15 research outputs found

    Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad: Desde Adentro y Desde Afuera

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    96 p.Ponemos el libro Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad a consideración de los estudiosos e interesados en la interculturalidad, por ser esta considerada un fenómeno y objeto de estudio contemporáneo que crece a medida que aumentan los movimientos sociales y la opinión en general con respecto a los valores, los derechos humanos (como la igualdad, la equidad, la inclusión y la libertad de expresión) y la apertura y aceptación migratoria, hoy vapuleada por algunos líderes políticos, a pesar de las presiones conflictivas como el crecimiento abrumador de la globalización económica y mediática, representan un contrapeso para posicionar no solo científica, sino políticamente, la agenda de la interculturalidad en nuestros tiempos. Este texto, presentado por la Organización de Universidades Católicas de América Latina y el Caribe (ODUCAL), junto con la Universidad Católica de Colombia y la Universidad Católica de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT), es producto del trabajo sistemático y organizado de la Red de Estudios de Interculturalidad de la ODUCAL, en la cual se exponen los resultados del Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad Desde adentro y desde afuera, realizado en Chiclayo, Perú, en el año 2015, donde participaron connotados académicos de ocho instituciones de educación superior de diferentes países del continente. Este siglo XXI, además de un cambio de milenio y, por tanto, de siglo, trajo una serie de interpretaciones sobre el cambio social y cultural en el mundo, pues la globalización del mundo capitalista y la lucha por implantar diferentes modelos de sociedad desde distintas perspectivas sociológicas, políticas y económicas, han abierto discusiones nuevas en odres viejos. Zygmunt Bauman (2013)1, utilizando la figura literaria de la liquidez, refiere al debilitamiento de las estructuras fijas y fuertes de la sociedad contemporánea; en ese sentido, coincide con el planteamiento de que la sociedad actual, que pareciera ser el modelo ideal esperado por la evolución misma de la humanidad, se encuentra en un cuestionamiento que cada vez hace más eco entre los estudiosos de las ciencias sociales, los políticos y los estadistas mundiales.Presentación Prólogo 1. Interculturalidad y diálogo fe-culturas. Antonio Daher 2.Perspectivas hermenéuticas sobre la filosofía intercultural y el diálogo de saberes. Ricardo Salas Astrain 3. Sociohermenéutica de la modernidad e interculturalidad dialógica. Co(i)mplicación conceptual. Fernando José Vergara Henríquez 4. Pilares de la interculturalidad: relaciones de doble vía. Olga Lucía Arbeláez Rojas 5. Historia para la interculturalidad: la enseñanza de la historia local y regional en Lambayeque, Perú. Carlos Enrique Martín Cabrejos Fernández 6. Guatemala multicultural y plurilingüe: en búsqueda de la unidad en la diversidad. Aportes desde la Universidad Rafael Landívar. Nikte’ María Juliana Sis Iboy 7. Experiências da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, no campo da pós-graduação stricto sensu, na produção da interculturalidade com povos indígenas. Adir Casaro Nascimento; Heitor Queiroz de Medeiros 8. Interculturalidad en la ciudad: entre el barro y la música. Freddy Enrique Simbaña Pillaj


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    The definition of dental implant failure has evolved from focusing solely on lack of osseointegration to encompass broader concerns such as aesthetics. However, the criteria for aesthetic failure in implant dentistry are not well defined. Although several aesthetic indices have been validated to objectively evaluate clinical outcomes, including failure of an implant-supported crown. In this sense, aesthetic flaws in implant dentistry can be categorized into pink and white tissue flaws. This study aims to describe an extensive rehabilitation protocol where implants were placed using printed surgical guides and adaptations for bone and tissue grafts, facilitating restoration in the aesthetic zone. Key clinical stages and aspects are illustrated through the case of a fractured upper left central incisor, where an implant system was used for immediate patient rehabilitation. By highlighting these crucial steps and considerations, this study underscores the effectiveness of immediate implantation and restoration techniques in achieving optimal aesthetic and functional outcomes in dental rehabilitationThe definition of dental implant failure has evolved from focusing solely on lack of osseointegration to encompass broader concerns such as aesthetics. However, the criteria for aesthetic failure in implant dentistry are not well defined. Although several aesthetic indices have been validated to objectively evaluate clinical outcomes, including failure of an implant-supported crown. In this sense, aesthetic flaws in implant dentistry can be categorized into pink and white tissue flaws. This study aims to describe an extensive rehabilitation protocol where implants were placed using printed surgical guides and adaptations for bone and tissue grafts, facilitating restoration in the aesthetic zone. Key clinical stages and aspects are illustrated through the case of a fractured upper left central incisor, where an implant system was used for immediate patient rehabilitation. By highlighting these crucial steps and considerations, this study underscores the effectiveness of immediate implantation and restoration techniques in achieving optimal aesthetic and functional outcomes in dental rehabilitatio


