65 research outputs found

    Optimal stopping in a general framework

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    We study the optimal stopping time problem v(S)=esssupθSE[ϕ(θ)FS]v(S)={\rm ess}\sup_{\theta \geq S} E[\phi(\theta)|\mathcal {F}_S], for any stopping time SS, where the reward is given by a family (ϕ(θ),θT0)(\phi(\theta),\theta\in\mathcal{T}_0) \emph{of non negative random variables} indexed by stopping times. We solve the problem under weak assumptions in terms of integrability and regularity of the reward family. More precisely, we only suppose v(0)<+v(0) < + \infty and (ϕ(θ),θT0) (\phi(\theta),\theta\in \mathcal{T}_0) upper semicontinuous along stopping times in expectation. We show the existence of an optimal stopping time and obtain a characterization of the minimal and the maximal optimal stopping times. We also provide some local properties of the value function family. All the results are written in terms of families of random variables and are proven by only using classical results of the Probability Theory

    Mixed generalized Dynkin game and stochastic control in a Markovian framework

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    We introduce a mixed {\em generalized} Dynkin game/stochastic control with Ef{\cal E}^f-expectation in a Markovian framework. We study both the case when the terminal reward function is supposed to be Borelian only and when it is continuous. We first establish a weak dynamic programming principle by using some refined results recently provided in \cite{DQS} and some properties of doubly reflected BSDEs with jumps (DRBSDEs). We then show a stronger dynamic programming principle in the continuous case, which cannot be derived from the weak one. In particular, we have to prove that the value function of the problem is continuous with respect to time tt, which requires some technical tools of stochastic analysis and some new results on DRBSDEs. We finally study the links between our mixed problem and generalized Hamilton Jacobi Bellman variational inequalities in both cases

    Generalized Dynkin Games and Doubly Reflected BSDEs with Jumps

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    We introduce a generalized Dynkin game problem with non linear conditional expectation E{\cal E} induced by a Backward Stochastic Differential Equation (BSDE) with jumps. Let ξ,ζ\xi, \zeta be two RCLL adapted processes with ξζ\xi \leq \zeta. The criterium is given by \begin{equation*} {\cal J}_{\tau, \sigma}= {\cal E}_{0, \tau \wedge \sigma } \left(\xi_{\tau}\textbf{1}_{\{ \tau \leq \sigma\}}+\zeta_{\sigma}\textbf{1}_{\{\sigma<\tau\}}\right) \end{equation*} where τ\tau and σ \sigma are stopping times valued in [0,T][0,T]. Under Mokobodski's condition, we establish the existence of a value function for this game, i.e. infσsupτJτ,σ=supτinfσJτ,σ\inf_{\sigma}\sup_{\tau} {\cal J}_{\tau, \sigma} = \sup_{\tau} \inf_{\sigma} {\cal J}_{\tau, \sigma}. This value can be characterized via a doubly reflected BSDE. Using this characterization, we provide some new results on these equations, such as comparison theorems and a priori estimates. When ξ\xi and ζ\zeta are left upper semicontinuous along stopping times, we prove the existence of a saddle point. We also study a generalized mixed game problem when the players have two actions: continuous control and stopping. We then address the generalized Dynkin game in a Markovian framework and its links with parabolic partial integro-differential variational inequalities with two obstacles

    A Weak Dynamic Programming Principle for Combined Optimal Stopping and Stochastic Control with Ef\mathcal{E}^f- expectations

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    We study a combined optimal control/stopping problem under a nonlinear expectation Ef{\cal E}^f induced by a BSDE with jumps, in a Markovian framework. The terminal reward function is only supposed to be Borelian. The value function uu associated with this problem is generally irregular. We first establish a {\em sub- (resp. super-) optimality principle of dynamic programming} involving its {\em upper- (resp. lower-) semicontinuous envelope} uu^* (resp. uu_*). This result, called {\em weak} dynamic programming principle (DPP), extends that obtained in \cite{BT} in the case of a classical expectation to the case of an Ef{\cal E}^f-expectation and Borelian terminal reward function. Using this {\em weak} DPP, we then prove that uu^* (resp. uu_*) is a {\em viscosity sub- (resp. super-) solution} of a nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman variational inequality

    Optimal multiple stopping time problem

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    We study the optimal multiple stopping time problem defined for each stopping time SS by v(S)=esssupτ1,...,τdSE[ψ(τ1,...,τd)FS]v(S)=\operatorname {ess}\sup_{\tau_1,...,\tau_d\geq S}E[\psi(\tau_1,...,\tau_d)|\mathcal{F}_S]. The key point is the construction of a new reward ϕ\phi such that the value function v(S)v(S) also satisfies v(S)=esssupθSE[ϕ(θ)FS]v(S)=\operatorname {ess}\sup_{\theta\geq S}E[\phi(\theta)|\mathcal{F}_S]. This new reward ϕ\phi is not a right-continuous adapted process as in the classical case, but a family of random variables. For such a reward, we prove a new existence result for optimal stopping times under weaker assumptions than in the classical case. This result is used to prove the existence of optimal multiple stopping times for v(S)v(S) by a constructive method. Moreover, under strong regularity assumptions on ψ\psi, we show that the new reward ϕ\phi can be aggregated by a progressive process. This leads to new applications, particularly in finance (applications to American options with multiple exercise times).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP727 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Dynkin games in a general framework

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    We revisit the Dynkin game problem in a general framework, improve classical results and relax some assumptions. The criterion is expressed in terms of families of random variables indexed by stopping times. We construct two nonnegative supermartingales families JJ and JJ' whose finitness is equivalent to the Mokobodski's condition. Under some weak right-regularity assumption, the game is shown to be fair and JJJ-J' is shown to be the common value function. Existence of saddle points is derived under some weak additional assumptions. All the results are written in terms of random variables and are proven by using only classical results of probability theory.Comment: stochastics, Published online: 10 Apr 201

    Optimal double stopping time

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    We consider the optimal double stopping time problem defined for each stopping time SS by v(S)=\esssup\{E[\psi(\tau_1, \tau_2) | \F_S], \tau_1, \tau_2 \geq S \}. Following the optimal one stopping time problem, we study the existence of optimal stopping times and give a method to compute them. The key point is the construction of a {\em new reward} ϕ\phi such that the value function v(S)v(S) satisfies v(S)=\esssup\{E[\phi(\tau) | \F_S], \tau \geq S \}. Finally, we give an example of an american option with double exercise time.Comment: 6 page

    Erratum: Optimal stopping time problem in a general framework

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    The proof of the second point of Proposition B11 given in the Appendix of Kobylanski and Quenez (2012) ([1]) is only valid in the case where the reward process is right-continuous. In this Erratum, we give the proof in the case where the reward is only right-upper-semicontinuous