14 research outputs found

    Is long term physical activity safe for older adults with knee pain: a systematic review

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    ObjectiveTo determine whether long-term physical activity is safe for older adults with knee pain.DesignA comprehensive systematic review and narrative synthesis of existing literature was conducted using multiple electronic databases from inception until May 2013. Two reviewers independently screened, checked data extraction and carried out quality assessment.Inclusion criteria for study designs were randomised controlled trials (RCTs), prospective cohort studies or case control studies, which included adults of mean age over 45 years old with knee pain or osteoarthritis (OA), undertaking physical activity over at least 3 months and which measured a safety related outcome (adverse events, pain, physical functioning, structural OA imaging progression or progression to total knee replacement (TKR)).ResultsOf the 8614 unique references identified, 49 studies were included in the review, comprising 48 RCTs and one case control study. RCTs varied in quality and included an array of low impact therapeutic exercise interventions of varying cardiovascular intensity. There was no evidence of serious adverse events, increases in pain, decreases in physical function, progression of structural OA on imaging or increased TKR at group level. The case control study concluded that increasing levels of regular physical activity was associated with lower risk of progression to TKR.ConclusionsLong-term therapeutic exercise lasting 3 to 30 months is safe for most older adults with knee pain. This evidence supports current clinical guideline recommendations. However, most studies investigated selected, consenting older adults carrying out low impact therapeutic exercise which may affect result generalizability

    Farming, food and conservation

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    Paper given at the Sir John's Convocation LectureAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:7620.924(EU-AEU--234) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    A mixed methods exploration of physiotherapist’s approaches to analgesic use among patients with hip osteoarthritis

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    From Elsevier via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: epub 2019-08-02, issue date 2019-09-30Article version: AMPublication status: PublishedFunder: Arthritis Research UK Centre in Primary Care; Grant(s): 18139Funder: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care ResearchFunder: NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West MidlandsFunder: NIHR School for Primary Care ResearchFunder: NIHR Research Professorship in General Practice; Grant(s): NIHR-RP-2014-04-026Funder: NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship in Primary CareFunder: NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship in PhysiotherapyAbstract Objective To explore how physiotherapists currently address analgesic use among patients with hip osteoarthritis, and their beliefs about the acceptability of prescribing for these patients. Methods A cross-sectional questionnaire was mailed to 3126 UK-based physiotherapists. Approaches to analgesic use among patients with hip osteoarthritis were explored using a case vignette. Semi-structured telephone interviews were undertaken with 21 questionnaire responders and analysed thematically. Setting UK. Participants Physiotherapists who had treated a patient with hip osteoarthritis in the previous 6 months. Results Questionnaire response: 53% (n =1646). One thousand one hundred forty eight physiotherapists reported treating a patient with hip osteoarthritis in the last 6 months (applicable responses), of whom nine (1%) were non-medical prescribers. Nearly all physiotherapists (98%) reported that they would address analgesic use for the patient with hip osteoarthritis, most commonly by signposting them to their GP (83%). Fifty six percent would discuss optimal use of current medication, and 33%, would discuss use of over-the-counter medications. Interviews revealed that variations in physiotherapists’ approaches to analgesic use were influenced by personal confidence, patient safety concerns, and their perceived professional remit. Whilst many recognised the benefits of analgesia prescribing for both patients and GP workload, additional responsibility for patient safety was a perceived barrier. Conclusions How physiotherapists currently address analgesic use with patients with hip osteoarthritis is variable. Although the potential benefits of independent prescribing were recognised, not all physiotherapist want the additional responsibility. Further guidance supporting optimisation of analgesic use among patients with hip OA may help better align care with best practice guidelines and reduce GP referrals

    The OARSI "joint effort initiative" repository of online osteoarthritis management programmes: an implementation rapid response during covid-19

