1,485 research outputs found

    The Fermion-Boson Transformation in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    A Fermion to Boson transformation is accomplished by attaching to each Fermion a single flux quantum oriented opposite to the applied magnetic field. When the mean field approximation is made in the Haldane spherical geometry, the Fermion angular momentum lFl_F is replaced by lB=lF12(N1)l_B= l_F-{1\over2}(N-1). The set of allowed total angular momentum multiplets is identical in the two different pictures. The Fermion and Boson energy spectra in the presence of many body interactions are identical if and only if the pseudopotential is ``harmonic'' in form. However, similar low energy bands of states with Laughlin correlations occur in the two spectra if the interaction has short range. The transformation is used to clarify the relation between Boson and Fermion descriptions of the hierarchy of condensed fractional quantum Hall states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physica

    Transformation of Statistics in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    A Fermion to Boson transformation is accomplished by attaching to each Fermion a tube carrying a single quantum of flux oriented opposite to the applied magnetic field. When the mean field approximation is made in Haldane's spherical geometry, the Fermion angular momentum l_F is replaced by l_B=l_F-(N-1)/2. The set of allowed total angular momentum multiplets is identical in the two different pictures. The Fermion and Boson energy spectra in the presence of many body interactions are identical only if the pseudopotential V (interaction energy as a function of pair angular momentum L_12) increases as L_12(L_12+1). Similar bands of low energy states occur in the two spectra if V increases more quickly than this.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, poster at ARW in Queenstown, New Zealand (2001

    Effects of contaminants of emerging concern on Megaselia scalaris (Lowe, Diptera: Phoridae) and its microbial community.

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    Drought, rising temperatures, and expanding human populations are increasing water demands. Many countries are extending potable water supplies by irrigating crops with wastewater. Unfortunately, wastewater contains biologically active, long-lived pharmaceuticals, even after treatment. Run-off from farms and wastewater treatment plant overflows contribute high concentrations of pharmaceuticals to the environment. This study assessed the effects of common pharmaceuticals on a cosmopolitan saprophagous insect, Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae). Larvae were reared on artificial diets spiked with contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) at environmentally relevant concentrations. Female flies showed no oviposition preference for treated or untreated diets. Larvae exposed to caffeine in diets showed increased mortality, and larvae fed antibiotics and hormones showed signs of slowed development, especially in females. The normal sex ratio observed in M. scalaris from control diets was affected by exposure to caffeine and pharmaceutical mixture treatments. There was an overall effect of treatment on the flies' microbial communities; notably, caffeine fed insects displayed higher microbial variability. Eight bacterial families accounted for approximately 95% of the total microbes in diet and insects. Our results suggest that CECs at environmentally relevant concentrations can affect the biology and microbial communities of an insect of ecological and medical importance

    Spin phase diagram of the nu_e=4/11 composite fermion liquid

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    Spin polarization of the "second generation" nu_e=4/11 fractional quantum Hall state (corresponding to an incompressible liquid in a one-third-filled composite fermion Landau level) is studied by exact diagonalization. Spin phase diagram is determined for GaAs structures of different width and electron concentration. Transition between the polarized and partially unpolarized states with distinct composite fermion correlations is predicted for realistic parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Banning Commercial Foresting: What are the Costs?

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    The Philippines' forest cover has suffered from massive denudation through the years due to uncontrolled and indiscriminate commercial logging. Because of this, calls for a total logging ban had been raised in various fora, including in the legislature where bills that consider the possibility of a ban are being studied. However, the possible economic costs of such ban as espoused in some studies has delayed the passage of these bills. This Policy Notes provides some economic costing based on computations that may help in firming up decisions regarding the proposed ban.forestry sector, environmental issues, environmental management

    Final Summary Report to the Narragansett Bay Project Office: Assessment of Organic Contaminants in Narragansett Bay Sediments and Hard Shell Clams

