5,566 research outputs found

    Domain wall theory and non-stationarity in driven flow with exclusion

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    We study the dynamical evolution toward steady state of the stochastic non-equilibrium model known as totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, in both uniform and non-uniform (staggered) one-dimensional systems with open boundaries. Domain-wall theory and numerical simulations are used and, where pertinent, their results are compared to existing mean-field predictions and exact solutions where available. For uniform chains we find that the inclusion of fluctuations inherent to the domain-wall formulation plays a crucial role in providing good agreement with simulations, which is severely lacking in the corresponding mean-field predictions. For alternating-bond chains the domain-wall predictions for the features of the phase diagram in the parameter space of injection and ejection rates turn out to be realized only in an incipient and quantitatively approximate way. Nevertheless, significant quantitative agreement can be found between several additional domain-wall theory predictions and numerics.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures (published version

    Spontaneous Lorentz Violation: The Case of Infrared QED

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    It is by now clear that infrared sector of QED has an intriguingly complex structure. Based on earlier pioneering works on this subject, two of us recently proposed a simple modification of QED by constructing a generalization of the U(1)U(1) charge group of QED to the "Sky" group incorporating the known spontaneous Lorentz violation due to infrared photons, but still compatible in particular with locality. There it was shown that the "Sky" group is generated by the algebra of angle dependent charges and a study of its superselection sectors has revealed a manifest description of spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry. We further elaborate this approach here and investigate in some detail the properties of charged particles dressed by the infrared photons. We find that Lorentz violation due to soft photons may be manifestly codified in an angle dependent fermion mass modifying therefore the fermion dispersion relations. The fact that the masses of the charged particles are not Lorentz invariant affects their spin content too.Time dilation formulae for decays should also get corrections. We speculate that these effects could be measured possibly in muon decay experiments.Comment: 18+1 pages, revised version, expanded discussion in section 5

    Correlation--function distributions at the Nishimori point of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses

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    The multicritical behavior at the Nishimori point of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses is investigated by using numerical transfer-matrix methods to calculate probability distributions P(C)P(C) and associated moments of spin-spin correlation functions CC on strips. The angular dependence of the shape of correlation function distributions P(C)P(C) provides a stringent test of how well they obey predictions of conformal invariance; and an even symmetry of (1C)P(C)(1-C) P(C) reflects the consequences of the Ising spin-glass gauge (Nishimori) symmetry. We show that conformal invariance is obeyed in its strictest form, and the associated scaling of the moments of the distribution is examined, in order to assess the validity of a recent conjecture on the exact localization of the Nishimori point. Power law divergences of P(C)P(C) are observed near C=1 and C=0, in partial accord with a simple scaling scheme which preserves the gauge symmetry.Comment: Final version to be published in Phys Rev