173 research outputs found

    Properties, genetics and innate immune function of the cuticle in egg-laying species

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    International audienceCleidoic eggs possess very efficient and orchestrated systems to protect the embryo from external microbes until hatch. The cuticle is a proteinaceous layer on the shell surface in many bird and some reptile species. An intact cuticle forms a pore plug to occlude respiratory pores and is an effective physical and chemical barrier against microbial penetration. The interior of the egg is assumed to be normally sterile, while the outer eggshell cuticle hosts microbes. The diversity of the eggshell microbiome is derived from both maternal microbiota and those of the nesting environment. The surface characteristics of the egg, outer moisture layer and the presence of antimicrobial molecules composing the cuticle dictate constituents of the microbial communities on the eggshell surface. The avian cuticle affects eggshell wettability, water vapor conductance and regulates ultraviolet reflectance in various ground-nesting species; moreover, its composition, thickness and degree of coverage are dependent on species, hen age, and physiological stressors. Studies in domestic avian species have demonstrated that changes in the cuticle affect the food safety of eggs with respect to the risk of contamination by bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli . Moreover, preventing contamination of internal egg components is crucial to optimize hatching success in bird species. In chickens there is moderate heritability (38%) of cuticle deposition with a potential for genetic improvement. However, much less is known about other bird or reptile cuticles. This review synthesizes current knowledge of eggshell cuticle and provides insight into its evolution in the clade reptilia. The origin, composition and regulation of the eggshell microbiome and the potential function of the cuticle as the first barrier of egg defense are discussed in detail. We evaluate how changes in the cuticle affect the food safety of table eggs and vertical transmission of pathogens in the production chain with respect to the risk of contamination. Thus, this review provides insight into the physiological and microbiological characteristics of eggshell cuticle in relation to its protective function (innate immunity) in egg-laying birds and reptiles

    Gene expression profiling to identify eggshell proteins involved in physical defense of the chicken egg

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As uricoletic animals, chickens produce cleidoic eggs, which are self-contained bacteria-resistant biological packages for extra-uterine development of the chick embryo. The eggshell constitutes a natural physical barrier against bacterial penetration if it forms correctly and remains intact. The eggshell's remarkable mechanical properties are due to interactions among mineral components and the organic matrix proteins. The purpose of our study was to identify novel eggshell proteins by examining the transcriptome of the uterus during calcification of the eggshell. An extensive bioinformatic analysis on genes over-expressed in the uterus allowed us to identify novel eggshell proteins that contribute to the egg's natural defenses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our 14 K Del-Mar Chicken Integrated Systems microarray was used for transcriptional profiling in the hen's uterus during eggshell deposition. A total of 605 transcripts were over-expressed in the uterus compared with the magnum or white isthmus across a wide range of abundance (1.1- to 79.4-fold difference). The 605 highly-expressed uterine transcripts correspond to 469 unique genes, which encode 437 different proteins. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis was used for interpretation of protein function. The most over-represented GO terms are related to genes encoding ion transport proteins, which provide eggshell mineral precursors. Signal peptide sequence was found for 54 putative proteins secreted by the uterus during eggshell formation. Many functional proteins are involved in calcium binding or biomineralization--prerequisites for interacting with the mineral phase during eggshell fabrication. While another large group of proteins could be involved in proper folding of the eggshell matrix. Many secreted uterine proteins possess antibacterial properties, which would protect the egg against microbial invasion. A final group includes proteases and protease inhibitors that regulate protein activity in the acellular uterine fluid where eggshell formation takes place.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our original study provides the first detailed description of the chicken uterus transcriptome during formation of the eggshell. We have discovered a cache of about 600 functional genes and identified a large number of encoded proteins secreted into uterine fluid for fabrication of the eggshell and chemical protection of the egg. Some of these uterine genes could prove useful as biological markers for genetic improvement of phenotypic traits (i.e., egg and eggshell quality).</p

    Welfare issues and potential solutions for laying hens in free range and organic production systems: A review based on literature and interviews

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    In free-range and organic production systems, hens can make choices according to their needs and desires, which is in accordance with welfare definitions. Nonetheless, health and behavioral problems are also encountered in these systems. The aim of this article was to identify welfare challenges observed in these production systems in the EU and the most promising solutions to overcome these challenges. It is based on a review of published literature and research projects complemented by interviews with experts. We selected EU specific information for welfare problems, however, the selected literature regarding solutions is global. Free range use may increase the risk of infection by some bacteria, viruses and parasites. Preventive methods include avoiding contamination thanks to biosecurity measures and strengthening animals' natural defenses against these diseases which can be based on nutritional means with new diet components such as insect-derived products, probiotics and prebiotics. Phytotherapy and aromatherapy can be used as preventive and curative medicine and vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics and pesticides. Bone quality in pullets and hens prevents keel deviations and is favored by exercise in the outdoor range. Free range use also lead to higher exposure to variable weather conditions and predators, therefore shadow, fences and guard animals can be used to prevent heat stress and predation respectively. Granting a free range provides opportunities for the expression of many behaviors and yet many hens usually stay close to the house. Providing the birds with trees, shelters or attractive plants can increase range use. Small flock sizes, early experiences of enrichment and personality traits have also been found to enhance range use. Severe feather pecking can occur in free range production systems, although flocks using the outdoor area have better plumage than indoors. While many prevention strategies are facilitated in free range systems, the influence of genetics, prenatal and nutritional factors in free range hens still need to be investigated. This review provides information about practices that have been tested or still need to be explored and this information can be used by stakeholders and researchers to help them evaluate the applicability of these solutions for welfare improvement

    Egg white versus Salmonella Enteritidis! A harsh medium meets a resilient pathogen

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is the prevalent egg-product-related food-borne pathogen. The egg-contamination capacity of S. Enteritidis includes its exceptional survival capability within the harsh conditions provided by egg white. Egg white proteins, such as lysozyme and ovotransferrin, are well known to play important roles in defence against bacterial invaders. Indeed, several additional minor proteins and peptides have recently been found to play known or potential roles in protection against bacterial contamination. However, although such antibacterial proteins are well studied, little is known about their efficacy under the environmental conditions prevalent in egg white. Thus, the influence of factors such as temperature, alkalinity, nutrient restriction, viscosity and cooperative interactions on the activities of antibacterial proteins in egg white remains unclear. This review critically assesses the available evidence on the antimicrobial components of egg white. In addition, mechanisms employed by S. Enteritidis to resist egg white exposure are also considered along with various genetic studies that have shed light upon egg white resistance systems. We also consider how multiple, antibacterial proteins operate in association with specific environmental factors within egg white to generate a lethal protective cocktail that preserves sterility

    The anti-bacterial iron-restriction defence mechanisms of egg white; the potential role of three lipocalin-like proteins in resistance against Salmonella

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) is the most frequently-detected Salmonella in foodborne outbreaks in the European Union. Among such outbreaks, egg and egg products were identified as the most common vehicles of infection. Possibly, the major antibacterial property of egg white is iron restriction, which results from the presence of the iron-binding protein, ovotransferrin. To circumvent iron restriction, SE synthesise catecholate siderophores (i.e. enterobactin and salmochelin) that can chelate iron from host iron-binding proteins. Here, we highlight the role of lipocalin-like proteins found in egg white that could enhance egg-white iron restriction through sequestration of certain siderophores, including enterobactin. Indeed, it is now apparent that the egg-white lipocalin, Ex-FABP, can inhibit bacterial growth via its siderophore-binding capacity in vitro. However, it remains unclear whether ex-FABP performs such a function in egg white or during bird infection. Regarding the two other lipocalins of egg white (Cal-γ and α-1-glycoprotein), there is currently no evidence to indicate that they sequester siderophores

    The chicken egg: from nutritional basics to newly identified bioactivities

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    In ovo sexing techniques: current and future developments

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    L’œuf: un produit de qualité au cœur de notre alimentation

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    National audienceCette présentation sera l’occasion de faire le point sur la consommation des œufs et des ovoproduits en France et dans le monde, de faire un rappel sur les modes de production (cage, plein air, label, bio) et leur impact sur la qualité de l’œuf, et se terminera par une présentation de la filière « poules pondeuses » et des évolutions actuelles visant à augmenter l’acceptabilité et la durabilité des élevages en France (susceptibles d’avoir un impact sur la qualité de l’œuf et sur son coût d’achat)

    Dynamics of the chorioallantoic membrane and the eggshell during chicken embryonic development: a fine regulation between eggshell decalcification and maintenance of egg defences

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    International audienceThe avian eggshell is a highly ordered mineralized structure that isolates and protects the embryo from environmental fluctuations during its development. This calcitic eggshell, which also contains 3% protein including antimicrobial proteins and peptides, constitutes the first level of egg defence, acting as a physical and molecular barrier against environmental changes, pathogenic microorganisms or dehydration. However, during the second half of the chicken development, the avian embryo uses the minerals of the eggshell, mainly calcium, for the mineralization of its skeleton. The thinning and weakening of the eggshell resulting from the demineralization of its inner surface facilitates chick emergence at the end of incubation but is likely to increase the susceptibility of the embryo to microbial contaminations. The hypothesis is that the antimicrobial proteins occluded in the mineral phase of the eggshell may be released together with the calcium during eggshell solubilisation and may form a local protective proteinaceous film onto the inner surface of the eggshell. Indeed, some authors have pointed out the potential dual role of certain eggshell matrix proteins in both mineralization (during eggshell formation in the hen uterus) and antimicrobial protection (during embryo development). Decalcification of the eggshell is mediated by the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), a highly vascularized extra-embryonic membrane that develops on the inner surface of the eggshell from the fifth day of incubation, onwards. It covers the entire inner surface of the eggshell by the eleventh day of incubation. Besides its major role in calcium metabolism and mineral transport, the CAM is likely to play a major role in innate immunity. Indeed, its strategic position (in contact with the inner surface of the eggshell) and its well-developed vascularization allow the local recruitment of immune cells in case of bacterial penetration through a defective eggshell. The CAM also expresses antimicrobial molecules as well as other components of innate immunity (cytokines). Using the chicken embryo as a model of mineralized structure, this review will shed light on the mechanisms that allowed calcitic eggs to adapt to terrestrial environments, and the fine regulation between the mineralized structures of the egg and the extra-embryonic cellular structures to maintain protection of the embryo throughout incubation