96 research outputs found

    Exposition bodenbewohnender Invertebraten gegenüber Antiparasitika

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    Innerhalb der Antiparasitika gilt Ivermectin (IVM), das zur Gruppe der Avermectine gehört, als einer der bedeutendsten Wirkstoffe und wird seit über 35 Jahren auch in der Veterinärmedizin gegen Endo- und Ektoparasiten eingesetzt. Die Aufklärung der Pharmakokinetik in Tieren ist Gegenstand aktueller Forschung, wobei für Nutztiere bekannt ist, dass IVM nach verabreichter Dosis langsam und überwiegend unverändert mit dem Kot ausgeschieden wird. Da Gülle und Dung behandelter Tiere den Vektor für die IVM-Verbreitung bei veterinärmedizinischer Anwendung darstellen, sind zunächst Bodenorganismen betroffen, und aktuelle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass IVM-Rückstände grundsätzlich die Biodiversität von Dunginsekten-Gemeinschaften reduzieren können. Da IVM schlecht wasserlöslich ist, kann es potenziell an Böden und Sedimente adsorbieren und in Gewebe übergehen und sich so zusätzlich zu einer möglichen Toxizität in Nichtzielorganismen und Nahrungsketten anreichern. Das Promotionsvorhaben soll neuartige Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten von IVM und anderen Antiparasitika in bodenbewohnenden Invertebraten liefern. Die Ergebnisse aus standardisierten Toxizitätstests mit Regenwürmern sollen eine Grundlage für eine umfangreichere Umweltrisikobewertung der Wirkstoffe bilden. Eine spezifische chromatographische Analytik der relevanten Einzelsubstanzen im Bodenmedium und in den Testorganismen ergänzt die Untersuchung und soll Hinweise auf den Eintrag und eine mögliche Anreicherung der Antiparasitika in den Regenwürmern liefern. Da diese eine wichtige Rolle in Stoffkreisläufen im Boden spielen und einen hohen ökologischen Wert aufweisen, ist die Frage nach der Wirkung belasteter Böden auf sie von hoher Relevanz

    State of the science and the way forward for the ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated land.

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    Durante as últimas duas décadas, ecotoxicologistas de solo têm feito progressos ao utilizar conceitos básicos e avanços da zoologia e ecologia do solo. Os métodos existentes têm sido aplicados, e têm-se desenvolvido novas ferramentas para avaliar de que modo a contaminação química pode afetar o ecossistema terrestre, inclusive pela degradação ou destruição da qualidade do solo e dos habitats ou pela redução da biodiversidade edáfica. Os ecotoxicologistas de solo utilizam um conjunto de protocolos padronizados, originalmente desenvolvidos como testes de laboratório com compostos químicos simples como os pesticidas e, posteriormente, adaptados em termos de abordagens e métodos, para a avaliação de áreas contaminadas. No entanto, a relevância ecológica de algumas abordagens permanece questionável. Neste artigo, os autores discutem os recentes desafios para uma avaliação ecotoxicológica coerente do ecossistema solo em áreas contaminadas e apresentam recomendações de como integrar os efeitos das propriedades físicoquímicas do solo, as variações na diversidade de invertebrados do solo e, as interações entre organismos dos vários níveis tróficos. São analisadas novas abordagens e métodos de avaliação, usando-se exemplos de três continentes (particularmente o trabalho desenvolvido no Brasil), e são dadas recomendações de como aumentar a relevância ecológica na avaliação ecotoxicológica de áreas contaminadas

    The use of the multivariate Principal Response Curve (PRC) for community analysis: a case study on the effects of carbendazim on enchytraeids in Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TME).

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    The effects of the fungicide carbendazim (formulation Derosal®) on enchytraeids were determined in Terrestrial Model Ecosystem (TME) tests. TMEs consisted of intact soil columns (diameter 17.5 cm; length 40 cm) taken from three grassland sites (Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Bangor (Wales, England) and Flörsheim (Germany)) or an arable site (Coimbra (Portugal)). Results for each TME site were evaluated using the multivariate Principal Response Curve (PRC) method. The resulting No-Observable Effect Concentrations (NOECs) for the community were compared with the NOECs generated by univariate statistical methods. Furthermore, the E

    Ensaio de comportamento de fuga.

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    O conteúdo descrito neste capítulo foi baseado na Norma NBR ISO 17512-1 (ABNT, 2011) - Qualidade do Solo - Ensaio de fuga para avaliar a qualidade de solos e efeitos de substâncias químicas no comportamento. Parte 1: Ensaio com minhocas (Eisenia fetida e E. andrei), cuja utilização não deve ser dispensada para realização de um ensaio de fuga com minhocas, seja para avaliar o efeito de uma substância adicionada ao solo artificial ou solo natural, seja para a avaliação de solo já contaminado. A metodologia abaixo foi acrescida de detalhes seguindo a literatura mais atualizada e a experiência dos próprios autores na adaptação da mesma para as condições brasileiras. Além disso, incluíram-se dados referentes ao uso de outras espécies de minhocas, além das Eisenia spp

    Self-Assemblage and Quorum in the Earthworm Eisenia fetida (Oligochaete, Lumbricidae)

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    Despite their ubiquity and ecological significance in temperate ecosystems, the behavioural ecology of earthworms is not well described. This study examines the mechanisms that govern aggregation behaviour specially the tendency of individuals to leave or join groups in the compost earthworm Eisenia fetida, a species with considerable economic importance, especially in waste management applications. Through behavioural assays combined with mathematical modelling, we provide the first evidence of self-assembled social structures in earthworms and describe key mechanisms involved in cluster formation. We found that the probability of an individual joining a group increased with group size, while the probability of leaving decreased. Moreover, attraction to groups located at a distance was observed, suggesting a role for volatile cues in cluster formation. The size of earthworm clusters appears to be a key factor determining the stability of the group. These findings enhance our understanding of intra-specific interactions in earthworms and have potential implications for extraction and collection of earthworms in vermicomposting processes

    Environmental risk assessments for transgenic crops producing output trait enzymes

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    The environmental risks from cultivating crops producing output trait enzymes can be rigorously assessed by testing conservative risk hypotheses of no harm to endpoints such as the abundance of wildlife, crop yield and the rate of degradation of crop residues in soil. These hypotheses can be tested with data from many sources, including evaluations of the agronomic performance and nutritional quality of the crop made during product development, and information from the scientific literature on the mode-of-action, taxonomic distribution and environmental fate of the enzyme. Few, if any, specific ecotoxicology or environmental fate studies are needed. The effective use of existing data means that regulatory decision-making, to which an environmental risk assessment provides essential information, is not unnecessarily complicated by evaluation of large amounts of new data that provide negligible improvement in the characterization of risk, and that may delay environmental benefits offered by transgenic crops containing output trait enzymes