nm) data of Neukermans <i>et al</i>. (2012) (for the C-Star).</p

    Time series of physical forcings along 48 hours.

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    <p>(a) Wind speed and direction measured in the weather station located in Alcanar. (b) Wind speed and direction (to) represented by arrows. Upward pointing arrow indicates the North. (c) Surface current velocity and direction represented by arrows, measured at 0.5 m depth with the ADCP located in the sampling station.</p

    Optical properties measured at seven stations occupied in Alfacs Bay and over the water column.

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    <p>(a) In situ measured total non-water beam attenuation spectra. (b) LISST-derived size distribution for particle number. (c) CDOM absorption and (d) phytoplankton absorption spectra. Blue and red lines indicate measurements performed above and below the pycnocline, respectively.</p

    Representative total non-water beam attenuation spectrum measured in Alfacs Bay in June 2013.

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    <p>Numbers 1–3 indicate the three spectral features used in this study as proxies for biogeochemical variables: 1 = spectral slope of c<sub>pg</sub>(λ) for CDOM absorption, 2 = c<sub>pg</sub>(685)-c<sub>pg</sub>(710) for Chl-a and 3 = c<sub>pg</sub>(710) for TSM concentration.</p

    Variations with time and depth in the attenuation-based proxies and PSD slope along with the current velocity.

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    <p>(a) Temporal dataset of current velocity measured within the first 2 m depth. Time series of vertical profiles of (b) water temperature, (c) c<sub>pg</sub>(710), (d) c<sub>pg</sub>(685) peak, (e) c<sub>pg</sub> spectral slope and (e) LISST-derived PSD slope.</p

    Analysis of partitioned absorption data.

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    <p>(a) Contribution of the major biogeochemical variables to the total non-water absorption coefficient at 440 nm for the two different water layers. (b) Ternary plot of the partitioned absorption coefficient at 440 nm (CDOM, phytoplankton, and non-algal particles) measured at the different sampling stations in Alfacs Bay. Blue and red circles correspond to water samples collected above and below the pycnocline, respectively.</p

    Spatial distribution of proxies from non-water beam attenuation and biogeochemical variables.

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    <p>Attenuation at 710 nm, c<sub>pg</sub>(710), <i>vs</i>. TSM at the (a) surface (z ≈ 0.5 m) and (b) bottom (z ≈ 5 m) layers of Alfacs Bay. c<sub>pg</sub>(685) peak <i>vs</i>. Chl-a concentration at the (c) surface and (d) bottom layers. c<sub>pg</sub> spectral slope <i>vs</i>. CDOM absorption at 443 nm at the (e) surface and (f) bottom layers. Produced with Ocean Data View software [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0170706#pone.0170706.ref060" target="_blank">60</a>].</p

    Analysis of the spatial variability in Alfacs Bay.

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    <p>(a) Sampling stations for the analysis of spatial patterns, with different colors according to its location: inner (green), central (blue), outer (red) region of the Bay. Map produced with Ocean Data View (ODV) software [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0170706#pone.0170706.ref060" target="_blank">60</a>]. (b) Temperature and (c) salinity vertical profiles measured at the seven sampling stations with colors according to Fig 6a.</p