2 research outputs found

    Educational architecture for children with mental disabilities. Reflections between theory and reality

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo demostrar los roles que debe cumplir un centro educativo inclusivo para influir positivamente en el desarrollo cognitivo de niños con discapacidad mental. Se describe la realidad física que posee el espacio arquitectónico de tres centros educativos destinados a atender a niños con discapacidad mental en Lima, Perú. Se concluye que los colegios inclusivos deben convertirse en un medio físico que sirva como parte del método educativo; facilitar la percepción y sensación de los niños en las sesiones de aprendizaje; deben ser bioclimáticos y biofílicos; y, finalmente, ser actores activos para la sinergia del aprendizaje

    Educational architecture for children with mental disabilities. Reflections between theory and reality

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    ABSTRACT The article aims to demonstrate the roles that an inclusive educational center must f ulfill to positively influence the cognitive development of children with mental disabilities. The physical reality of the architectural space of three educational centers destined to serve children with mental disabilities in Lima - Peru is described. It is concluded that inclusive schools must become a physical environment that serves as part of the educational method, facilitate the perception and sensation in children ’s learning sessions. They must be bioclimatic and biophilic and finally be active actors for the synergy of learning