273 research outputs found
A kunhalmok kataszterezésének tapasztalatai a Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park igazgatóság működési területén = Experiences of land-registering tumuli in the region of the directorate of Kiskunság National Park
Tumuli are the media of the regional and natural values in the Carpathian Basin. Earlier they were an organic part of life, but they have lost their function. Their existence is in danger because of human intervention and devastation. This process does not only threaten the historical, archeological relics of the tumuli but also the geomorphological, scenic and botanical values that are important both from landscape- and nature-preserving aspects. Thus, it is necessary to be employed with the problems and possibilities of protecting, land-registering and saving tumuli
Screening for the Heterotrophic Cultivation of Chlorella sorokiniana Using an Indirect Impedance Microbiological Technique
Heterotrophic culturing of microalgae is of great interest as it has the potential to produce feedstock for added-value bioproducts. The general expectation is to develop a method that can help screen for different media compositions and batch fermentation settings more easily and faster. In the current study, an indirect impedance microbiological technique was used to test the effects of various carbon and nitrogen sources on the growth of Chlorella sorokiniana. It was found that this technique has great potential to screen for heterotrophic cultivation conditions of microalgae as the metabolic rate of microorganisms can be determined by measuring the amount of CO2 produced. The BacTrac 4100® was proven to be a suitable instrument to compare several different small-scale culturing settings. Considering the relative changes in impedance observed, the initial cell cumber exhibits an inverse linear correlation with the detection time. Chlorella sorokiniana exhibited an enhanced degree of growth on yeast extract and tryptone, and preferred glucose over acetate or glycerol. An optimum rate of growth at a glucose concentration of 20 gL-1 was also determined. Our novel approach in the field of heterotrophic cultivation of microalgae envisages great prospects for the method in terms of the design of experiments in the field of media optimization
Az agrár-biotechnológiai szektor társadalmi legitimációs stratégiái Magyarországon = Strategies of the Hungarian Agro-biotechnology Sector Targeted to Social Legitimacy
Feltártuk a hazai szervezeti mezőt, azonosítottuk tagjait, a mező dinamikáját, a tagoknak az agrárbiotechnológiára vonatkozó legitimációs és delegitimációs érvkészletét. Kvalitatív kutatási módszertanra, valamint a legitimáció szervezettudományi irodalmára építettünk, különös tekintettel az érintettek részvételére, piaci és nem piaci stratégiákra. Értékeltük az agrárbiotechnológiára vonatkozó mikro- (vállalati, gazdálkodói), mezo- (iparági) és makro-szintű (kormányzati) érvelésmódot, döntéshozatalt. A szervezeti mező öt kiemelt jellemzője: Statikus bipolaritás, avagy az észlelés csapdája: A mező tagjai két állandósult szekértáborként írják le a terepet, miközben öndefiníciójuk szétfeszíti e határokat. Érvtérkép: Összetett és gazdag érvrendszer, ám az egészségügyi, társadalmi-szociológiai vonatkozások relatív hiánya. Központi érv: versenyképesség és/vagy visszafordíthatatlan, ismeretlen környezeti kockázatok. Egyéni szint: Nem érintett csoportokban, hanem személyekben testesül meg a szervezeti mező, így kiemelt hangsúlyt kap az egyének kompetenciája, személyes integritása, kapcsolatai. Központi, marginális tagok: kutatók, mint a diskurzus leginkább látható szereplői; fogyasztók, gazdák bevonása legfeljebb érintőleges. Eltérő vállalati legitimációs stratégiák, taktikák: a legitimáció befolyásolásának különböző háttere (helyi beágyazottság, termékkör, piaci pozíció stb.) és eszköztára (kommunikációs nyitottság és kitettség, proaktivitás-kivárás stb). | Organizational field of agri-biotechnology in Hungary is explored: members and field dynamics are identified, legitimacy and de-legitimacy argumentations of field members are depicted. Research was built on qualitative research methodologies and organizational literature of legitimacy with a special emphasis on stakeholder participation, market and non-market strategies. Micro (corporate and farmer), mezo (industry) and macro (governmental) level argumentation and decision-making on agri-biotechnology have been analysed. Five highlighted features of the organizational field: Static bipolarity, i.e. perception trap: members of the field draw a picture of two distinct groups of opponents. Self-definition of several members do not match this bipolarity. Argumentation map: Complex and rich argumantation, health and social aspects are realitvely neglected. Central argument: competitiveness and/or irreversible, unknown environmetal risks. Personal characterisitics: the field is basically constituted by individuals - and not stakeholder groups or organizations -, thus special focus is pledged to personal knowledge, integrity, relations. Central, marginal members: Researchers as the most visible, consumers and farmers as the least involved. Diverse corporate legitimacy strategies, tactics: variant backgrounds (local embeddedness, product range, market position, etc.) and tools (oppenness in and exposure to communication, proactive vs wait-and-see approach, etc.
Application of dielectric measurement for monitoring the efficiency of enzymatic processes
The dielectric measurements have proved their applicability in many fields of science and industry practice, as well. However, there is just limited experiences in the case of enzymatic processes. Therefore, the main aim of our research was to investigate the applicability of dielectric measurements for monitoring of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose and cellulosic biomass. During our measurements, the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in the frequency range of 200-2400 MHz was determined using an open-ended coaxial dielectric probe. Based on our results, it can be concluded that the decomposition of lactose can be monitored by measuring both the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss factor at frequencies of 1000 MHz and 1800 MHz, while the enzymatic degradation of cellulose can be detected by the ratio of dielectric constant values measured at 400 and 1800 MHz frequencies. Therefore, it can be concluded that determining dielectric parameters at appropriate measurement frequencies are suitable for non-destructive and rapid monitoring of the efficiency and progress of enzymatic processes
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