8 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Kesiapsiagaan Penanggulangan Bencana Bidang Kesehatan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Background: Preparedness is an important phase of the disaster management, which has must be anticipated by the government, private and community sectors, with developed of regulations, preparation of programs, funding and development of networks or organizational disaster preparedness. It aimed to analyze the implementation of policy in health disaster management preparedness in West Sumatra Province, with specific objectives to examine the legal aspects of policy, networking ageneies, shared roles and inter-agency coordination, and funding including disaster management programs. Methods: It was policy research, carried out in West Sumatra province. Data were collected in year 2011 by in-depth interview technique and focus groups discussion at Disaster Management Sub Division of the Province Health Office, Local Disaster Management Agency, dr. M. Djamil hospital, Indonesian Red Cross, Local Police of west sumatera, National Armed Forces and a review of the document regulation. Data were analyzed by intepretative analysis. Results: Legal aspects of policy for the health disaster management preparedness in West Sumatra, has been supported by the Local's Decree No. 5 year 2007 regarding disaster management and Decree of Province Health Officer No. 360.1 OB/PP BencanaNI/20 11 regarding Health Disaster Management Team. Furthermore, networking ageneies, the roles and funetions of the health disaster management agencies have been established and leading the decree of Province Health Office and other institutions where as working procedures appropriate main job and funetions of the teams. Sources of the budgets for health disaster management programs obtained by Local Budget, National Budget and Foreign Aid. West Sumatra Province Health Office has develop ed more programs of disaster preparedness involving various sectors such as Local Disaster Management Agency, dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Indonesian Red Cross, National Armed Forces, Local Police and Professional organizations

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa di Puskesmas Manukan Kulon Surabaya

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    Government policy to developing mental health service in 2001-2004 concerns expectation for public health centers to improve their roles at mental health service programs through promotion, prevention and curative ways. Manukan Kulon public health center of Surabaya District had a very low utilization of mental health service in Manukan Kulon publtc health center. The research was descriptive study, held in November 2004 through January 2005 to 77 respondents whom live in Manukan Kulon areas and whom ever or still became patiens of Dr. Soetomo public hospitals, Menur Hospital, and Dr. Ramelan Navy Hospital. This research identified community need and expectation of mental health service so that the strategies can be made to increase mental health service utilization. With data analysis through customer wmdow and focus group process, strategies being defined to form market development, product innovation to stmplify service channel, improving quantity and staff ability and knowledge, cooperation, coordination and all-sector ad vocation, and preparing drugs quantity and quality stocks based on community needs. Suggest that can be given was to develop all policy and basic mental health Department and Manukan Kulon public health center; which include spreading information, cooperating with all stake holder, continuous human resources training (for doctor and nurses). All strategies can be used as guide in forming new policy in mental health service system for District Health Departement and Manukan Kulon public health center

    Epidemiologi Filariasis di Desa Sungai Rengit Kecamatan Talang Kelapa Kabubaten Banyuasun Tahun 2006

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    Pengaruh Latihan Multiball terhadap Keterampilan Pukulan Backhand pada Permainan Tenis Meja Ekstrakurikuler Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Tukak Sadai Kabupaten Bangka Selatan

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    Berdasarkan observasi cabang olahraga tenis meja ekstrakurikuler siswa SMP Negeri 2 Tukak Sadai masih banyak melakukan kesalahan dalam keterampilan pukulan backhand. Hal ini disebabkan proses latihan tenis meja yang dilakukan pelatih sangat monoton tanpa modifikasi. Tujuan yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan multiball terhadap ketrampilan pukulan backhand pada permainan tenis meja ekstrakurikuler siswa SMP Negeri 2 Tukak Sadai. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Desain penelitian ekperimental yang digunakan adalah dengan bentuk desain Pretest Posttest Control Group Design dengan 1 macam perlakuan. Populasi terdiri dari 30 siswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu menggunakan tekniksampling jenuh. Setelah semua data dianalis dengan berbagai tahapan yang dimulai dengan uji statistika untuk menentukan mean, median, modus, standar deviasi, varian dan range. Kemudian dilakukan uji normalitas data, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis dengan syarat thitung lebih besar dari ttabel. Berdasarkan perhitungan diketahui bahwa bahwathitung = 4,548> 2,048, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ha diterima, artinya bahwa terdapat pengaruh latihan multiball terhadap ketrampilan pukulan backhand pada permainan tenis meja


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