8 research outputs found

    Diário reflexivo de ações educativas em reanimação cardiopulmonar para a comunidade estudantil

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    O projeto de extensão intitulado Primeiros Socorros para Leigos – Resgatando Vidas surge na perspectiva de gerar uma maior familiaridade com um dos principais temas de ameaça iminente à vida, o quadro de Parada Cardiorrespiratória (PCR), buscando orientar em seu reconhecimento e condutas capazes de aumentar as chances de sobrevida das vítimas. Assim, objetivou-se descrever as experiências do projeto em uma escola de ensino médio e em um evento científico universitário. Entre abril e dezembro de 2019, foram realizadas intervenções por meio de palestras com apresentações teóricas e atividades práticas. As informações apresentadas foram coletadas através de registro em diário reflexivo realizado pelo bolsista e voluntários do projeto. Nesse sentido, foi possível observar indícios que no ambiente escolar os alunos detêm pouco ou nenhum conhecimento de primeiros socorros. Desse modo, o empenho dos extensionistas durante o projeto os ensinou a importância de estarem atentos e comprometidos com o seu papel social e profissional na promoção de saúde, embora fossem estudantes da graduação. Por fim, verificou-se o impacto positivo dessa ação extensionista no despertar e na modificação de comportamentos, uma vez que os alunos do ensino médio expressaram ao final das intervenções que se sentem aptos para compartilhar os conhecimentos adquiridos. Palavras-chave: Extensão universitária; Parada cardíaca; Primeiros socorros Reflexive diary of educative actions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to a student community Abstract: The extension project named "First Aid for Laypeople - Rescue Lives" (Primeiros Socorros para Leigos – Resgatando Vidas) arises from the perspective of generating proximity to one of the main themes of an imminent threat to life, Cardiopulmonary Arrest (CPA), seeking to guide in its recognition and conduct as a resource capable of increasing victims' chances of survival. Thus, the report aimed to describe the experiences of the project in a high school and at a university scientific event. Between April and December/2019, interventions were carried out through lectures and practical activities. The information presented was collected based on the attendance of the grantee and the project volunteers. In this sense, it was possible to observe evidence that students have little or no knowledge of first aid in the school environment. The commitment of the binders during the project taught them the importance of always being attentive and committed to their social and professional role in health promotion, although they were undergraduate students. Finally, it was verified the positive impact of the extension in the awakening and the modification of behaviors, since the high school students expressed at the end of the interventions that they feel able to share knowledge, as well as know the main behaviors in scenarios of recurrent emergencies outside the hospital environment. Keywords: University Extension; cardiac arrest; First Ai

    Species Richness and Evidence of Random Patterns in Assemblages of South American Titanosauria during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian)

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    <div><p>The Titanosauria were much diversified during the Late Cretaceous, but paleobiological information concerning these sauropods continues to be scarce and no studies have been conducted utilizing modern methods of community analysis to infer possible structural patterns of extinct assemblages. The present study sought to estimate species richness and to investigate the existence of structures in assemblages of the South American Titanosauria during the Late Cretaceous. Estimates of species richness were made utilizing a nonparametric estimator and null models of species co-occurrences and overlapping body sizes were applied to determine the occurrence of structuring in this assemblages. The high estimate of species richness (n = 57) may have been influenced by ecological processes associated with extinction events of sauropod groups and with the structures of the habitats that provided abundant support to the maintenance of large numbers of species. The pseudocommunity analysis did not differ from that expected by chance, indicating the lack of structure in these assemblages. It is possible that these processes originated from phylogenetic inertia, associated with the occurrence of stabilized selection. Additionally, stochastic extinction events and historical factors may also have influenced the formation of the titanosaurian assemblages, in detriment to ecological factors during the Late Cretaceous. However, diagenetic and biostratinomic processes, influenced by the nature of the sedimentary paleoenvironment, could have rendered a random arrangement that would make assemblage structure undetectable.</p></div

    Estimates of species richness represented by rarefaction curves calculate with data of fossil records.

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    <p>The curves were generated from 1000 randomizations with replacement and the sampling units corresponding to the total of fossil record (<i>n</i>) in the stratigraphic formations of Late Cretaceous in South America (Campanian–Maastrichtian). Sobs: richness observed.</p

    Matrix of occurrence of Titanosauria species recorded in the stratigraphic formations of the Late Cretaceous.

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    <p>A: Adamantina Formation, B: Anacleto Formation, C: Angostura Colorada Formation, D: Allen Formation, E: Los Alamitos Formation, F: Bajo Barreal Formation, G: Marília Formation, H: Palacio Formation, I: Plottier Formation, J: Cambambe Formation, K: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, L: Pari Aike Formation; M: Lecho Formation, N: Tolar Formation.</p><p>Matrix of occurrence of Titanosauria species recorded in the stratigraphic formations of the Late Cretaceous.</p

    Observed and expected size overlap of Titanosauria species during the Late Cretaceous in South America.

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    <p>The dimensions used were minimum segment length and variance in segment length, with values log transformed. The arrows indicate observed means and <i>P</i> indicates the probability that the observed value is greater than the expected value (10,000 simulations).</p