9 research outputs found

    Efectividad del programa "Promoción de alimentación saludable en estudiantes de escuelas públicas del estado de Sonora"

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    Th e objective of this study was to evaluate the eff ect of an intervention program (IP) in students attending public primary schools of Sonora, Mexico. An experimental randomized and controlled study was conducted. Th ree schools for the intervention program (n=62) and three as a control (n=64). IP consisted in several strategies as educational workshops, publicity, healthy food availability, rewards for healthy food consumption, infantile song and dietary guidelines. Healthy food availability expended in school stores increased after the application of intervention program (p.0.05). Healthy food consumption during recess changed at the end of IP increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Children in schools where the program was not applied were at higher risk for unhealthy foods during recess (OR, 95%, CI, 3.7, 1.7-7.8, p-0.001). Macronutrient intake was lower in the intervention program (p.0.05). IP had a positive eff ect in intervention group children.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un programa de intervencion en escolares de seis a ocho anos en Hermosillo, Sonora. Fue un estudio experimental aleatorio y controlado, tres escuelas intervenidas (n= 62) y tres escuelas no intervenidas (n= 64). El programa de intervencion incluyo talleres educativos, carteles publicitarios, disponibilidad de alimentos saludables, premiacion por consumo de alimentos saludables, copla infantil y folletos informativos. La disponibilidad de alimentos saludables en las tiendas escolares aumento despues de aplicar el programa de intervencion (p.0.05) y se incremento el consumo de frutas y verduras durante el recreo. Los escolares no intervenidos presentan mayor riesgo de consumir alimentos no saludables durante el recreo (RM, 95% IC, 3.7, 1.7-7.8, p=0.001). El consumo de los macronutrimentos fue menor (p.0.05) en el grupo de intervencion. El PI tuvo efecto positivo en el consumo de alimentos de los escolares

    Adaptación y factibilidad de un programa de prevención de diabetes en la comunidad Comcáac (Seri) de Sonora, México

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    La diabetes es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública a nivel mundial. En México la prevalencia de esta enfermedad se duplicó en tan solo 13 años, pasando de 6.7% en 1993 a 14.4% en 2006. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y evaluar la factibilidad de un programa de intervención en adultos de la comunidad Comcáac en riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 (DT2). A través de una revisión bibliográfica se analizaron los programas diseñados para prevenir o retrasar el desarrollo de DT2 a nivel nacional e internacional. Se seleccionó el Programa de Prevención de Diabetes (Diabetes Prevention Program) y se adaptó su protocolo considerando la cultura Comcáac. Para evaluar la factibilidad del programa adaptado, éste se implementó y se evaluó aceptación, participación y conocimientos sobre diabetes, nutrición y actividad física en los participantes aplicando un cuestionario estructurado. La participación fue de 57.1%, sin embargo, al considerar las barreras que dificultaron la asistencia, la participación podría alcanzar el 75%. El conocimiento de los participantes sobre diabetes, nutrición y actividad física fue alto (93.7%). En cuanto a la aceptación del programa, los participantes mencionaron que el programa fue de su agrado debido a que el lenguaje y los materiales utilizados fueron claros y entendibles. Además comentaron que estarían dispuestos a asistir a las sesiones si en el futuro se aplica este protocolo de prevención. Se concluye que el programa adaptado es factible y puede ser utilizado para prevenir o retrasar el desarrollo de diabetes en adultos de la comunidad Comcáac. Abstract Diabetes is a major public health problem worldwide. In Mexico, the prevalence of diabetes has doubled in just 13 years, from 6.7% in 1993 to 14.4% in 2006. The aim of this study was to adapt and evaluate the feasibility of an intervention program to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes (T2D) developments among adults in the community of Comcáac with high risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The designed programs to prevent or delay the development of T2D at national and international levels were analized though a literature review. Since the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) met our selection criteria, it was selected in order to adapt its protocol taking into consideration the culture of the Comcáac community. To evaluate feasibility, the adapted DPP was implemented. Participation and acceptance of the program, as well as the knowledge of participants about diabetes, nutrition and physical activity, were evaluated using a structured questionnaire. Attendance was 57.1%; however, after participation barriers were considered, participation could have reached reach 75%. Regarding knowledge, results indicate that participants have a high knowledge (93.7%) about diabetes, diet and physical activity. For the acceptance of the program, participants mentioned that they liked the program because language and materials used were clear and understandable. They also mentioned that they would be willing to attend the proposed sessions if this prevention protocol is applied in the future. We conclude that the adapted program is feasible and can be used to prevent or delay the development of diabetes in adults from the Comcáac community. Keywords: prediabetes, diabetes, prevention programs, lifestyle modification

    Efecto de una intervención en línea de cambio en el estilo de vida sobre el puntaje zIMC de escolares mexicanos: protocolo de ensayo controlado aleatorizado piloto cegado a evaluadores durante la pandemia por COVID-19

