2,582 research outputs found

    Technique of the identification, quantification and measurement of carbon short-fibers using the instance segmentation

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    The present work shows the use of a convolutional neural network architecture that uses the computer vision technique of segmentation of instances for identification, quantification and measurement of short carbon fibers

    Transient differential reflectivity of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases in the bilayered manganite La1.24Sr1.76Mn2O7

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    Photoinduced effects in a single crystal of bilayered manganites, La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 (x=0.38), were investigated in a wide range of temperatures by pump-probe measurement at a photon energy of 1.6eV. In a ferromagnetic metallic state, significant enhancement of positive rise in differential reflectivity with a slow relaxing time of hundred picoseconds was observed just below Tc=127K, indicating that the reflectivity change with the slow relaxation time constant is induced by laser heating. We have also observed an unconventional fast relaxing component that has a time constant of the order of ten picoseconds. This fast relaxing component, whose absolute value has an asymmetric peak at Tc, is presumably due to short-range correlation of Jahn-Teller distortion.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Solid State Communication

    Optical conductivity in doped manganites with planar x2^2-y2^2 orbital order

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    We investigate a planar model for the ferromagnetic (FM) phase of manganites, which develops orbital order of ege_g electrons with x2^2-y2^2-symmetry at low temperature. The dynamic structure factor of orbital excitations and the optical conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) are studied with help of a finite-temperature diagonalization method. Our calculations provide a theoretical prediction for σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) for the 2D FM state and are of possible relevance for the recently found A-type phase of manganites at high doping which consists of FM layers coupled antiferromagnetically. In the x2^2-y2^2 ordered regime σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) shows both a Drude peak and a gapped incoherent absorption due to a gap in the orbital excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Temperature Dependence of Low-Lying Electronic Excitations of LaMnO_3

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    We report on the optical properties of undoped single crystal LaMnO_3, the parent compound of the colossal magneto-resistive manganites. Near-Normal incidence reflectance measurements are reported in the frequency range of 20-50,000 cm-1 and in the temperature range 10-300 K. The optical conductivity, s_1(w), is derived by performing a Kramers-Kronig analysis of the reflectance data. The far-infrared spectrum of s_1(w) displays the infrared active optical phonons. We observe a shift of several of the phonon to high frequencies as the temperature is lowered through the Neel temperature of the sample (T_N = 137 K). The high-frequency s_1(w) is characterized by the onset of absorption near 1.5 eV. This energy has been identified as the threshold for optical transitions across the Jahn-Teller split e_g levels. The spectral weight of this feature increases in the low-temperature state. This implies a transfer of spectral weight from the UV to the visible associated with the paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic state. We discuss the results in terms of the double exchange processes that affect the optical processes in this magnetic material.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Dimensional Crossover driven by Magnetic Ordering in Optical Conductivity of Pr_{1/2}Sr_{1/2}MnO_3

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    We investigated optical properties of Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3, which has the A-type antiferromagnetic ordering at a low temperature. We found that T- dependence of spectral weight transfer shows a clear correlation with the magnetic phase transition. In comparison with the optical conductivity results of Nd_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3, which has the CE-type antiferromagnetic charge ordering, we showed that optical properties of Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3 near the Neel temperature could be explained by a crossover from 3D to 2D metals. Details of spectral weight changes are consistent with the polaron picture.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRL at June

    Spin/Orbital Pattern-Dependent Polaron Absorption in Nd(1-x)Sr(x)MnO3

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    We investigated optical properties of Nd(1-x)Sr(x)MnO3 (x= 0.40, 0.50, 0.55, and 0.65) single crystals. In the spin/orbital disordered state, their conductivity spectra look quite similar, and the strength of the mid-infrared absorption peak is proportional to x(1-x) consistent with the polaron picture. As temperature lowers, the Nd(1-x)Sr(x)MnO3 samples enter into various spin/orbital ordered states, whose optical responses are quite different. These optical responses can be explained by the spin/orbital ordering pattern-dependent polaron hopping.Comment: 3 figures (gzipped

    Charge Ordering Fluctuation and Optical Pseudogap in La1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_{3}

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    Optical spectroscopy was used to investigate the optical gap (2Δ\Delta ) due to charge ordering (CO) and related pseudogap developments with x and temperature (T) in La1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_{3} (0.48 <= x <= 0.67). Surprisingly, we found 2Δ\Delta /k_{B}T_{CO} is as large as 30 for x ~0.5, and decreases rapidly with increasing x. Simultaneously, the optical pseudogap, possibly starting from T^* far above T_{CO} becomes drastically enhanced near x=0.5, producing non-BCS T-dependence of 2Δ\Delta with the large magnitude far above T_{CO}, and systematic increase of T^* for x~0.5. These results unequivocally indicate systematically-enhanced CO correlation when x approaches 0.5 even though T_{CO} decreases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures embedded, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Melting of Charge/Orbital Ordered States in Nd1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_3: Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependent Optical Studies

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    We investigated the temperature (T=T= 15 \sim 290 K) and the magnetic field (H=H= 0 \sim 17 T) dependent optical conductivity spectra of a charge/orbital ordered manganite, Nd1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_3. With variation of TT and HH, large spectral weight changes were observed up to 4.0 eV. These spectral weight changes could be explained using the polaron picture. Interestingly, our results suggested that some local ordered state might remain above the charge ordering temperature, and that the charge/orbital melted state at a high magnetic field (i.e. at H=H= 17 T and % T= 4.2 K) should be a three dimensional ferromagnetic metal. We also investigated the first order phase transition from the charge/orbital ordered state to ferromagnetic metallic state using the TT- and HH% -dependent dielectric constants ϵ1\epsilon_1. In the charge/orbital ordered insulating state, ϵ1\epsilon_1 was positive and dϵ1/dω0d\epsilon_1/d\omega \approx 0. With increasing TT and HH, ϵ1\epsilon_1 was increased up to the insulator-metal phase boundaries. And then, ϵ1\epsilon_1 abruptly changed into negative and dϵ1/dω>0d\epsilon_1/d\omega >0, which was consistent with typical responses of a metal. Through the analysis of ϵ1% \epsilon_1 using an effective medium approximation, we found that the melting of charge/orbital ordered states should occur through the percolation of ferromagnetic metal domains.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Optical Studies of a Layered Manganite La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7 : Polaron Correlation Effect

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    Optical conductivity spectra of a cleaved ab-plane of a La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7 single crystal exhibit a small polaron absorption band in the mid-infrared region at overall temperatures. With decreasing temperature (T) to Curie temperature (T_C), the center frequency of the small polaron band moves to a higher frequency, resulting in a gap-like feature, and that it collapses to a lower frequency below T_C. Interestingly, with decreasing T, the stretching phonon mode hardens above T_C and softens below T_C. These concurring changes of lattice and electronic structure indicate that short range polaron correlation exist above T_C but disappear with a magnetic ordering.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev.