12 research outputs found

    Variability for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake among Timothy Genotypes

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    Cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) with high N and P use efficiencies are required to reduce costs of production and risks of N and P pollution, and to meet the nutrition requirements of high producing animals. This field study aimed at comparing, (under three N rates) the relationship between DM yield, N uptake, and P uptake of 27 timothy half-sib families, plus the cultivar Champ as a control (Dry matter yield), N and P uptake increased with increasing N rates. Genotypes also differed for DM yield, N and P uptake. For a given DM yield, the genotypes had contrasting N uptake. Similarly, for a given N uptake, there was variability in P uptake. Overall, P uptake was highly correlated to N uptake. We conclude that there is genotypic variability in timothy for N use efficiency, and N and P uptake efficiencies. Our results also confirm that P uptake follows, to a large extent, variations in N uptake as an effect of N rates and genotypes

    Selection for Improved Saccharification Efficiency in Alfalfa Stems Assessed by Enzyme-Released Glucose

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    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) has a high potential for sustainable bioethanol production, particularly because of its low reliance on N fertilizer (Samac et al. 2006). Genetic improvement for the accumulation of readily fermentable non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and the saccharification of structural carbohydrate (SC) could significantly increase ethanol conversion rate. Genetic gains for these traits are tributary to the availability of screening techniques for the precise identification of superior genotypes with increased potential for the production of fermentable carbohydrates. When assessing the genetic variability of parameters linked to cellulosic ethanol production (concentrations of NSC and SC), our results showed a large genetic variability within and among winter hardy- and biomass-type alfalfa cultivars (Duceppe et al. 2012). We also developed an efficient enzymatic assay to measure alfalfa stem degrade-ability, based on the quantity of glucose released by a customized commercially available enzyme cocktail. Despite its robustness, this test is labour intensive, thus limiting analytical capabilities. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was previously shown to successfully predict enzyme released glucose in corn stover (Lewis et al. 2010). This approach allowed us to screen a large number of lignified alfalfa stem samples and to identify superior genotypes. Our objective was to determine if it is possible to develop alfalfa cultivars with superior cell wall (CW) degradability

    Modeling the 3-micron Class Er-Doped Fluoride Fiber Laser with a Cubic Energy Transfer Rate Dependence

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    We propose an energy transfer model with a cubic atomic population dependence to accurately model the behavior of various reported high-power erbium-doped fluoride fiber lasers operating near 2.8 microns. We first show that the previously introduced weakly interacting (WI) and strongly interacting (SI) models are not adequate for precisely modeling such high-power erbium-doped fluoride fiber lasers. We compare results obtained with the WI and SI models to the proposed model by simulating 4 different highly doped (7 mol.%) fiber lasers previously reported in the literature. Laser efficiencies and powers are reproduced with great accuracy. In addition, four other independent fiber laser systems based on erbium doping concentrations varying from 1-6 mol.% are also simulated with good accuracy using the proposed model with the exact same set of spectroscopic parameters, which confirms its validity for various erbium doping concentrations. Redshifting of laser wavelength is also taken into account by considering the full cross section spectra and computing signal powers over several wavelength channels.Comment: 9 pages, 18 figures, submitted to IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronic

    Increased Sugar Concentration with PM-Cutting and Wide Swathing Improves Alfalfa Silage Fermentation

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    Extensive protein degradation during silage fermentation reduces the efficiency of N utilization by ruminants and excess N is excreted in the environment. Forage nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) represent the main source of readily fermentable energy for lactic bacteria during silage fermentation. Increasing forage NSC concentration can enhance silage fermentation, lactic acid production, and the decline in pH with an overall reduction in the extent of protein degradation. The NSC concentration increases during the day in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to reach a maximum by the end of the afternoon. Under good wilting conditions, PM-cut alfalfa wilted in wide swaths had a greater NSC concentration than AM-cut alfalfa (Morin et al. 2012). Our objective was to study the effect of PM cutting and wide swathing on alfalfa silage quality attributes

    Species and Chlorine Fertilisation Affect Dietary Cation-Anion Difference of Cool-Season Grasses

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    The Dietary Cation-Anion Difference [DCAD = (Na + K) - (Cl + S); Ender et al., 1971] is used in balancing rations for dry dairy cows. Low DCAD diets induce a mild, compensated metabolic acidosis that stimulates bone resorption, improves Ca homeostasis, and prevents milk fever. Dry cow rations contain a high proportion of forage and, therefore, forages fed two to four weeks prepartum should have a low or negative DCAD value. Our objectives were to evaluate the DCAD of five cool-season grass species grown in eastern Canada and to determine the effect of Cl fertilisation on the DCAD value of timothy (Phleum pratense L.)

    High-Sugar Alfalfa for Dairy Cows

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    Alfalfa proteins are extensively degraded during wilting, silage fermentation, and in the rumen. To efficiently use alfalfa non protein N, rumen microbes need a readily available energy source such as nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC); otherwise, surplus N in the form of rumen ammonia is converted into urea and excreted in the environment. Increasing the NSC concentration of alfalfa was thus the focus of our research program. Our objectives were to assess the impact of high NSC alfalfa on digestibility and microbial protein synthesis measured in vitro, and on ingestion, rumen metabolism, N use efficiency, and dairy cow performance. Increasing NSC concentration of alfalfa significantly enhanced in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility and decreased NH3-N concentration in rumen fluid. An increase of 23 g/kg in alfalfa NSC concentration can improve forage DM intake (+5 %) and energy corrected milk production (+8 %). Feeding high-NSC alfalfa led to a higher rumen pH, suggesting that sugars do not cause rumen acidosis, and to a lower milk urea N (MUN) indicating an improvement in N utilization. Increasing NSC concentration of alfalfa is a low-cost tool to improve its utilisation in dairy rations and potentially mitigate the environmental footprint of milk production

    Improving Forage Nonstructural Carbohydrates through Management and Breeding

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    Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) are an important source of readily fermentable energy available to rumen microbes. Limited concentrations of readily available energy in forages combined with fast and intensive protein degradation contribute to poor N use efficiency by dairy cows and other ruminants. Increasing NSC in forages has been shown to improve intake, milk yield, and N use efficiency (Brito et al. 2009). We assessed several strategies to increase forage NSC accumulation, including PM-cutting, species selection and genetic improvement

    Cinéma, reflet de la société

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