1 research outputs found

    Blockchain based Identity Management and Ticketing for MaaS

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    Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Engenharia Informatica (Engenharia de Software) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020As time moves further into the 21st century, the world is progressively becoming more sophisticated, and our capacity to forecast the future is decreasing at the same rate. The emerging global problems require new kinds of tools paving the way to move forward. Across Europe, privatised public transport systems are frequently conceived in separation by an operator resulting in legacy systems with proprietary ticketing solutions causing fragmentation and lack of uniformity of information. The Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept promises to solve existing problems in the transport industry since it allows the integration of different mobility services, such as car and bicycle sharing, among others, with traditional public transport. To plan a trip, passengers have several mobility options, interconnected to each other, with a range of alternatives according to their preferences. However, it is a huge challenge to expand the MaaS network that includes several operators. Recent innovations in Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, especially the current developments of smart contracts, it is expected that a novel distributed approach to MaaS is finally feasible. MaaS systems benefit from the power of Blockchain disruptive technology, improving transparency and trust among service providers thereby eliminat ing the middle tier. In order to implement the new MaaS concept and take advantage of the high volumes of data relating to passengers and their tickets, it is essential that trans port operators have a unified system, thus allowing each participant to create, view and modify the information. This project enables the development of a new ticketing solution based on Blockchain, with an Identity Management module capable of managing the identities of passengers across the entire system, as well as the creation of a MaaS application mock-up for the passenger. Finally, the proposed system is evaluated in terms of operation and perfor mance, according predefined use cases and requirements. Results are achieved in terms of the collaboration between multiple service providers operating on a single platform