49 research outputs found

    Diversity of bacterial type II toxin–antitoxin systems: a comprehensive search and functional analysis of novel families

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    Type II toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are generally composed of two genes organized in an operon, encoding a labile antitoxin and a stable toxin. They were first discovered on plasmids where they contribute to plasmid stability by a phenomenon denoted as ‘addiction’, and subsequently in bacterial chromosomes. To discover novel families of antitoxins and toxins, we developed a bioinformatics approach based on the ‘guilt by association’ principle. Extensive experimental validation in Escherichia coli of predicted antitoxins and toxins increased significantly the number of validated systems and defined novel toxin and antitoxin families. Our data suggest that toxin families as well as antitoxin families originate from distinct ancestors that were assembled multiple times during evolution. Toxin and antitoxin families found on plasmids tend to be promiscuous and widespread, indicating that TA systems move through horizontal gene transfer. We propose that due to their addictive properties, TA systems are likely to be maintained in chromosomes even though they do not necessarily confer an advantage to their bacterial hosts. Therefore, addiction might play a major role in the evolutionary success of TA systems both on mobile genetic elements and in bacterial chromosomes

    Phosphotransferase-dependent accumulation of (p)ppGpp in response to glutamine deprivation in Caulobacter crescentus

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    The alarmone (p)ppGpp is commonly used by bacteria to quickly respond to nutrient starvation. Although (p)ppGpp synthetases such as SpoT have been extensively studied, little is known about the molecular mechanisms stimulating alarmone synthesis upon starvation. Here, we describe an essential role of the nitrogen-related phosphotransferase system (PTS(Ntr)) in controlling (p)ppGpp accumulation in Caulobacter crescentus. We show that cells sense nitrogen starvation by way of detecting glutamine deprivation using the first enzyme (EI(Ntr)) of PTS(Ntr). Decreasing intracellular glutamine concentration triggers phosphorylation of EI(Ntr) and its downstream components HPr and EIIA(Ntr). Once phosphorylated, both HPr∌P and EIIA(Ntr)∌P stimulate (p)ppGpp accumulation by modulating SpoT activities. This burst of second messenger primarily impacts the non-replicative phase of the cell cycle by extending the G1 phase. This work highlights a new role for bacterial PTS systems in stimulating (p)ppGpp accumulation in response to metabolic cues and in controlling cell cycle progression and cell growth

    Generation of the Brucella melitensis ORFeome version 1.1.

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    The bacteria of the Brucella genus are responsible for a worldwide zoonosis called brucellosis. They belong to the alpha-proteobacteria group, as many other bacteria that live in close association with a eukaryotic host. Importantly, the Brucellae are mainly intracellular pathogens, and the molecular mechanisms of their virulence are still poorly understood. Using the complete genome sequence of Brucella melitensis, we generated a database of protein-coding open reading frames (ORFs) and constructed an ORFeome library of 3091 Gateway Entry clones, each containing a defined ORF. This first version of the Brucella ORFeome (v1.1) provides the coding sequences in a user-friendly format amenable to high-throughput functional genomic and proteomic experiments, as the ORFs are conveniently transferable from the Entry clones to various Expression vectors by recombinational cloning. The cloning of the Brucella ORFeome v1.1 should help to provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of virulence, including the identification of bacterial protein-protein interactions, but also interactions between bacterial effectors and their host's targets

    Metabolism and cell cycle, two interconnected processes in bacteria

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    Afin d’optimiser les chances de survie d’une cellule dans son environnement, le mĂ©tabolisme et le cycle cellulaire doivent nĂ©cessairement ĂȘtre interconnectĂ©s. En effet, les cellules possĂšdent des mĂ©canismes leur permettant, d’une part, de vĂ©rifier leur Ă©tat mĂ©tabolique avant d’initier l’une ou l’autre Ă©tape du cycle cellulaire souvent Ă©nergivore et, d’autre part, d’achever certaines Ă©tapes du cycle cellulaire avant d’éventuellement modifier leur mĂ©tabolisme. Parce que les bactĂ©ries ne dĂ©rogent pas Ă  cette rĂšgle, un nombre croissant d’exemples de connexions entre le mĂ©tabolisme et le cycle cellulaire a Ă©mergĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’identification d’enzymes mĂ©taboliques comme messagers coordonnant mĂ©tabolisme et cycle cellulaire, permet d’ajouter une nouvelle dimension aux cartes mĂ©taboliques. La trĂšs grande conservation de ces mĂȘmes cartes mĂ©taboliques, des bactĂ©ries jusqu’à l’homme, permet Ă©galement d’imaginer des recherches sur les cellules tumorales qui ont un cycle cellulaire dĂ©bridĂ© et un appĂ©tit vorace

    The two-component system ChvGI maintains cell envelope homeostasis in Caulobacter crescentus.

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    Two-component systems (TCS) are often used by bacteria to rapidly assess and respond to environmental changes. The ChvG/ChvI (ChvGI) TCS conserved in α-proteobacteria is known for regulating expression of genes related to exopolysaccharide production, virulence and growth. The sensor kinase ChvG autophosphorylates upon yet unknown signals and phosphorylates the response regulator ChvI to regulate transcription. Recent studies in Caulobacter crescentus showed that chv mutants are sensitive to vancomycin treatment and fail to grow in synthetic minimal media. In this work, we identified the osmotic imbalance as the main cause of growth impairment in synthetic minimal media. We also determined the ChvI regulon and found that ChvI regulates cell envelope architecture by controlling outer membrane, peptidoglycan assembly/recycling and inner membrane proteins. In addition, we found that ChvI phosphorylation is also activated upon antibiotic treatment with vancomycin. We also challenged chv mutants with other cell envelope related stress and found that treatment with antibiotics targeting transpeptidation of peptidoglycan during cell elongation impairs growth of the mutant. Finally, we observed that the sensor kinase ChvG relocates from a patchy-spotty distribution to distinctive foci after transition from complex to synthetic minimal media. Interestingly, this pattern of (re)location has been described for proteins involved in cell growth control and peptidoglycan synthesis upon osmotic shock. Overall, our data support that the ChvGI TCS is mainly used to monitor and respond to osmotic imbalances and damages in the peptidoglycan layer to maintain cell envelope homeostasis

    Metabolic control of cell division in α-proteobacteria by a NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase

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    Prior to initiate energy-consuming processes, such as DNA replication or cell division, cells need to evaluate their metabolic status. We have recently identified and characterized a new connection between metabolism and cell division in the α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus. We showed that an NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GdhZ) coordinates growth with cell division according to its enzymatic activity. Here we report the conserved role of GdhZ in controlling cell division in another α-proteobacterium, the facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella abortus. We also discuss the importance of amino acids as a main carbon source for α-proteobacteria