5 research outputs found

    In search of the roots of corporate reputation management: Being a consistent corporate social performer

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    Corporate social performance (CSP) has received a particularly high share of attention as one of the main determinants of corporate reputation. However, few studies have tested the extent to which the relationship between CSP and corporate reputation may be affected by industry, country, or other context-related variables. Besides, some conceptual thinking suggests that the impact of CSP on corporate reputation may vary according to the level of consistency of a firm's behaviors. However, this view has not been empirically addressed. For this reason, the main objective of this study is to explore the impact of consistency in CSP management on corporate reputation. Specifically, we analyze both the effect of CSP internal consistency (or consistency between environmental and social performance) and CSP consistency over time on corporate reputation. The results based on data from an international sample of 133 companies for the period 2011 to 2016, support either CSP internal consistency or CSP consistency over time (positive increment of CSP over time) positively affecting corporate reputation. The results also confirm the moderation effect of CSP internal consistency on the relationship between CSP and corporate reputation. These results reveal that consistency in social responsibility management helps a firm to consolidate its corporate reputation.Open access publication thanks to the University of Burgos

    City reputation and the role of sustainability in cities

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    City reputation is a valuable intangible asset that boosts the attractiveness of a city in terms of resources, events, tourism, or as a place of residence. Since city sustainability is understood as the framework of a city's economic activities conducted within the carrying capacity of the local environment to the benefit of the local population, it may help to satisfy city stakeholders' expectations over time; in other words, to enhance city reputation. Our results from Tobit analyses, based on an international sample of 62 cities between 2015 and 2018, confirm that city sustainability is a determinant of city reputation. Specifically, this study shows that the level of environmental, social, and economic sustainability affects positively city reputation. Our results are of interest to local authorities, as they indicate the relevance of efforts to consolidate city sustainability in order to build a good city reputation

    The impact of the circular economy on sustainable development: A European panel data approach

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    The circular economy (CE) has attracted considerable attention because of its potential to help achieve sustainable development (SD). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the effect of the CE on the three dimensions of SD at the country level. We analysed the impact of each CE source of value (renewable energy, reuse, repair, recycling) and the influence of an overall factor-analysis-derived measure of the CE on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of SD. The aim was to compare the individual impacts and outcomes of the CE and its sources of value in a single study. Panel data analysis was performed using a sample of 25 European countries for the period 2010 to 2019. The findings show a major impact of the CE on achieving SD, which has positive effects on the economy, environment and society. However, the results show that the impact of each CE value source on the three SD dimensions varies. While renewable energies and reuse reduce the impact on the environment, recycling has no effect, and repair increases GHG emissions. However, repair is the only CE source with a positive economic impact at the country level. Finally, renewable energy, repair and recycling reduce unemployment. Decision makers should conduct impact analysis to design suitable, efficient and targeted measures depending on each country's specific objectives

    Investigación para la coordinación entre asignaturas dela materia organización de empresas en el Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas

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    Ponencia presentada en: VIII Jornadas de Innovación Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 5 de abril de 2016, organizadas por el Instituto de Formación e Innovación Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo

    How corporate social responsibility mediates the relationship between corporate reputation and enterprise risk management: evidence from Spain

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    Enterprise risk management (ERM) systems lessen the probability of risks harming a frm’s reputation for a number of reasons. First, a high-quality ERM system makes it less likely a frm will sufer a risk-based reputational crisis. Second, ERM systems help companies to behave more responsibly towards all stakeholders, thereby ensuring frms meet stakeholders’ expectations. Third, when a crisis stemming from an uncontrollable risk occurs, a high-quality ERM system helps to reduce the negative impact on reputation because stakeholders will not attribute guilt to a frm which has acted responsibly in its risk management. In this research, we explore the link between corporate reputation and ERM systems together with the role played by corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance as a mediator. Our results support the notion that ERM system quality enhances CSR performance as well as corporate reputation. The results also confrm that ERM systems have a positive impact on corporate reputation via the mediating efect of CSR performance. Companies should therefore use risk management policies to bolster both their CSR and their reputation.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature