775 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study of the Long Term Impact of Welfare Reform on Cambodian American Families

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    Many Cambodian American families have struggled on the economic margins since their arrival to the U.S. in the 1980s. To raise families in poverty Cambodians created family survival strategies to buffer themselves against economic uncertainty and the vagaries of the social welfare system. They combine public assistance with formal and informal work activities of household members, including teenagers and young adults, to survive. With the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 or Welfare Reform, Cambodians lost vital economic resources. Based upon a longitudinal qualitative study from 1998-2007, this article looks back on how first generation Cambodian American household members adjusted to changes in welfare policy practices and how the loss of vital resources impacted the youth (15-19 years old) coming of age in these families. The research findings and family case histories presented in this article illustrate the shared struggle of Cambodian family members in poverty. It reveals the significant challenges second generation Cambodian Americans face to achieve higher education goals when welfare policies systematically undercut family survival strategies

    Industrial District and Local Banks: Do the Twins Ever Meet?

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    The paper offers theoretical and empirical insights into the links between banks and firms in industrial districts and to the way investment is financed. Theoretically, it is assumed that district-banking localism is embedded in the industrial districtsÂ’ social context. District banks should thus be distinguished by such features as greater concentration of lending, greater concentration of market shares and the cooperative legal form. Counteracting forces (e.g. excessive risk taking, higher monitoring costs and the cooperativeÂ’s typical dilution of power among members) may nonetheless prevent district-banking localism from arising. The empirical analysis crosses an Istat dataset on local labour systems and industrial districts with banking supervisory data as of the end of 1991. Cooperative banks are found to concentrate their lending and to acquire larger market shares in industrial districts, though the evidence is not clear-cut. Mutual banks, on the other hand, generally concentrate their lending to small local labour systems, thereby indicating that their role as local banks is played not only in industrial districts but in non-district areas as well. Finally, in a regression analysis we find that investment by firms operating in industrial districts is more closely correlated with their cash-flow than those of non-district firms, although the pattern varies across regions and economic sectors. The conclusion is that the rise of district banking localism cannot be taken for granted and that IDs do not seem to be homogeneous entities even as far as bank-firm relationships are concerned.banks, enterprises, business financing

    Determinants of Corporate Financial Disclosures: An Empirical Analysis of Family and Non-Family Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Objectives. This paper aims to empirically investigate the determinants of corporate financial disclosure (CFD) and the possible associations between the extent of CFD and financial/non-financial variables. Methodology. The study is among descriptive and correlational researches and using panel data methodology on sample of family and non-family SMEs listed on AIM Italia. The time under study was from 2006 to 2011. In addition, the hypotheses of the research have been tested analyzing the content of annual reports pertaining to each of Italian SMEs. Findings. In general, the findings indicate that the agency and proprietary cost theories play a vital role in explaining the quantity of financial disclosure by Italian SMEs. Research limits. Data used for this study need to be subjected to more statistical tests in order to establish a more robust validity and reliability. It is necessary to acquire further strengthened data and assume a variety of conditional situations. It is expected that subsequent studies can use larger samples and diversified by sector, a broader geographic base and a multi-faceted analyses. Practical implications. The results of this study could assist Italian SMEs and bankers in integrating CFD in their corporate strategies and help the local and international business communities in understanding the characteristics of CFD in Italy. Originality of the study. The study is the first attempt to understand practice by which family and non-family SMEs communicate their financial disclosure to different stakeholders. Keywords: CFD, Family business, SME, Agency cost, Financial crisis, Stakeholder perspectiv

    Stress Tests By The European Banking Authority: The Immunity Of Italian Cooperative Banks

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    Purpose. The objectives of the paper are two-fold. The first objective of the research is formulated with the intent to analyze the existence or not of a possible “European Banking Authority (EBA) effect” on the credit offer of local banks compared with national banks subject to the requests of capital from European Authority. The second research objective aims to understand what are the conditions that allow to develop a model of a local bank capable of supporting SMEs, with a suitable risk-return profile. Methodology. This paper presents an empirical comparative analysis between Cooperative Credit Banks (BCCs) and Italian banking groups. Findings. The empirical analysis shows how the financial then real crisis has not induced BCCs to restrict credit to firms. In particular, the BCCs not included in stress exercises, show, unlike national banks, a substantial “independence” of credit trend from the advices of the Authority. The survey evidences have however highlighted some critical elements that are reflected inevitably on the local bank’s risk-return profile. Research Limitations. The quantitative nature of the empirical analysis must be followed by a qualitative analysis in order to strengthen the validity of the results. Implications. This work will be useful to stimulate the debate on the studies of local banks and their anti-cyclic role in favor of the SMEs. Originality. The work affects an aspect which has hitherto been little studied

    libnmxp e nmxptool: software Open-Source per trasmissioni dati sismici Nanometrics

