11 research outputs found

    Multivariate logistic regression in the entire population (n = 129).

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    <p>*Wald test. Risk factors associated with AR in the univariate analysis (p<0.2) are included in the multivariate analysis. Automatic backward stepwise procedure was used for model selection (Model 1). Due to the correlation between food allergy and peanut sensitization, one of these variables is removed from the selected model (Model 2 and Model 3). Boldface values indicate statistical significance.</p><p>Food allergy was defined by clinical symptoms of allergy after consumption of a food allergen and a positivity of specific IgE for the same allergen. Moderate to severe asthma was determined according to the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0097236#pone.0097236-NAEPP1" target="_blank">[20]</a>. Allergen sensitization: specific IgE ≥0.35 kU/L. Mold exposure: visible mold and moldy smell. Cockroaches: visible cockroaches at home.</p

    Characteristic features of the entire population, the control group and the AR group.

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    <p>All the values are expressed in absolute numbers and percentage in brackets. *Chi-square test when conditions were respected or Fisher's exact tests otherwise. Boldface values indicate statistical significance. Food allergy was defined by clinical symptoms of allergy after consumption of a food allergen and a positivity of specific IgE for the same allergen. Severity of asthma was determined according to the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0097236#pone.0097236-NAEPP1" target="_blank">[20]</a>. Polysensitization is defined as two or more specific allergen sensitizations.Any aeroallergen is defined as at least one aeroallergen sensitization.</p

    Environmental characteristics of the entire population, the control group and the AR group.

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    <p>All the values are expressed in absolute numbers and percentage in brackets *Chi-square test when conditions were respected or Fisher's exact test otherwise. Boldface values indicate statistical significance. Maternal breast-feeding beyond 3 months, Passive smoking (defined by smokers at home smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day). Overcrowding (less than 9 m<sup>2</sup> for each person living at home). Mold exposure (visible mold and moldy smell) and cockroaches (visible cockroaches at home).</p

    Clinical parameters at inclusion in the entire cohort and according to cluster analysis.

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    <p>All values for categorial or qualitative variables given as percentages. Boldfaced text indicates statistical significance.</p><p><sup>1</sup>AD = atopic dermatitis</p><p><sup>2</sup>LS = low sensitization</p><p><sup>3</sup>MS = multiple sensitizations</p><p><sup>4</sup>FHA = familial history of asthma.</p><p><sup>5</sup>SD = standard deviation</p><p><sup>6</sup>Analysis of variance and Chi-2 test when conditions allowed, Kruskal-Wallis and Fischer's exact test otherwise.</p><p>Clinical parameters at inclusion in the entire cohort and according to cluster analysis.</p

    Classification tree for the entire cohort based on two variables.

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    <p>Each subject was assigned to one of the 3 clusters using the tree; 97% of the subjects were assigned to the appropriate cluster. Tree performance values are given in the table. Cluster 1: “AD with low sensitization”, cluster 2: “AD with multiple sensitizations”, cluster 3: “AD with familial history of asthma”.</p

    Parameters at the end of the follow-up (6 years).

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    <p>All values given as percentages. Boldfaced text indicates statistical significance.</p><p><sup>1</sup>AD = atopic dermatitis</p><p><sup>2</sup>LS = low sensitization</p><p><sup>3</sup>MS = multiple sensitizations</p><p><sup>4</sup>FHA = familial history of asthma.</p><p><sup>5</sup>Analysis of variance and Chi-2 test when conditions allowed, Kruskal-Wallis and Fischer's exact test otherwise.Boldfaced text indicates statistical significance.</p><p>Parameters at the end of the follow-up (6 years).</p

    Importance measure (permutation-based mean decrease accuracy) provided by the random forest analysis.

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    <p>The values are not interpretable but the ranking is of interest since a high value of the importance measure is associated with a high predictive power. Sensitization is defined by specific IgE to one or more allergens ≥0.35 kUI/L. Multiple sensitizations were defined as at least two positive specific IgEs to allergens. Serum total IgE level expressed in kU/L, blood eosinophilia expressed in eosinophils/mm<sup>3</sup></p

    Biological parameters at inclusion in the entire cohort and according to cluster analysis.

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    <p>All values for categorial or qualitative variables given as percentages. Boldfaced text indicates statistical significance.</p><p><sup>1</sup>AD = atopic dermatitis</p><p><sup>2</sup>LS = low sensitization</p><p><sup>3</sup>MS = multiple sensitizations</p><p><sup>4</sup>FHA = familial history of asthma.</p><p><sup>5</sup>SD = standard deviation</p><p><sup>6</sup>Analysis of variance and Chi-2 test when conditions allowed, Kruskal-Wallis and Fischer's exact test otherwise.Boldfaced text indicates statistical significance.</p><p>Biological parameters at inclusion in the entire cohort and according to cluster analysis.</p


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónSe presenta una investigación sobre la utilización de dispositivos móviles de apoyo a la interpretación instrumental del alumnado de música de Educación Secundaria. El principal objetivo de esta investigación radica en analizar la eficacia de la utilización del teléfono móvil con microcontenidos para mejorar el rendimiento interpretativo de los alumnos.A través de la grabación en vídeo de los alumnos participantes y del diseño de partituras de control se ha logrado hacer un seguimiento minucioso de la interpretación instrumental, lo que ha permitido contar con datos valiosos del impacto del uso de las tecnologías móviles en este ámbito musical.Las conclusiones de este artículo demuestran que los alumnos que utilizan dispositivos móviles con microcontenidos cometen menos errores en la concatenación de dichos micro-contenidos que aquellos que no los utilizan, consiguiendo una mayor musicalidad. Igualmente, se pone en evidencia que dichos alumnos cometen menos errores puntuales de nota, lo que demuestra un mayor domino con el instrumento.ES