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    As part of a multidisciplinary investigation on the sediments of Narragansett Bay, sediment trap materials, surface sediments, hard shell clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and sediment cores from throughout the bay were analyzed for organic contaminants including: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), substituted benzotriazoles (BZTs), bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and coprostanol (COP). The objectives of this particular study were to provide information on the source, transport and biogeochemical fate of organic contaminants in the bay: while the overall goals of the investigation were to characterize the sediments and sedimentary processes of the Narragansett Bay system based on the results of integrated biological, chemical and geological studies. Sediment Trap Materials The sediment trap samples showed a trend of decreasing concentration for most components from Fox Point to Ohio Ledge, suggesting that the source(s) of these contaminants were pollution discharges (e.g., industrial and municipal effluents, CSOs. spills and runoff,) to the upper Providence River and its tributaries. In general, the agreement between the results from the present sediment trap study and older suspended solids data (1985-86) was quite good. However, the PHC concentrations reponed in 1977 were considerably higher than the more recent values. But it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine if changes have really occurred based on the limited number of samples analyzed and procedural variations in the different studies. In the case of BZT concentrations and their ratios (C10-BZT/Cl-BZT), there was a maximum amount of both BZTs and a minimum ratio in trap material at a Providence River station about 7 km south of Fox Point (i.e., adjacent to the Pawtuxet Cove entrance). This trend with distance is probably due to the source of the BZTs to the Providence River which is the Pawtuxet River via Pawtuxet Cove. The BZT ratio indicates a change in the relative amounts of the two compounds over the distance from the point of entry, i.e., there is a trend of increasing values with distance from Pawtuxet Cove (ratio = 1.5) to Ohio Ledge (ratio = 3.2). The ratio for sediment trap material from the Pawtuxet River was 1.0 - 2.0; since these values are generally lower than any others reported, it suggests that the river is the major source of the material in the Pawtuxet Cove traps. The relationships between contaminant concentrations in sediment trap material and surface sediments were quite good. For Ar 1254, the sediment levels were about twice the trap values. Conversely, the hydrocarbon concentrations in trap material were about 1.5 times as high for PHCs and about equal in pyrene, relative to the surface sediments. (In all cases, the correlations were significant at the 95% confidence level). In general, these data support the concept that the chemical composition of particulate material and surf ace sediments are closely related, and that the former could be a major source of contaminants to the underlying surface sediments. It is also possible that resuspended surface sediments could contribute to the particulate material in the water column depending on a number of factors such as bottom currents and extent of bioturbation. There was a significant relationship between the concentration of Cl-BZT in trap material and surface sediments; however, the relationship for the C10-BZT was not as good. and there is presently no explanation for these differences other than that the production of C-BZT started in 1963 and ceased in 1972, while that of the C10-BZT started in 1970 and continued to 1985. (The log Kow for both BZTs are essentially the same, Pruell & Quinn, 1985.) Perhaps, the former BZTs more uniformally distributed in particulate material and sediments than the more recently discharged C10-BZT. Changes in the BZT ratio (C10/Cl) of trap material may be due to a number of reasons including: the preferential retention of the C10-BZT and/or loss of Cl-BZT due to various biogeochemical reactions, and the resuspension of more recent sediments containing higher concentrations of the C10-BZT. This trend would be in agreement with the low ratio in Pawtuxet River surface sediments relative to sediment from the other locations where the ratios generally increase as found in the trap material. For example, the BZT ratio in surface sediments from Ohio Ledge is 7.2, in the mid-bay it is 8.2 and at the west passage the ratio is 9.5 (significant at the 9S% confidence level). Surface Sediments and Clams In general, the levels of all contaminants were highest in the Providence River sediments and decreased exponentially with distance downbay, with the lowest values usually found at the mouth of the bay. The major exception was a station in Newport Harbor in the lower east passage, where the concentrations of PHCs, PCBs and COP were relatively high and similar to some of the upper bay stations. The sources of the contaminants at this station may be related to sewage effluent, CSO discharges and runnoff to the harbor area. One way of evaluating the distribution of various contaminants in surface sediments is to compare the half distances for these components (defined as the distance in which the highest contaminant concentration decreases by 50%). A comparison of values for the east and west transects obtained in this study showed some small differences. For most components (exceptions are BZTs) the half distances were longer in the cast transect, suggesting additional sources of contaminants to that area. This may be due to several reasons including the influence of Newport effluents etc., different water circulation patterns in the two passages, and possible influences from Mount Hope Bay. Organic carbon had the longest half distance due to a large number of sources throughout the bay, and the BZTs had the lowest values since their only source is the Providence River via the Pawtuxct River. Finally, the PH Cs, P AHs. PCBs (sometimes measured as specific chlorobiphenyl (CB) cogeners) and coprostanol had similar half distances, suggesting major sources in the Providence River as well as smaller additional inputs throughout the bay. Five of the contaminants (CB 101, CB 138, PHCs, C10-BZT) showed significant correlations (95% confidence level or better) between sediment and clam concentrations, and all values decreased with distance from the Providence River. These sediment components are hydrophobic and are strongly partitioned into the clams\u27 lipids. Based on the data from this study, it may be possible to identify areas of the bay from which clams are harvested for commercial use. For example, clams suspected of being taken from areas closed to shellfishing could be analyzed for, these 5 contaminants and the results converted to sediment location using the relationships developed in this investigation. Trends from older investigations were generally similar to those observed in the present study; namely, highest concentrations in Providence River sediments and clams with decreasing amounts downbay. The range of previous values brackets those obtained in this study. Given then variations in station location, collection procedures, processing techniques and analytical methods, it is impossible to determine at the present time, if the concentrations have significantly changed over the past 15-20 years. Sediment Cores Highest levels and deepest penetration of PCBs (measured as CB 138) were in the Fox Point core which had a fairly uniform concentration down to 72 cm, but increased at 110 cm and remained about the same at the bottom of the core (147 cm). The other cores showed less penetration ranging from 42 cm (bottom of core) at Conimicut Point to 13 cm at Fields Point where the CB 138 values reached background (\u3c 0.1 ng/g) concentration. Apparently, the latter core site is a non-depositional area in contrast to Fox Point which has a relatively high sedimentation rate. The distribution of PHCs and pyrene were similar in some respects. In both cases, Fox Point had the highest level and deepest penetration with relatively constant values down to 147 cm. The PHCs never quite reached background levels in these cores (Ohio Ledge and Fields Point were the closest to background), but the pyrene did reach this level in two cores including the Fields Point core which again had the shallowest penetration (18 cm). Similar distributions were shown by COP and DEHP in that the Fox Point core had the highest levels and deepest penetration - a slight increase down to 110 cm followed by a prominent decrease to 147 cm. None of the cores reached background values for DEHP, but Ohio Ledge and Conimicut Point came very close. The COP reached background in only the Fields Point core but it rapidly increased again. It is impossible to adequately explain all of the trends in sediment core distributions with only the organic contaminant results. However, a detailed evaluation of all of the data (i.e., trace metals, organic components, biological species, pollen and geochemical analyses and radiometric dating) is currently being prepared in order to provide information on historical trends as recorded in the bay sediment cores (King et al., 1992). [Text taken from report summary.