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    Introduction: School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic represent a risk factor for the development of childhood obesity, due to the increase in unhealthy behaviors. Online lifestyle interventions in schoolchildren could help to mitigate this problem. However, to our knowledge, no randomized controlled trials have been conducted to prevent obesity in schoolchildren during COVID-19. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a 4-month online lifestyle intervention on the BMI Z-score of Mexican schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic in an intervention group compared to a control group. Material and Methods: This is a protocol for an outcome assessor-blinded pilot randomized controlled trial. Schoolchildren from a public elementary school in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico will be invited to participate. Participants will be randomized to an intervention group (online lifestyle intervention) or a control group. The intervention will include online sessions of nutrition education and physical activity (60 minutes per session, 30 minutes for nutrition education and 30 minutes for physical activity) and nutrition information for parents. The control group will receive a digital brochure with nutrition recommendations at the beginning of the study and access to the program materials at the end of the study. The measurements will be performed at baseline and at 4 months. The primary outcome will be the BMI Z- score. Secondary outcomes will be waist circumference, body fat percentage, nutrition knowledge, lifestyle parameters, participation, retention and acceptance of the intervention. The changes on the outcomes will be analyzed using an intention to treat analysis. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sonora Nursing Department and registered in Clinical Trials. Conclusion: To our knowledge, the study will provide the first evidence of the evaluation of online interventions for the prevention of obesity in schoolchildren derived from a randomized controlled trial, which could be useful in the fight against childhood obesity.Introducción: El cierre de escuelas por la pandemia de COVID-19, representa un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de obesidad en los niños, debido al aumento de conductas no saludables. Las intervenciones de cambio de estilo de vida en línea en escolares podrían ayudar a mitigar este problema. Sin embargo, en nuestro conocimiento no se han realizado ensayos controlados aleatorizados para prevenir obesidad en escolares durante COVID-19. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto de una intervención en línea de cambio de estilo de vida sobre el puntaje Z de IMC de escolares mexicanos a 4 meses durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en un grupo intervención en comparación a un control. Material y Métodos: Protocolo de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado piloto cegado a los evaluadores. Se invitará a participar a escolares de una primaria pública de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Los participantes serán aleatorizados a un grupo de intervención o a un grupo control. La intervención incluirá 3 sesiones semanales en línea de educación nutricional y actividad física (60 minutos por sesión, 30 minutos de educación nutricional y 30 minutos para la actividad física) e información para padres de familia. El grupo control recibirá un folleto digital con recomendaciones de una dieta saludable al inicio del estudio y acceso a los materiales del programa al finalizar. Las mediciones del estudio se realizarán al inicio y a los 4 meses. La variable primaria será el puntaje Z de IMC. Las variables secundarias serán circunferencia de cintura, porcentaje de grasa, conocimientos en nutrición, parámetros de estilo de vida, retención, aceptación y participación en la intervención. Los cambios de las variables se analizarán mediante pruebas de comparación de medias por intención de tratamiento. El protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación del Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sonora y registrado en la plataforma Clinical Trials. Conclusión: En nuestro conocimiento, el estudio aportará la primera evidencia de la evaluación de intervenciones en línea para la prevención de obesidad en escolares derivada de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado, lo cual podría ser útil en el combate de la obesidad infantil

    Efecto de una intervención en línea de cambio en el estilo de vida sobre el puntaje zIMC de escolares mexicanos: protocolo de ensayo controlado aleatorizado piloto cegado a evaluadores durante la pandemia por COVID-19