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    Purpose: 1) To collate into a repository, best-evidence online osteoarthritis management programmes (OAMPS), and 2) facilitate their implementation, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.The Osteoarthritis Research Society International Joint Effort Initiative (OARSI JEI) is a collaboration between international researchers, clinicians and knowledge brokers with an interest in the implementation of OAMPS. OAMPs are defined by the OARSI JEI as “models of evidence-based, non-surgical care that have been implemented in a real world setting and include the following four components: personalised OA care; delivered as a package of care with longitudinal reassessment and progression; comprising two or more elements of the core non-surgical, non-pharmacological interventions (education, exercise and weight loss); with optional adjunct treatments as required (e.g. assistive devices and psychosocial support)”. In 2020, COVID-19 presented a major barrier to the clinical delivery of traditional “in-person” OAMPS. In response, the OARSI JEI implementation group sought to create a repository resource for healthcare professionals (HCPs) seeking to access and signpost patients with OA to online, high-quality OAMPS. The resource also provided access to online HCP training.Methods: An existing community of practice (OARSI JEI implementation group) with access to patient and public involvement, was utilised to create and share an evidence-informed online OAMP repository via social media and OARSI networks. The project involved 5 key stages. Online OAMPS resource investigation: International research, implementation and HCP experts from the JEI implementation group (n=32) were invited to send all online OAMP resources that they were aware of to the reviewers (LS, JQ). These were captured in a spreadsheet with data extracted on programme name; country of origin; whether the resource targeted patients or HCPs; access details relating to required technology, sign in and any access costs; weblink; brief programme content summary; OARSI expert advocating for the programme quality (including whether the content is evidence informed). Screening for repository inclusion: Two reviewers (JQ, LS) screened the resources received against inclusion criteria (matching the OAMP definition, remotely deliverable via the internet, OARSI expert endorsed). Disagreements were resolved through discussion. Creating the online OA repository resource: Academics (JQ, LS, KD) provided content and feedback for a knowledge broker (LC) to create a pdf repository containing included online OAMP information, weblinks and summary information in the form of an infographic. Rapid social media knowledge mobilisation: The repository resource was initially hosted on the Keele Impact Accelerator Unit website and shared on completion with existing OARSI member JEI networks via social media (Twitter)(LC). Owners of online OAMPS also promoted their own programmes via social media. Reflection and learning: Project method strengths and limitations were discussed, critiqued and captured during an OARSI JEI community of practice meeting.Results: The final OARSI online repository included 7 OAMPS and linked training resources. The online repository is available at: https://www.keele.ac.uk/pcsc/research/impactacceleratorunit/oamps/JEI%20COVID-19%20repository.pdf with ongoing plans for hosting on the OARSI website. Fig. 1 illustrates the repository cover and Fig. 2 is the infographic repository summary. A relative dearth of online OAMPS meeting our prespecified criteria were identified which included: ESCAPE pain; The Joint Academy; JIGSAW-E (for pharmacists and physiotherapists); PEAK: Join2Move; Osteoarthritis Management Healthy Weight for life. Only JIGSAW-E, PEAK and the Join2Move app were widely available free resources for HCPs at the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. All online OAMPs were in English except the Join2Move app which is in Dutch. Content details of the included online OAMPs and online OAMP HCP training packages are summarised in Table 1. The initial Twitter launch tweet sharing the repository infographic and repository link has had 5,679 impressions and 334 engagements to date and has been shared globally. Reflections and limitations: There is an urgent requirement for more high-quality OAMPs to be freely available for remote delivery and in a wider range of languages. This has relevance both during the COVID pandemic and more generally for rural, geographically isolated populations and low- and middle-income countries. In reacting to an emergency, rapidly evolving, time-pressured clinical pandemic context, there was a tension in matching the highest quality methods for searching, evaluating and synthesising online OAMPs in the shortest possible time. For example, full systematic review methods were deemed inappropriate and the project was not explicitly informed a-priori by a protocol or knowledge mobilisation theory, however, members of the team had knowledge mobilisation expertise. It is possible that we did not identify all online OAMPs. For example, no online OAMPS from South America, Africa or Asia were identified which may, in part, be explained by the geographical representation within the community of practice, with participants mostly from Europe, North America and Australasia. It is acknowledged that the pragmatic and rapid OAMP resource identification, screening and knowledge mobilisation from this project does not guarantee implementation into clinical practice. The existence of the OARSI JEI implementation group facilitated the timely execution of this project whilst the use of social media allowed the repository to be shared rapidly with many stakeholders. Future plans include the hosting of the repository and future JEI work on the OARSI website (to increase resource access); the formal synthesis of knowledge mobilisation metrics relating to the online repository and included OAMPS, and; the ongoing review of repository content in the light of new OAMPS.Conclusions: The OARSI-endorsed JEI implementation group facilitated the creation of an online OAMP repository in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and need for remotely delivered care. There is a dearth of widely available and remotely deliverable OAMPs internationally. This is likely to present a significant barrier to the delivery of best OA care, especially during COVID-19. OARSI can have a key role in supporting the implementation of best OA care. There is a need to actively broaden the diversity and national representation within the JEI implementation group and increase patient and public involvement to best serve the international OA populations, particularly from low- and middle-income countries, it seeks to inform

    How does hip osteoarthritis differ from knee osteoarthritis?

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    Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are leading causes of global disability. Most research to date has focused on the knee, with results often extrapolated to the hip, and this extends to treatment recommendations in clinical guidelines. Extrapolating results from research on knee OA may limit our understanding of disease characteristics specific to hip OA, thereby constraining development and implementation of effective treatments. This review highlights differences between hip and knee OA with respect to prevalence, prognosis, epigenetics, pathophysiology, anatomical and biomechanical factors, clinical presentation, pain and non-surgical treatment recommendations and management