47 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Proyek dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kerjasama Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Paud Kenari

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the use of methods of co-operation projects in the developing abilities of children aged 5-6 years in early childhood Pontianak West Walnut. Knowing how teacher planning activities using project methods, how to use the method measures the ability of co-operation projects in the developing child, and how the development of children's ability to work. This research was conducted in the form of qualitative research and descriptive nature. The results were obtained using the method of cooperation projects in developing ability of children aged 5-6 years in early childhood Walnuts Pontianak West, where it was found that the development of children's ability to develop optimally cooperation seen from the level of success achieved in the activity in accordance with what is expected by the teacher and performance displayed by the child is well

    Pengenalan Gerakan Sholat Melalui Pengajaran Langsung Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The purpose of this study was to the introduction of the prayer movement in children aged 5-6 years through direct teaching. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method to form this research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) Data collection techniques used in this research is direct observation and documentation of the data collection tool in the form of sheets observai teacher observation sheets child and study notes , "This research subjects are children aged 5-6 years as many as 22 children and one teacher who did the introduction of the prayer movement. Based on the research, it can be concluded that 1) Planning is done through the preparation of RKH, preparation material or material which would diampaikan, place settings and a detailed implementation to inform the child about the introduction of the prayer movement. 2) Implementation langung teaching the teachers to provide an introduction to the prayer movement is done in accordance with the procedure, 3) direct teaching can improve the child's introduction to the prayer movement in B1 group Islamic Kindergarten Haruniyah East Pontianak

    Analisis Pengembangan Keterampilan Sosial Anak di Tk Pertiwi 1 Pontianak Barat

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    The development referred to in this study is a stage that occurs in children aged 5-6 years who have the ability to socialize with others so that it can develop in the next stage. Social skills referred to in this study is a capability possessed by a child acquired in the learning process and can be used in socializing in the environment. The development of social skills include: a) Respect for others , Respecting others is an attitude of respect for each other regardless of the person's status. b) Demonstrates Enthusiasm in Competitive Gaming Positively, Competitive game is a game that directs the child in playing freely and has rules so that children are eager in doing so. c) Shows Tolerance, The attitude shown by the child in associating with his friend mutual respect and happy to socialize with his friends without distinguishing one friend to another. d) Obey the Rules That Are Applied In A Game, Rules are a predetermined and must be followed. The rules that apply to play in a game means the way of play that has been set in the perminan and must be followed. e) Be Co-operative with Friends, Cooperation is the same as cooperative which means doing something together by helping each other as a team.. f) Know the Rules and Polite Conduct with Local Social Cultural Values, Manners are the customs of manners that are agreed upon in the local social environment. Manners consist of order and manners. Tata means custom, rules, norms, rules. Krama means manners, actions, actions. g) Appreciate other people's interests, Respecting the superiority of others will bring good to those who value and appreciate. Who appreciate learning that there is created an advantage over a person for His gift and how much more Almighty the Almighty created it. The cherished will also learn to be grateful for the favors of His gift and keep humble for what it has

    Peningkatan Cinta Kepada Tuhan Menurut Iman Kristiani Melalui Cerita Religi Di Tk Bruder Dahlia

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    This research is motivated by Bruder Dahlia South Pontianak Kindergarten School\u27s children less awareness of praying, less focus, some children play by themselves, and some of them disturbs their friends who was praying, it becaused they less concentrate on study. The form of this research is class action research and used descriptive method. The Subjects were 22 children. Based on the analyzed data, the conclusions are: 1) Teacher\u27s planning learning method is categorized “Good”. 2) Teacher\u27s implementation of learning is categorized “Good”. 3) Children\u27s response to learning through prays before and after activities started in good manner increased to 95,46 percent, on indicator share foods to their friends and other peoples increased to 95,46 percent, meanwhile on indicator taking care of plants on the kindergarten\u27s school garden increased to 91,91 percent

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Anak Melalui Penggunaan Media Gambar Pada Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The general objective of this research are: to enhance the learning activities through the use of media images on children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten One Roof Pinyuh River District Pontianak. This study was conducted with a view to improve the learning process in improving student learning activities through the use of media images on children aged 5-6 years. The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle of meetings held three times. Data collection techniques using direct observation techniques such as observation sheets child and teacher observation sheet. The results showed that there is an increase in student learning activities through the use of media images on children aged 5-6 years in general it can be concluded that the use of media images can enhance learning activities with the percentage of completeness that investigators determined was 100%. This is evident from the results of the third meeting of the percentage of first cycle there are 7 children or 35% in the states and complete the missing letters, 9 children, or 45% counting the number of fish on the image, and 10 children or 50% plumb corresponding image pattern fish

    Pengenalan Doa-doa Pendek Melalui Video Animasi Untuk Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun

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    This study uses classroom action research. While the media used is the video animation. The purpose of this study to find out the introduction of short prayers through vodeo animation for children aged 3-4 years. Subjects in this study were children who were 10 people, including three boys and seven girls. The location of this research are Landfill Park Pena Kubu Raya. Based on the research that has been done and the results of data analysis, it can generally be concluded that through vedio animations can introduce short prayers easily in children aged 3-4 years. The general conclusion that can be described as follows: 1) Planning of learning has been well planned. It can be seen from the observation of teachers by peers, teachers have determined theme, indicators of learning outcomes and organizing materials, tools and media, teachers plan activities and teachers make the assessment sheet; 2) The study has been carried out properly. 3) The response was very good child in this activity. This marked a happy childhood and a child while doing activities focus on when the project is implemented

    Peningkatan Perilaku Cinta Lingkungan pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Melawi di Taman Kanak-kanak Yosi Kabupaten Melawi

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan diadakan analisis data, secara umum dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran dalam peningkatan perilaku cinta lingkungan melalui kegiatan merawat tanaman hias dengan kategori “baik”. 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dalam peningkatan perilaku cinta lingkungan melalui kegiatan merawat tanaman hias dengan kategori “baik”. Dalam hal ini langkah-langkah yang dilakukan guru berdasarkan perencanaan yang telah dibuat yang meliputi pijakan lingkungan, pijakan sebelum main, pijakan saat main dan pijakan setelah main. 3) Perilaku cinta lingkungan terhadap kegiatan merawat tanaman hias pada anak usia 5-6 tahun berkembang sangat baik