7 research outputs found

    Grundtvigs gudstjenestesyn liturgisk

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    A Liturgical Theological Re-reading of Grundtvig’s View on WorshipThrough a description of well-known works by Grundtvig, the article examineshow Grundtvig’s view on worship can be said to form an independentliturgical theological position, which the author characterizes asa theory of communication of worship. The examination takes the Anglo-American theory of worship, Liturgical Theology, as its starting point.Then, Grundtvig’s view on worship is reinterpreted against main currentsand main issues of contemporary Liturgical Theology. The article demonstrateshow structures in the works of Grundtvig and in liturgical theologyparallel each other, an observation that frames Grundtvig as a protoliturgical theologian. Grundtvig’s specific liturgical theological positionis firmly rooted in a trinitarian understanding of worship as a meetingplace between God and human beings and the experience of worship asintrinsically bound to aesthetic experience. Grundtvig’s view of worshipcan therefore be deemed to be in keeping with an aesthetic Trinitarianview that significantly emphasizes the third article of faith in the patristicsymbols and the practice of the assembly

    Hvad er meningen? Nyere gudstjenesteteorier og deres betydning for gudstjenesteteologi i Danmark

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    Artiklen er en indføring i og oversigt over nyere gudstjenesteteorier, som har domineret den danske diskussion om gudstjenesteteologi og præsenterer en model for, hvordan forskellige gudstjenesteteorier kan forstås og indplaceres i forhold til hinanden. Den udfolder fire kategoriseringer med særskilte karakteristika. Liturgi som tiltale fremhæver, at gudstjenestens karakter af tiltale er determinerende for, hvad og hvordan den kan betyde noget. Liturgi som iscenesættelse markerer en åbning mod den liturgiske praksis, men fastholder, at der er et specifikt evangelisk indhold, som iscenesættes i den liturgiske praksis. Liturgi som oplevelse fremhæver selve den liturgiske praksis, hvor oplevelse og erfaring af, hvad der sker i praksis, sætter fortegnet for og farver den teologiske betydning. Liturgi som menings-løs praksis fremhæver den liturgiske praksis som fortolkningsåben og derfor af signifikant kvalitativ karakter i forhold til gudstjenestedeltagernes udfoldelse, stadfæstelse og internalisering af trosindholdet. Artiklen afsluttes med en perspektivering af forholdet mellem positionerne

    Kroppen som troens spejl – hen imod en teologisk somatologi

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    The article has as its primary focal point the attempt to formulate the theoretical and practical framework of a theological somatology. This attempt originates in the emphasis on language and linguistic symbols in traditional Lutheran theology. The article formulates a radicalization of the interrelation between the semiotic approach to bodily actions and the performative aesthetics as found in theatre. The pivotal concepts introduced through the performative aesthetics are the anthropological understanding of the embodied mind that supersedes a traditional body/mind dualism and the interaction of co-subjects in performance, the so-called feedback-Schleife. In an attempt to relate these concepts to theological discourse, the article provides an application of these insights on the Service of Worship in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. As a result it is meaningful to discern the religious experience through the bodily actions found in liturgy

    Brugervejledning til Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensens Gudstjeneste-App

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    Inspireret af Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensens religionshistoriske dybdeperspektiv på Folkekirkens gudstjenesteliv og hans begejstring for en gudstjeneste-applikation til smartphones og tablets, præsenterer vi i dette bidrag en brugervejledning til en sådan App. Målet med Gudstjeneste-Appen er at holde kristendommen i live og styrke den både i samfundet og verden samt i den enkelte ved, at folk får mulighed for at vælge den form for gudstjeneste, som appellerer til dem og deres personlige religionsudøvelse.Inspired by Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen’s writings concerning the Sunday service and worship in general in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark with theoretical background in perspectives from history of religion and ritual theory, this article presents a description of and guide to a worship App. Hans Jørgen has argued that an App of this kind is of great importance for the ELCD, for Christianity in society and in the world