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    Stratification in dental ceramics is an essential technique for creating aesthetic and functional dental restorations that accurately mimic the appearance and properties of natural teeth. It requires a deep understanding of the materials used and technical skills to ensure high-quality results. This study aims to describe an extensive rehabilitation protocol, through a short communication, the step-by-step process of the stratification technique. The goal is to explore the different techniques for fabricating ceramic restorations, with a special focus on the stratification technique, reviewing its processing methods and highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with this approach.Stratification in dental ceramics is an essential technique for creating aesthetic and functional dental restorations that accurately mimic the appearance and properties of natural teeth. It requires a deep understanding of the materials used and technical skills to ensure high-quality results. This study aims to describe an extensive rehabilitation protocol, through a short communication, the step-by-step process of the stratification technique. The goal is to explore the different techniques for fabricating ceramic restorations, with a special focus on the stratification technique, reviewing its processing methods and highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with this approach

    The influence of metal and zirconia abutments before and after mechanical cycling in the evaluation of the interface implant / abutment

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    Orientação: Profa. Dra. Laís Regiane da Silva ConcílioTese (Doutorado) - Universidade de Taubaté, Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia,Taubaté, 2011.Made available in DSpace on 2019-06-18T14:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daher Antonio Queiroz.pdf: 3476054 bytes, checksum: 9f7ea59c6c86b5ba5d828e116e58e12f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011Resumo: Objetivos: O presente estudo avaliou e comparou os diferentes tipos de pilares protéticos em relação ao desajuste cervical vertical pilar/implante quanto ao tipo de material utilizado em sua confecção, respectivamente, níquel-cromo-titânio e zircônia; ao tipo de pilar calcinável utilizado, respectivamente, UCLA pré-calcinável com cinta metálica pré-fabricada e UCLA totalmente calcinável plástica; antes e após ciclagem mecânica com carga de 300N (30Kgf) e frequência de 9Hz de acordo com a ISO-14801 simulando um ano em função mastigatória (um milhão de ciclos), e observou o parafuso protético quanto ao destorque após a ciclagem mecânica. Métodos: Quarenta implantes, hexágono externo, com plataforma regular 4,1mm foram divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o pilar protético testados: grupo Metálico (M)- UCLA pré-calcinável fundido em níquel-cromo-titânio; grupo Plástico (P)- UCLA totalmente calcinável fundido em níquel-cromo-titânio; grupo Zirkonzahn (Z)- UCLA totalmente calcinável produzido em zircônia (Zirkonzahn); grupo Neodent (N)- UCLA totalmente calcinável produzido em zircônia (NeoShape/Neodent). Dez amostras de cada grupo foram confeccionadas para obtenção de intermediários protéticos em forma de pré-molar. Os intermediários foram fixados aos implantes com torque de 20Ncm para posterior verificação da desadaptação cervical vertical entre o implante e os pilares em quatro posições pré-estabelecidas. Após as amostras terem sido submetidas a um milhão de ciclos mecânicos, as interfaces foram novamente mensuradas, assim como o desaperto dos parafusos. Para a comparação dos valores obtidos, utilizou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon e teste t pareado com nível de significância de 5%. Para a correlação entre os fatores estudados, os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Os grupos Plástico (37µm) e Metálico (35µm) foram diferentes estatisticamente em relação ao desajuste vertical antes da ciclagem mecânica dos grupos Zirkonzahn (4µm) e Neodent (2µm). Após o ensaio de ciclagem mecânica, todos os grupos apresentaram diferença estatística significativa em relação ao tempo inicial, ou seja, Plástico (58µm) foi diferente estatisticamente de Metálico (41µm), Zirkonzahn (4µm) e Neodent (2µm), assim como Metálico foi diferente estatisticamente de Zirkonzahn e Neodent, enquanto esses dois últimos não obtiveram diferenças estatísticas entre si. Quanto a correlação do destorque dos parafusos protéticos e interfaces pilar/implante, foi utilizado coeficiente de correlação não-paramétrico de Spearman, e não foi verificada diferença significativa entre os fatores estudados. Conclusões: As interfaces pilar/implante foram menores nos grupos Zirkonzahn e Neodent antes e após ciclagem mecânica quando comparadas com os grupos Plástico e Metálico. Houve perda de torque após carga cíclica em todos os grupos, contudo não é possível afirmar que um maior valor de interface pilar/implante esteja correlacionado com o desaperto do parafuso.Abstract: Objectives: This study evaluated and compared different types of prosthetic abutments in relation to the vertical cervical misfit abutment/implant of the type of material used in its making, respectively, nickel-chromium-titanium and zirconia, the type of abutment used burnout, respectively, UCLA pre-burn-metal band with prefabricated and completely burnout UCLA plastic, before and after mechanical cycling with a load of 300N (30Kgf) and frequency of 9Hz according to ISO-14801 simulating chewing in one year (one million cycles) and observed the prosthetic screw destorque after mechanical cycling. Methods: Forty implants, external hexagon, with 4.1mm regular platform were divided into four groups according to the prosthetic abutment tested: Group Metal (M) - UCLA pre-burn-cast nickel-chromium-titanium, Plastic group (P) - UCLA burnout completely cast in nickel-chromium-titanium, Zirkonzahn group (Z) - UCLA burnout totally produced in zirconia (Zirkonzahn) and Neodent group (N) - UCLA burnout totally produced in zirconia (NeoShape / Neodent). Ten samples of each group were made to obtain intermediate-shaped prosthetic premolar. Intermediaries were fixed to the implants with a torque of 20Ncm for later verification of vertical cervical misfit between the implant and pillars at four predetermined positions. After the samples have been subjected to one million cycles of mechanical interfaces were again measured, as well as loosening the screws. To compare the values obtained, it were used the Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon and paired t test with significance level of 5%. For the correlation between the factors studied, the results were tested using the Spearman correlation. Results: The groups Plastic (37µm) and Metal (35µm) were statistically different in relation to the vertical misfit before mechanical cycling of the groups Zirkonzahn (4µm) and Neodent (2µm). After the mechanical cycling test, all groups showed a statistically significant difference compared to the initial time, Plastic (58µm) was statistically different from Metal (41µm), Zirkonzahn (4µm) and Neodent (2µm), and M was statistically different from Zirkonzahn and Neodent, while the latter two groups did not achieve statistical differences between them. The correlation of destorque screws and prosthetic pillar interfaces/implant, the correlation coefficient was used nonparametric Spearman, and was not significant difference between the studied factors. Conclusions: The interfaces abutment/implant were lower in groups Zirkonzahn and Neodent before and after mechanical cycling when compared with groups Plastic and Metal. There was loss of torque after cyclic loading in all groups, but it is not possible to say that a higher value interface abutment/implant is correlated with loosening of the screw