    Integral and fractional Quantum Hall Ising ferromagnets

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    We compare quantum Hall systems at filling factor 2 to those at filling factors 2/3 and 2/5, corresponding to the exact filling of two lowest electron or composite fermion (CF) Landau levels. The two fractional states are examples of CF liquids with spin dynamics. There is a close analogy between the ferromagnetic (spin polarization P=1) and paramagnetic (P=0) incompressible ground states that occur in all three systems in the limits of large and small Zeeman spin splitting. However, the excitation spectra are different. At filling factor 2, we find spin domains at half-polarization (P=1/2), while antiferromagnetic order seems most favorable in the CF systems. The transition between P=0 and 1, as seen when e.g. the magnetic field is tilted, is also studied by exact diagonalization in toroidal and spherical geometries. The essential role of an effective CF-CF interaction is discussed, and the experimentally observed incompresible half-polarized state is found in some models

    Scooter Solutions: Side Car Companion for 50cc Motor Scooter

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    Scooter Solutions is a composite structured chassis designed to be connected to a two-wheeled small engine vehicle for the purpose of transporting cargo and passengers. Manufactured using woven carbon fiber/epoxy panels with an XPS foam core and Aluminum 6063-T5 framing, the structure must be light for user practicality and reducing engine wear while maintaining adequate strength for the passenger load and debris deflection while exposed to the natural environment. This product is unique due to its carbon fiber reinforced foam sandwich panels with a two-part epoxy matrix allowing for a lighter, more durable side car than its contemporaries. The light weighting is achieved via novel carbon composite construction in substitution of the steel and thick fiberglass used by competitors in this market