90 research outputs found

    Identification of rho as a substrate for botulinum toxin C3-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation

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    AbstractRecombinant Aplysia rho and a GTP-binding protein purified from human neutrophil membranes (G22K) were ADP-ribosylated by botulinum toxin C3 with stoichiometries of 0.8 and 0.6, respectively. Rho and G22K appeared to be different proteins since (i) rho migrated faster on polyacrylamide gels, (ii) unlike G22K, rho did not require the presence of cytosol to be ADP-ribosylated, (iii) G22K was not recognized by an anti-rho antiserum, and (iv) antibody 142-24E05 recognized G22K effectively but only poorly cross reacted with rho. ADP-ribosylation had no effect on the ability of rho to bind or hydrolyse GTP. Therefore, it appears that there are multiple botulinum toxin C3 substrates and that the toxin exerts its effects on cell function by a mechanism other than modulating the GTPase activity of rho

    Rap1 promotes cell spreading by localizing Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factors

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    The Ras-related GTPase Rap1 stimulates integrin-mediated adhesion and spreading in various mammalian cell types. Here, we demonstrate that Rap1 regulates cell spreading by localizing guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that act via the Rho family GTPase Rac1. Rap1a activates Rac1 and requires Rac1 to enhance spreading, whereas Rac1 induces spreading independently of Rap1. Active Rap1a binds to a subset of Rac GEFs, including VAV2 and Tiam1 but not others such as SWAP-70 or COOL-1. Overexpressed VAV2 and Tiam1 specifically require Rap1 to promote spreading, even though Rac1 is activated independently of Rap1. Rap1 is necessary for the accumulation of VAV2 in membrane protrusions at the cell periphery. In addition, if VAV2 is artificially localized to the cell edge with the subcellular targeting domain of Rap1a, it increases cell spreading independently of Rap1. These results lead us to propose that Rap1 promotes cell spreading by localizing a subset of Rac GEFs to sites of active lamellipodia extension

    Small GTPase Rap1 Is Essential for Mouse Development and Formation of Functional Vasculature

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    BACKGROUND: Small GTPase Rap1 has been implicated in a number of basic cellular functions, including cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, proliferation and regulation of polarity. Evolutionarily conserved, Rap1 has been studied in model organisms: yeast, Drosophila and mice. Mouse in vivo studies implicate Rap1 in the control of multiple stem cell, leukocyte and vascular cell functions. In vitro, several Rap1 effectors and regulatory mechanisms have been proposed. In particular, Rap1 has been implicated in maintaining epithelial and endothelial cell junction integrity and linked with cerebral cavernous malformations. RATIONALE: How Rap1 signaling network controls mammalian development is not clear. As a first step in addressing this question, we present phenotypes of murine total and vascular-specific Rap1a, Rap1b and double Rap1a and Rap1b (Rap1) knockout (KO) mice. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The majority of total Rap1 KO mice die before E10.5, consistent with the critical role of Rap1 in epithelial morphogenesis. At that time point, about 50% of Tie2-double Rap1 KOs appear grossly normal and develop normal vasculature, while the remaining 50% suffer tissue degeneration and show vascular abnormalities, including hemorrhages and engorgement of perineural vessels, albeit with normal branchial arches. However, no Tie2-double Rap1 KO embryos are present at E15.5, with hemorrhages a likely cause of death. Therefore, at least one Rap1 allele is required for development prior to the formation of the vascular system; and in endothelium-for the life-supporting function of the vasculature

    Prostacyclin post-treatment improves LPS-induced acute lung injury and endothelial barrier recovery via Rap1

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    Protective effects of prostacyclin (PC) or its stable analog beraprost against agonist-induced lung vascular inflammation have been associated with elevation of intracellular cAMP and Rac GTPase signaling which inhibited the RhoA GTPase-dependent pathway of endothelial barrier dysfunction. This study investigated a distinct mechanism of PC-stimulated lung vascular endothelial (EC) barrier recovery and resolution of LPS-induced inflammation mediated by small GTPase Rap1. Efficient barrier recovery was observed in LPS-challenged pulmonary EC after prostacyclin administration even after 15 h of initial inflammatory insult and was accompanied by the significant attenuation of p38 MAP kinase and NFΞΊB signaling and decreased production of IL-8 and soluble ICAM1. These effects were reproduced in cells post-treated with 8CPT, a small molecule activator of Rap1-specific nucleotide exchange factor Epac. By contrast, pharmacologic Epac inhibitor, Rap1 knockdown, or knockdown of cell junction-associated Rap1 effector afadin attenuated EC recovery caused by PC or 8CPT post-treatment. The key role of Rap1 in lung barrier restoration was further confirmed in the murine model of LPS-induced acute lung injury. Lung injury was monitored by measurements of bronchoalveolar lavage protein content, cell count, and Evans blue extravasation and live imaging of vascular leak over 6 days using a fluorescent tracer. The data showed significant acceleration of lung recovery by PC and 8CPT post-treatment, which was abrogated in Rap1a(-/-) mice. These results suggest that post-treatment with PC triggers the Epac/Rap1/afadin-dependent mechanism of endothelial barrier restoration and downregulation of p38MAPK and NFΞΊB inflammatory cascades, altogether leading to accelerated lung recovery

    Rap1 GTPase Inhibits Leukocyte Transmigration by Promoting Endothelial Barrier Function

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    The passage of leukocytes out of the blood circulation and into tissues is necessary for the normal inflammatory response, but it also occurs inappropriately in many pathological situations. This process is limited by the barrier presented by the junctions between adjacent endothelial cells that line blood vessels. Here we show that activation of the Rap1 GTPase in endothelial cells accelerated de novo assembly of endothelial cell-cell junctions and increased the barrier function of endothelial monolayers. In contrast, depressing Rap1 activity by expressing Rap1GAP led to disassembly of these junctions and increased their permeability. We also demonstrate that endogenous Rap1 was rapidly activated at early stages of junctional assembly, confirming the involvement of Rap1 during junctional assembly. Intriguingly, elevating Rap1 activity selectively within endothelial cells decreased leukocyte transendothelial migration, whereas inhibiting Rap1 activity by expression of Rap1GAP increased leukocyte transendothelial migration, providing physiological relevance to our hypothesis that Rap1 augments barrier function of inter-endothelial cell junctions. Furthermore, these results suggest that Rap1 may be a novel therapeutic target for clinical conditions in which an inappropriate inflammatory response leads to disease

    Identification and characterization of Src SH3 ligands from phage-displayed random peptide libraries.

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    We have used the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain to screen two phage-displayed random peptide libraries, each containing 2 x 10(8) unique members, and have identified a series of high affinity peptide ligands. The peptides possess similar proline-rich regions, which yield a consensus Src SH3-binding motif of RPLPPLP. We have confirmed this motif by screening a phage-displayed peptide library biased for SH3 ligands and identifying the same consensus sequence. Binding studies using synthetic peptides suggest that the RPLPPLP motif is important for SH3 binding and confers specificity for the Src SH3 domain, and that residues which flank the motif may also contribute to binding. Peptides that contain the RPLPPLP motif compete Src, but not Abl or phospholipase C gamma, SH3 interactions with SH3-binding proteins from cell lysates (IC50 = 1-5 microM). Furthermore, RPLPPLP-related peptides are able to accelerate progesterone-induced maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes. A similar acceleration has been observed in oocytes treated with activated, but not normal, Xenopus Src, suggesting the possibility that the peptides are able to antagonize the negative regulation of Src activity by Src SH3 in vivo