    Avaliação da atividade da arginase na saliva de indivíduos submetidos a implantes dentários

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    Orientação: Prof. Dr. Wilson Abrão SaadCoordenação: Prof. Dr. José Roberto CortelliDissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade de Taubaté, Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia, Taubaté, 2008.Made available in DSpace on 2019-05-17T14:44:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daher Antonio Queiroz.pdf: 345172 bytes, checksum: b0cd4507b593c357fc3458edb7317fbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008Resumo: A saliva humana possui diversas enzimas que apresentam atividades específicas e algumas delas podem estar envolvidas no processo inflamatório que acometem os implantes dentários. A arginase é uma enzima hidrolítica que utiliza a L-arginina como substrato para formação da L-ornitina e uréia. Acredita-se que um aumento na produção de arginase possa levar à uma redução na produção de óxido nítrico, consequentemente aumentando a suscetibilidade à infecção bacteriana. Considerando a hipótese de que o número de implantes nos indivíduos e o fumo possam alterar a produção de arginase e que o mesmo é considerado um fator de risco para o sucesso da terapia com implantes, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de ambas as variáveis sobre a atividade da arginase salivar (AS) em pacientes portadores de implantes dentários. Amostras de saliva de 102 indivíduos foram coletadas: 26 não-fumantes e sem implantes dentais (A), 28 pacientes com até 4 implantes dentais e não-fumantes (B), 29 pacientes com cinco ou mais implantes dentais e não-fumantes (C), dez fumantes com implantes (D) e nove fumantes sem implantes (E). Os níveis de AS foram expressos em U/mg proteína e determinados por espectrofotometria através da mensuração da L-ornitina e da proteína salivar. Houve um aumento significativo dos níveis de AS no grupo D (64.26) em relação aos grupos A (10.72, p=0), B (10.66, p=0), C (11.21, p=0) e E (13.66, p=0). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos A, B, C e E (p>0,05). Dentro dos limites do presente estudo, pode-se concluir que a atividade da arginase salivar encontra-se elevada em indivíduos fumantes portadores de implante dentário, sugerindo um possível mecanismo pelo qual o fumo pode levar ao insucesso desta terapia reabilitadora.Abstract: Human saliva possesses many enzymes with activity and some of them might be involved in the inflammatory process of dental implants. Arginase is a hydrolytic enzyme that catalyses L- arginine into ornithine and urea. Its known that a high production of arginase can decreased the production of nitric oxide, consequently leading to bacterial infection susceptibility. To regard the hypothesis of number of implants and smoking might change the production of arginase and considering that smoking is a risk factor of implant therapy, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of both on the activity of arginase in saliva of subjects with dental implants. Saliva of 102 subjects were collected: 26 non-smoking and without dental implants (A), 28 with 4 dental implants or less and non-smoking (B), 29 with five dental implants or more and non-smoking (C), ten smokers with implants (D) and nine smokers and without dental implants (E). The arginase levels were expressed in U/mg and analyzed by spectophotometry and it was determined by measuring the Lornitine formation from L-arginine. The result showed that the mean values of arginase in group D (64.26) were statistically different among groups A (10.72, p=0), B (10.66, p=0), C (11.21, p=0) e D (13.66, p=0). There was no statistically difference among groups A, B, C and E (p>0,05). By the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that arginase activity shown higher in subjects smokers with dental implants, suggesting a possible mechanism that smoke may lead to unsuccess of this rehabilitation therapy.Mestre em Odontologi

