7 research outputs found

    Development And Validation Of First Order Derivative Uv-spectrophotometric Method For Determination Of Empagliflozin And Linagliptin

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    Simple and reliable first order derivative spectrophotometric method was developed and validated for the simultaneous estimation of empagliflozin and linagliptin in combined dosage form. The quantitative determination of the drugs was carried out using the first order derivative values measured at 221 nm and 238 nm for empagliflozin and linagliptin respectively. The solutions of standard and the sample were prepared in methanol. Calibration graphs constructed at their wavelengths of determination were linear in the concentration range of 2.5-30 ?g/ml for both empagliflozin and linagliptin. The low relative standard deviation values indicate good precision and high recovery values indicate accuracy of the proposed method. Developed first derivative spectrophotometric method was simple, accurate, precise, specific, sensitive and reproducible which can be directly and easily applied to pharmaceutical dosage forms

    Pharmaceuticals and Related Drugs

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    Preparation and Evaluation of Tubular Micelles of Pluronic Lecithin Organogel for Transdermal Delivery of Sumatriptan

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    The present work focuses on the preparation and evaluation of lecithin organogel system of thermoreversible polymer pluronic F127, which would enhance the stability and absorption of sumatriptan succinate across the skin. Formulations were developed with and without co-surfactant (pluronic F127). The prepared organogels were evaluated for its appearance, organoleptic characteristics, and feel upon application, homogeneity, occlusivenes, washability, pH, viscosity, spreadability, gel transition temperature of formulations. The formulations were also evaluated for drug content, in vitro drug diffusion properties and skin irritation testing. In vivo evaluation of formulations was carried out by hot plate and writhing test method, and finally the optimized formulation was subjected to stability studies. The developed formulations were easily washable, smooth in feel, and showed no clogging which indicate superior texture of system. Formulation, containing pluronic showed greater spreadability and higher drug diffusion rate as compared to pluronic free organogel. Drug content of organogel formulations was in the range of 94–97%. The pH of the formulations was 6.48 ± 0.5 and 6.98 ± 0.1, reflecting no risk of skin irritation. Pluronic not only enhances the stability of organogel by increasing the viscosity (from 6,541 ± 234.76 to 7,826 ± 155.65 poise) but also increases the release of drug from 67.39 ± 1.53% to 74.21 ± 1.7%. The sumatriptan exhibits higher and long lasting antinociceptive effect as indicated by the persistent increase in reaction time in hot plate and inhibited abdominal contraction in acetic acid-induced writhing test (p < 0.05). The prepared optimized formulation was found to be stable without any significant changes at room temperature

    Development of Budesonide Microparticles Using Spray-Drying Technology for Pulmonary Administration: Design, Characterization, In Vitro Evaluation, and In Vivo Efficacy Study

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    The purpose of this research was to generate, characterize, and investigate the in vivo efficacy of budesonide (BUD) microparticles prepared by spray-drying technology with a potential application as carriers for pulmonary administration with sustained-release profile and improved respirable fraction. Microspheres and porous particles of chitosan (drug/chitosan, 1:2) were prepared by spray drying using optimized process parameters and were characterized for different physicochemical parameters. Mass median aerodynamic diameter and geometric standard deviation for conventional, microspheres, and porous particles formulations were 2.75, 4.60, and 4.30 µm and 2.56, 1.75, and 2.54, respectively. Pharmacokinetic study was performed in rats by intratracheal administration of either placebo or developed dry powder inhalation (DPI) formulation. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated (Ka, Ke, Tmax, Cmax, AUC, and Vd) and these results indicated that developed formulations extended half life compared to conventional formulation with onefold to fourfold improved local and systemic bioavailability. Estimates of relative bioavailability suggested that developed formulations have excellent lung deposition characteristics with extended T1/2 from 9.4 to 14 h compared to conventional formulation. Anti-inflammatory activity of BUD and developed formulations was compared and found to be similar. Cytotoxicity was determined in A549 alveolar epithelial cell line and found to be not toxic. In vivo pulmonary deposition of developed conventional formulation was studied using gamma scintigraphy and results indicated potential in vitro–in vivo correlation in performance of conventional BUD DPI formulation. From the DPI formulation prepared with porous particles, the concentration of BUD increased fourfold in the lungs, indicating pulmonary targeting potential of developed formulations