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    Il presente documento descrive le modalità di impiego della libreria software progettata dall’autore al fine di implementare i protocolli di trasmissione Nanometrics. Lo sviluppo di tale libreria nasce principalmente dall’esigenza all’interno dell’INGV di gestire un numero sempre più crescente di canali sismici acquisiti tramite sistema Nanometrics. La libreria denominata libnmxp offre un insieme di API (Application Program Interface) ben documentate che permettono di sviluppare software capace di interagire con i due tipi di server Nanometrics: ‱ NaqsServer il quale implementa il protocollo per trasmissioni di dati in tempo reale; ‱ DataServer il quale implementa il protocollo per il recupero di dati archiviati. Insieme alla libreria viene inoltre distribuito un programma chiamato nmxptool che basandosi su di essa, permette di eseguire interrogazioni, ricevere dati in tempo reale e/o off-line, ed inoltre permette di salvare questi ultimi in diversi formati, quali NMX e mini-SEED. Tale programma può inoltre essere utilizzato come modulo per il sistema Earthworm o come plug-in per server SeedLink. Uno dei principali contributi offerti da questo sviluppo consiste nella possibilità di gestire connessioni di tipo Raw Stream con riordinamento dei pacchetti ritrasmessi: ciò permette di garantire un buon compromesso fra la continuità del dato e una bassa latenza. L’intero sviluppo si è basato sul manuale del corso Nanometrics [Nanometrics, Inc., 1989-2002], in particolare su Nanometrics Data Formats, Reference Guide inclusa nella sezione Software Reference Manuals. La libreria libnmxp e il programma nmxptool sono scritti in linguaggio C e sviluppati usando i GNU Build Tools (automake, autoconf, e script configure) tenendo in considerazione gli aspetti di compilazione trasversale (cross-compilation) su tutte le piattaforme di tipo POSIX/UNIX. I sorgenti sono gratuiti e possono essere modificati e ridistribuiti sotto i termini GNU Library General Public License, ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovate su http://www.gnu.org/

    Peer coaching through mHealth targeting physical activity in people with Parkinson disease: feasibility study

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term engagement in exercise and physical activity mitigates the progression of disability and increases quality of life in people with Parkinson disease (PD). Despite this, the vast majority of individuals with PD are sedentary. There is a critical need for a feasible, safe, acceptable, and effective method to assist those with PD to engage in active lifestyles. Peer coaching through mobile health (mHealth) may be a viable approach. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to develop a PD-specific peer coach training program and a remote peer-mentored walking program using mHealth technology with the goal of increasing physical activity in persons with PD. We set out to examine the feasibility, safety, and acceptability of the programs along with preliminary evidence of individual-level changes in walking activity, self-efficacy, and disability in the peer mentees. METHODS: A peer coach training program and a remote peer-mentored walking program using mHealth was developed and tested in 10 individuals with PD. We matched physically active persons with PD (peer coaches) with sedentary persons with PD (peer mentees), resulting in 5 dyads. Using both Web-based and in-person delivery methods, we trained the peer coaches in basic knowledge of PD, exercise, active listening, and motivational interviewing. Peer coaches and mentees wore FitBit Zip activity trackers and participated in daily walking over 8 weeks. Peer dyads interacted daily via the FitBit friends mobile app and weekly via telephone calls. Feasibility was determined by examining recruitment, participation, and retention rates. Safety was assessed by monitoring adverse events during the study period. Acceptability was assessed via satisfaction surveys. Individual-level changes in physical activity were examined relative to clinically important differences. RESULTS: Four out of the 5 peer pairs used the FitBit activity tracker and friends function without difficulty. A total of 4 of the 5 pairs completed the 8 weekly phone conversations. There were no adverse events over the course of the study. All peer coaches were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the training program, and all participants were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the peer-mentored walking program. All participants would recommend this program to others with PD. Increases in average steps per day exceeding the clinically important difference occurred in 4 out of the 5 mentees. CONCLUSIONS: Remote peer coaching using mHealth is feasible, safe, and acceptable for persons with PD. Peer coaching using mHealth technology may be a viable method to increase physical activity in individuals with PD. Larger controlled trials are necessary to examine the effectiveness of this approach.This study is supported by Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions (RALI Boston), Grant #P30 AG048785, and the American Parkinson Disease Association, Massachusetts chapter. The authors would like to thank Nicole Sullivan, SOT, for her assistance with data management and data collection and Nick Wendel, DPT, for his assistance with data collection. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the participants in this study for their time, effort, and insights. (P30 AG048785 - Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions (RALI Boston); American Parkinson Disease Association, Massachusetts chapter)Accepted manuscrip