    Influence of the casting material on the dimensional accuracy of dental dies

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dimensional accuracy of different materials used in the confection of dies. Two stainless steel standard models were confected. One of the models, which was 2 mm larger than the other model, was used to provide a uniform relief for the two-step putty-wash impression technique. Thirty impressions were obtained using a polyvinyl siloxane impression material and randomly divided into three groups (n = 10) according to the type of casting material: type IV dental stone, commercially available epoxy resin (Tri-Epoxy), and industrial epoxy resin (Sikadur). After the setting/polymerization of the casting material, the dimensional stability was measured in terms of the height, diameter of the base and diameter of the top from the obtained dies and from the standard metal model using a profile projector. Results were analyzed by ANOVA and Dunnet test (α = 0.05). In the height values, no significant difference was observed between the groups, except for Sikadur casts, which showed lower mean values. The Tri-Epoxi group showed statistically lower mean base diameter values, compared with the other groups, and both epoxy resin groups showed statistically lower mean top diameter values, compared with that for the type IV dental stone group. We concluded that type IV gypsum and the commercially available epoxy resin showed similar behavior in most areas. The industrial epoxy resin did not show the same characteristics, although the diameter of the base obtained with it was similar to that obtained with type IV dental stone

    Avaliação morfológica dos conjuntos guia excêntrico: placas dcp-l 4.5 mm Morphological evaluation of eccentric sets guide-plates of dcp-l 4.5 mm

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar isolada e comparativamente medidas do conjunto guia excêntrico-placa utilizado no material de 4.5mm e determinar sua influência na força de compressão. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados quatros guias excêntricos e quatro placas largas de compressão dinâmica (DCP-L) de quatro fabricantes nacionais e um paquímetro digital Vonder®. Criou-se medidas-padrão para os conjuntos, totalizando cinco parâmetros, identificados de A a E. Os conjuntos foram formados por materiais da mesma fábrica e identificados de I a IV. As análises foram feitas com a visualização volar dos guias inseridos nas placas. As placas foram ensaiadas em máquina universal de ensaios. RESULTADOS: Os conjuntos I, II, apresentaram os mesmos valores em todas as medidas. Todos os conjuntos apresentaram os mesmos valores de E = 8.15 e B = 3.60. O conjunto III: A= 8.10mm, C=3.25mm e D= 1.25mm. O conj. IV: A = 7.00mm, C=3.10mm, D = 0.30mm. O conj. I apresentou Força de compressão máxima (F Max.) 80.58 N, conj. II: F Max. 81.63 N, conj. III: F Max. 36.32N, conj. IV: F Max. 37.52N. CONCLUSÃO: As medidas avaliadas nos conjuntos denotam a falta de padronização na fabricação de instrumentais ortopédicos e sua consequência nos valores da força de compressão. Nível de evidência III, estudo analítico.OBJECTIVE: To carry out isolated and comparative evaluations of the measurements of the set eccentric guide plates used in 4.5mm surgical implants, and to determine the effect of these measurements on compression strength. METHODS: Four eccentric guides, (or guide plates?) four large dynamic compression plates (L-DCP) from four local manufacturers, and a Vonder® 200 mm caliper brand were used. Five standard parameter measurements were created for the set eccentric guide-plate, which were identified as A to E. Four sets were made, using materials of the same factory, and identified as groups I to IV. The analyses were performed by measuring all the parameters from a ventral view of the plate, with the eccentric guide placed in the plate hole. RESULTS: Groups I and II showed the same values for all the parameters. All the groups showed the same measurements for E = 8.15 e B = 3.60. Group III: A = 8.10mm, C = 3.25mm, D = 1.25mm. Group IV: A = 7.00mm, C = 3.10mm, D = 0.30mm. Maximum compression force was (F Max.): Group I 80.58 N, Group. II: F Max. 81.63 N, Group. III: F Max. 36.32N, Group. IV: F Max. 37.52N CONCLUSION: The measurements evaluated show a lack of standardization in the manufacture of orthopedic instruments and its effects on the values for compression strength. Level of Evidence: Level III, analytical study