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic represent a risk factor for the development of childhood obesity, due to the increase in unhealthy behaviors. Online lifestyle interventions in schoolchildren could help to mitigate this problem. However, to our knowledge, no randomized controlled trials have been conducted to prevent obesity in schoolchildren during COVID-19. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a 4-month online lifestyle intervention on the BMI Z-score of Mexican schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic in an intervention group compared to a control group. Material and Methods: This is a protocol for an outcome assessor-blinded pilot randomized controlled trial. Schoolchildren from a public elementary school in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico will be invited to participate. Participants will be randomized to an intervention group (online lifestyle intervention) or a control group. The intervention will include online sessions of nutrition education and physical activity (60 minutes per session, 30 minutes for nutrition education and 30 minutes for physical activity) and nutrition information for parents. The control group will receive a digital brochure with nutrition recommendations at the beginning of the study and access to the program materials at the end of the study. The measurements will be performed at baseline and at 4 months. The primary outcome will be the BMI Z- score. Secondary outcomes will be waist circumference, body fat percentage, nutrition knowledge, lifestyle parameters, participation, retention and acceptance of the intervention. The changes on the outcomes will be analyzed using an intention to treat analysis. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sonora Nursing Department and registered in Clinical Trials. Conclusion: To our knowledge, the study will provide the first evidence of the evaluation of online interventions for the prevention of obesity in schoolchildren derived from a randomized controlled trial, which could be useful in the fight against childhood obesity.RESUMEN Introducción:  El cierre de escuelas por la pandemia de COVID-19, representa un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de obesidad en los niños, debido al aumento de conductas no saludables. Las intervenciones de cambio de estilo de vida en línea en escolares podrían ayudar a mitigar este problema. Sin embargo, en nuestro conocimiento no se han realizado ensayos controlados aleatorizados para prevenir obesidad en escolares durante COVID-19. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto de una intervención en línea de cambio de estilo de vida sobre el puntaje Z de IMC de escolares mexicanos a 4 meses durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en un grupo intervención en comparación a un control. Material y Métodos: Protocolo de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado piloto cegado a los evaluadores. Se invitará a participar a escolares de una primaria pública de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Los participantes serán aleatorizados a un grupo de intervención o a un grupo control. La intervención incluirá 3 sesiones semanales en línea de educación nutricional y actividad física (60 minutos por sesión, 30 minutos de educación nutricional y 30 minutos para la actividad física) e información para padres de familia. El grupo control recibirá un folleto digital con recomendaciones de una dieta saludable al inicio del estudio y acceso a los materiales del programa al finalizar. Las mediciones del estudio se realizarán al inicio y a los 4 meses. La variable primaria será el puntaje Z de IMC. Las variables secundarias serán circunferencia de cintura, porcentaje de grasa, conocimientos en nutrición, parámetros de estilo de vida, retención, aceptación y participación en la intervención.  Los cambios de las variables se analizarán mediante pruebas de comparación de medias por intención de tratamiento. El protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación del Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sonora y registrado en la plataforma Clinical Trials. Conclusión: En nuestro conocimiento, el estudio aportará la primera evidencia de la evaluación de intervenciones en línea para la prevención de obesidad en escolares derivada de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado, lo cual podría ser útil en el combate de la obesidad infantil

    Agreement between hemocue and glucose oxidase methods for blood glucose measurement in a field work study of diabetes: the Comcaac project

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    Abstract To monitor and detect blood glucose (BG) abnormalities, health professionals use glucose meters. The study’s objective was to compare HemoCue (HC) versus glucose oxidase (GOx) for the measurement of BG using 368 measurements of BG by both methods. Bland & Altman graphs, paired t-test and linear regression were used to compare the methods. Concordance was found between the methods in most glucose levels, except at glucose concentrations ≥ 6.993 mmol / L. HC glucose analyzer is good for use in field studies because it is technically easy and requires very little maintenance; however, it is recommended to take special care with people whose glucose values are within the limit of the diagnosis of diabetes, since with the HC method there is a risk of misclassifying people who already have diabetes, as non-diabetics. Therefore, given the importance of knowing the actual values of glucose levels in this group of people for an accurate diagnosis, considering a subsequent analysis with the GOx method to corroborate the result is recommended

    Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Healthy Blood Donors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sonora, Mexico

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    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) can be transmitted by blood transfusion. We determined the prevalence of T. gondii infection in healthy blood donors in Hermosillo city, Mexico, and the association of infection with T. gondii with the sociodemographic, clinical, and behavioral characteristics of blood donors. Four hundred and eight blood donors who attended two public blood banks in Hermosillo city were examined for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies by using enzyme-linked immunoassays. Of the 408 blood donors (mean age 31.77 ± 9.52; range 18-60 years old) studied, 55 (13.5%) were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies, and 12 (21.8%) of them were also positive for anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies. Multivariate analysis showed that seropositivity to T. gondii was associated with age (OR = 1.74; 95% CI: 1.03-2.94; = 0.03) and tobacco use (OR = 2.09; 95% CI: 1.02-4.29; = 0.04). Seropositivity to T. gondii was correlated with the number of pregnancies, deliveries, and cesarean sections. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in blood donors in Sonora is the highest reported in blood donors in northern Mexico so far. This is the first report of an association of T. gondii exposure and tobacco use. Further research to confirm this association is needed

    Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Healthy Blood Donors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sonora, Mexico

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    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) can be transmitted by blood transfusion. We determined the prevalence of T. gondii infection in healthy blood donors in Hermosillo city, Mexico, and the association of infection with T. gondii with the sociodemographic, clinical, and behavioral characteristics of blood donors. Four hundred and eight blood donors who attended two public blood banks in Hermosillo city were examined for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies by using enzyme-linked immunoassays. Of the 408 blood donors (mean age 31.77±9.52; range 18–60 years old) studied, 55 (13.5%) were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies, and 12 (21.8%) of them were also positive for anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies. Multivariate analysis showed that seropositivity to T. gondii was associated with age (OR = 1.74; 95% CI: 1.03–2.94; P=0.03) and tobacco use (OR = 2.09; 95% CI: 1.02–4.29; P=0.04). Seropositivity to T. gondii was correlated with the number of pregnancies, deliveries, and cesarean sections. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in blood donors in Sonora is the highest reported in blood donors in northern Mexico so far. This is the first report of an association of T. gondii exposure and tobacco use. Further research to confirm this association is needed