    Socioeconomic Influences on Affordable Housing Residents: Problem Definition and Possible Solutions

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    Socioeconomic status (SES) is a powerful social determinant of health. Often, affordable housing is an important step in promoting reliable economic and social health among individuals living in poverty. However, we argue that we must go further to improve the long-term health outcomes of these individuals and families. First, we use survey data and geographical analysis to identify the socioeconomic status of neighborhoods and residents of affordable housing in a major urban center. SES levels are certainly lower among affordable housing residents, and SES was significantly lower in public housing development neighborhoods than other neighborhoods. We offer solutions from our own and other research experiences that identify potential changes to affordable housing to promote and maximize health of residents. These data have implications for multilevel intervention

    Tecnologia e dinamica dei vantaggi comparati: un confronto fra quattro regioni italiane

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    This paper compares the evolution of trade specialisation, by technological content, of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Marche, Veneto and the Italian average over 1992-2002. It is shown that, over the period, the four regions’ export performance has been negatively affected by the stationarity of sectorial comparative advantages vis-à-vis the evolution of the structure of world demand. Only Veneto shifted its specialisation from low-tech to high-tech, while the other regions became increasingly despecialised in high-tech productions. At the end of the decade the four regions’ trade specialisation patterns is still dominated by the low-tech “made in Italy” goods. The four regions have a comparative disadvantage in the sectors with stronger world export growth, though they show some advantages in industries whose world demand rose at intermediate speed. Over the decade the specialisation in the world fastest growing sectors grew for Veneto, was unchanged for Marche, and decreased for Emilia-Romagna; Lombardia and Italy mitigated their comparative disadvantages in those sectors. The four regions’ exports are generally more concentrated than the world’s in the low-tech sectors; the negative gap between the regional and the world shares of high-tech exports has widened over the decade.commercio internazionale, tecnologia, regioni

    Vulnerability assessment to trihalomethane exposure in water distribution system.

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    Chlorination is an effective and cheap disinfectant for preventing waterborne diseases-causing microorganisms, but its compounds tend to react with the natural organic matter (NOM), forming potentially harmful and unwanted disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), and others. The present paper proposes a methodology for estimating the vulnerability with respect to users' exposure to DPBs in water distribution systems (WDSs). The presented application considers total THMs (TTHMs) concentration, but the methodology can be used also for other types of DPBs. Five vulnerability indexes are adopted that furnish different kinds of information about the exposure. The methodology is applied to five case studies, and the results suggest that the introduced indexes identify different critical areas in respect to elevated concentrations of TTHMs. In this way, the use of the proposed methodology allows identifying the higher risk nodes with respect to the different kinds of exposure, whether it is a short period of exposure to high TTHMs values, or chronic exposure to low concentrations. The application of the methodology furnishes useful information for an optimal WDS management, for planning system modifications and district sectorization taking into account water quality

    The role of attitude, control and intention to explain fruit and vegetable intake among racial/ethnic minority women with low socioeconomic status

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    OBJECTIVE: Fruit and Vegetable (FV) intake-a modi able risk factor for chronic diseases-is lower among racial/ethnic minorities and low Socio- Economic Status (SES) groups when compared to other populations. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is one theoretical model studied to explain and in uence individual health behaviors, including FV intake, in middle class populations, but not exclusively in diverse, low SES groups. This cross-sectional study evaluated the utility of select TPB variables to explain intention to consume and intake of FV in this population. DESIGN: Demographics, BMI, select TPB variables, and FV intake were measured via survey. Bivariate analyses were conducted to explore relationships between variables. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to t two models: one to explain intention and one to explain behavior with regard to FV vegetable intake. RESULTS: Participants (n=114) age 25-69 years and were mostly African American/Black and Hispanic (21.9% and 73%, respectively). The TPB variable perceived behavioral control was the only signi cant predictor of intention to consume FV (OR=2.55, 95% CI OR: 1.23, 5.27), and with BMI, FV intake (R2=0.08; F [2,130] =5.72, p=0.0042). CONCLUSION: Perceived behavioral control and BMI are the most signi cant predictors of FV intake but explain only 8% of the variability in intake in our cohort. Our results support prior research which suggests an attenuation of the intention-behavior relationship by SES, and may question the utility of the TPB as it is currently operationalized as a foundational model for future health behavior change research and programs in low SES racial/ethnic minorities