    Bioengineering Tools Applied to Dentistry: Validation Methods for In Vitro and In Silico Analysis

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    This study aimed to evaluate the use of bioengineering tools, finite element analysis, strain gauge analysis, photoelastic analysis, and digital image correlation, in computational studies with greater validity and reproducibility. A bibliographic search was performed in the main health databases PUBMED and Scholar Google, in which different studies, among them, laboratory studies, case reports, systematic reviews, and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with the use of finite element analysis, strain gauge analysis, photoelastic analysis, and digital image correlation were excluded, as well as their use in computational studies with greater validity and reproducibility. According to the methodological analysis, it is observed that the average publication of articles in the Pubmed database was 2.03 and with a standard deviation of 1.89. While in Google Scholar, the average was 0.78 and the standard deviation was 0.90. Thus, it is possible to verify that there was a significant variation in the number of articles in the two databases. Modern dentistry finds in finite element analysis, strain gauge, photoelastic and digital image correlation a way to analyze the biomechanical behavior in dental materials to obtain results that assist to obtain rehabilitations with favorable prognosis and patient satisfaction

    Biomechanical Behavior of Different Miniplate Designs for Skeletal Anchorage in the Anterior Open Bite Treatment

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    This study aimed to evaluate the stress distribution and mechanical behavior of miniplate designs to skeletal anchorage for the treatment of anterior open bite in adult patients. A complete hemimaxilla, teeth, brackets, transpalatal bar, and three miniplates were virtually modeled. I-, Y-, and T-shaped miniplates were installed in the area of the alveolar zygomatic crest. The assembly was constricted and three intrusive forces (2, 4, and 6 N) were applied to the maxillary molars and anchorage according to the miniplates. All materials were considered homogeneous, elastic, and linear; the mesh was 1,800,000 hexahedrons with 2,800,000 nodes on average. Displacement, maximum principal stress, and von Mises stress were evaluated according to the shape of the anchorage device and intrusive force. The miniplate configurations resulted in different stress and displacement intensities in the bone tissue and plate; these stresses were always located in the same regions and were within physiological limits. The Y-plate showed the best performance since its application generated less stress in bone tissue with less displacement

    Influence of Abutment Design on Biomechanical Behavior to Support a Screw-Retained 3-Unit Fixed Partial Denture

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    This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of Morse taper implants using different abutments (CMN abutment [(CMN Group] and miniconical abutments [MC Group]), indicated to support a screw-retained 3-unit fixed partial denture. For the in vitro test, polyurethane blocks were fabricated for both groups (n = 10) and received three implants in the “offset” configuration and their respective abutments (CMN or MC) with a 3-unit fixed partial denture. Four strain gauges were bonded to the surface of each block. For the finite element analysis, 3D models of both groups were created and exported to the analysis software to perform static structural analysis. All structures were considered homogeneous, isotropic, and elastic. The contacts were considered non-linear with a friction coefficient of 0.3 between metallic structures and considered bonded between the implant and substrate. An axial load of 300 N was applied in three points (A, B, and C) for both methods. The microstrain and the maximum principal stress were considered as analysis criteria. The obtained data were submitted to the Mann–Whitney, Kruskal–Wallis, and Dunn’s multiple comparison test (α = 5%). The results obtained by strain gauge showed no statistical difference (p = 0.879) between the CMN (645.3 ± 309.2 με) and MC (639.3 ± 278.8 με) and allowed the validation of computational models with a difference of 6.3% and 6.4% for the microstrains in the CMN and MC groups, respectively. Similarly, the results presented by the computational models showed no statistical difference (p = 0.932) for the CMN (605.1 ± 358.6 με) and MC (598.7 ± 357.9 με) groups. The study concluded that under favorable conditions the use of CMN or MP abutments to support a fixed partial denture can be indicated