3 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Koping Pasien Kusta

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    . Leprae is one of the infectious diseases that pose a very complex issue, not only in terms of medical, but also extends to social and economic problems. Is coping mechanism to deal with the changes facing or load received. Coping mechanisms or also called adaptive behavior, psychological, can be constructive (adaptive) or destructive (maladaptive) The aim of this study to describe the coping mechanisms of the leprae patients in Puskesmas Buaran and Tirto, Pekalongan 2014. Design of this study using descriptive cross-sectional study is research done by cross-sectional (one point in time) on the population or on a sample study, which is part of the population with sample number 43 responden and using sampling techniques jenuh.Teknik data collection by using instrument peneltiain a questionnaire. The result of this study indicate that most clients Buaran leprae in the district and the distict Tirto Pekalongan have adaptive good coping strategies

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Meta-Analisis

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    Pandemi COVID-19 juga telah merubah tatanan sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya penutupan lembaga pendidikan seperti sekolah dan juga perguruan tinggi secara total. Dimasa pandemi covid-19, lembaga pendidikan harus dituntut untuk mengadopsi model pembelajaran terbaik agar proses pembelajaran tetap berlangsung. Salah satu solusi yang bisa diterapkan oleh lembaga pendidikan agar proses pembelajaran bisa berjalan dengan baik adalah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran blended learning. Metode yang diterapkan dalam riset ini merupakan meta analisis. Peneliti mengkaji 10 artikel, dimana artikel yang digukan merupakan hasil pencarian melalui google scholar dan aplikasi publish or perish. Dari hasil analisis Implementasi model pembelajaran blended Learning dimasa pandemi Covid-19 berdampak signifikan terhadap hasil belajar, ditunjukkan dengan size effect size 1,23 dalam kategori sedang. Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa tergolong tinggi, dengan rata-rata hasil 10 sampel naik menjadi 77,45 dari yang sebelumnya 56,88. Dari data tersebut terlihat adanya peningkatan yang jelas yaitu 20,57. Artinya model pembelajaran blended Learning ini berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar selama penerapannya dimasa pandemi Covid-19

    Augmented Reality TECHNOLOGY for 3D Photoelectric Simulation

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    The research has been conducted on the development of the 3D Photoelectric Simulation based on Augmented Reality. This Preliminary study is to analyze the availability of used photoelectric visulations and prakticum in High Schools in Lampung and how many physics teachers have not used teaching aids in the form of photoelctric tools or mercury light source enclosure. Based on the preliminary research, it was concluded that there are still very few physics teachers who use the photoelctric tools or mercury light source enclosure in High School physics learning. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop the Polariskop KIT along with teaching materials with LMS Assistance. The stages of developing the KIT in this preliminary study have only reached the 3D Simulation photoelectric design stage and design validation test