    RasGRP4 Is a Novel Ras Activator Isolated from Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Although a number of genetic defects are commonly associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a large percentage of AML cases are cytogenetically normal. This suggests a functional screen for transforming genes is required to identify genetic mutations that are missed by cytogenetic analyses. We utilized a retrovirus-based cDNA expression system to identify transforming genes expressed in cytogenetically normal AML patients. We identified a new member of the Ras guanyl nucleotide-releasing protein (RasGRP) family of Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors, designating it RasGRP4. Subsequently, cDNA sequences encoding rodent and human RasGRP4 proteins were deposited in GenBank. RasGRP4 contains the same protein domain structure as other members of the RasGRP family, including a Ras exchange motif, a CDC25 homology domain, a C1/diacyglycerol-binding domain, and putative calcium-binding EF hands. We show that expression of RasGRP4 induces anchorage-independent growth of Rat1 fibroblasts. RasGRP4 is a Ras-specific activator and, interestingly, is highly expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes and myeloid cell lines. Unlike other RasGRP proteins, RasGRP4 is not expressed in the brain or in lymphoid cells. We demonstrated that 32D myeloid cells expressing RasGRP4 have elevated levels of activated Ras compared with control cells, and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment greatly enhanced Ras activation. PMA induced membrane localization of RasGRP4 and 32D cells expressing RasGRP4 were capable of cytokine-independent proliferation in the presence of PMA. We conclude that RasGRP4 is a member of the RasGRP family of Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors that may play a role in myeloid cell signaling growth regulation pathways that are responsive to diacylglycerol levels

    M-Ras/R-Ras3, a Transforming Ras Protein Regulated by Sos1, GRF1, and p120 Ras GTPase-activating Protein, Interacts with the Putative Ras Effector AF6

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    M-Ras is a Ras-related protein that shares approximately 55% identity with K-Ras and TC21. The M-Ras message was widely expressed but was most predominant in ovary and brain. Similarly to Ha-Ras, expression of mutationally activated M-Ras in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts or C2 myoblasts resulted in cellular transformation or inhibition of differentiation, respectively. M-Ras only weakly activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2), but it cooperated with Raf, Rac, and Rho to induce transforming foci in NIH 3T3 cells, suggesting that M-Ras signaled via alternate pathways to these effectors. Although the mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase inhibitor, PD98059, blocked M-Ras-induced transformation, M-Ras was more effective than an activated mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase mutant at inducing focus formation. These data indicate that multiple pathways must contribute to M-Ras-induced transformation. M-Ras interacted poorly in a yeast two-hybrid assay with multiple Ras effectors, including c-Raf-1, A-Raf, B-Raf, phosphoinositol-3 kinase delta, RalGDS, and Rin1. Although M-Ras coimmunoprecipitated with AF6, a putative regulator of cell junction formation, overexpression of AF6 did not contribute to fibroblast transformation, suggesting the possibility of novel effector proteins. The M-Ras GTP/GDP cycle was sensitive to the Ras GEFs, Sos1, and GRF1 and to p120 Ras GAP. Together, these findings suggest that while M-Ras is regulated by similar upstream stimuli to Ha-Ras, novel targets may be responsible for its effects on cellular transformation and differentiation

    A Molecular Redox Switch on p21 ras: STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE NITRIC OXIDE-p21rasINTERACTION

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    We have identified the site of molecular interaction between nitric oxide (NO) and p21(ras) responsible for initiation of signal transduction. We found that p21(ras) was singly S-nitrosylated and localized this modification to a fragment of p21(ras) containing Cys118. A mutant form of p21(ras), in which Cys118 was changed to a serine residue and termed p21(ras)C118S, was not S-nitrosylated. NO-related species stimulated guanine nucleotide exchange on wild-type p21(ras), resulting in an active form, but not on p21(ras)C118S. Furthermore, in contrast to parental Jurkat T cells, NO-related species did not stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in cells transfected with p21(ras)C118S. These data indicate that Cys118 is a critical site of redox regulation of p21(ras), and S-nitrosylation of this residue triggers guanine nucleotide exchange and downstream signaling
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