1,154 research outputs found

    Lateralized Functions in the Dog Brain

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    Understanding the complementary specialisation of the canine brain has been the subject of increasing scientific study over the last 10 years, chiefly due to the impact of cerebral lateralization on dog behaviour. In particular, behavioural asymmetries, which directly reflect different activation of the two sides of the dog brain, have been reported at different functional levels, including motor and sensory. The goal of this review is not only to provide a clear scenario of the experiments carried out over the last decade but also to highlight the relationships between dogs’ lateralization, cognitive style and behavioural reactivity, which represent crucial aspect relevant for canine welfare

    Effects of graded noise levels on behavior, physiology and production performance of intensively managed lambs

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    The aim of the experiment was to assess the effects of graded noise levels on behavioral, immune and cortisol respons- es, and on production performance of forty precocious Merino lambs. The experiment lasted 42 days and was preceded by a two-week adjustment period. The animals were divided into 3 test groups and a control group of 10 each, which were housed in 12 m2 sound-proof rooms. The lambs in the test groups were exposed to recordings of high-speed motor vehicle traffic noise for 8 hours a day. The frequency range of the recordings was 100 to 6,300 Hz, while the loudness levels were different in the three experimental rooms: group A = 95 dB, group B = 85 dB, and group C = 75 dB. During the same 8 hours the control group was exposed to a background noise of 42-44 dB. For the rest of the day, the ambi- ent noise level in the animal building was 35-40 dB. Behavioral traits of lambs were recorded at the end of the adjust- ment period and then at 14d, 28d and 42d of the experiment. At the same intervals, the plasma levels of glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, total proteins, albumins and cortisol were determined. Cell-mediated immune response to phy- tohemagglutinin (PHA) was determined at the beginning and at days 21 and 42 of the trial. Live weights of lambs were measured at the beginning of the trial and then at two-week intervals during the trial. After slaughtering, the carcass weights and the dressing percentage were determined. The experimental treatment determined a significant increase in the walking time (P < 0.01) and a reduction of plasma cortisol levels (P < 0.01) in the samples taken on days 28 and 42 of the trial in groups A and B. The lambs in the test groups exhibited a slower growth rate (P < 0.01) than the ani- mals of the control group, whereas a deterioration of feed efficiency was observed only in group A (P < 0.01). There were no differences amongst the groups in terms of cell-mediated immunity and blood metabolites. Results suggest that expo- sure to noise has a detrimental effect on some biological functions in lambs but it does not severely impair animal well- being, at least when there are no concomitant conditions of physical and social discomfort

    Relationship between visuospatial attention and paw preference in dogs

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    The relationship between visuospatial attention and paw preference was investigated in domestic dogs. Visuospatial attention was evaluated using a food detection task that closely matches the so-called "cancellation" task used in human studies. Paw preference was estimated by quantifying the dog's use of forepaws to hold a puzzle feeder device (namely the "Kong") while eating its content. Results clearly revealed a strong relationship between visuospatial attention bias and motor laterality, with a left-visuospatial bias in the left-pawed group, a right-visuospatial bias in the right-pawed group and with the absence of significant visuospatial attention bias in ambi-pawed subjects. The current findings are the first evidence for the presence of a relationship between motor lateralization and visuospatial attentional mechanisms in a mammal species besides humans

    Analysis of the Joint Effects of Thermal Stresses and Corrosion on Integral Abutment Bridges

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    The corrosion of reinforced concrete structures in coastal areas turns out to be very severe and can extend significantly in windy zones. Additionally, frequent temperature changes and, above all, exposure to extreme temperatures might induce wider cracks and micro‐cracks in concrete structures which, in turn, might accelerate the diffusion of corrosive agents. Motivated by this evidence, the present study aims at verifying the sensitivity of integral abutment bridges to the combined effect of thermal stresses and corrosion. Preliminary results show that a high thermal stress may amplify the negative effects of corrosion but also that the bridge used for the case study is more sensitive to thermal stresses than to corrosion

    Intelligent automatic operational modal analysis

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    Operational modal analysis methods have been proven especially useful to identify existing structures and infrastructures under serviceability conditions. However, the installation of sensing systems for monitoring continuously an ever larger number of existing constructions has motivated significant efforts towards the automation of the available methods. Within this framework, the present paper introduces a new paradigm for the automatic output-only modal identification of linear structures under ambient vibrations, namely the intelligent automatic operational modal analysis (i-AOMA). It exploits the covariance-based stochastic subspace (SSI-cov) algorithm for the output-only identification of the modal parameters and its workflow consists of two main phases. Initially, quasi-random samples of the control parameters for the SSI-cov algorithm are generated. Once the SSI-cov algorithm is performed for each sample, the corresponding stabilization diagrams are processed in order to prepare a database for training the intelligent core of the i-AOMA method. This is a machine learning technique (namely a random forest algorithm) that predicts which combination of the control parameters for the SSI-cov algorithm is able to provide good modal estimates. Afterward, new quasi-random samples of the control parameters for the SSI-cov algorithm are generated repeatedly until a statistical convergence criterion is achieved. If the generic sample is classified as feasible by the intelligent core of the i-AOMA method, then the SSI-cov algorithm is performed. Finally, stable modal results are distilled from the stabilization diagrams and relevant statistics are computed to evaluate the uncertainty level due to the variability of the control parameters. The proposed i-AOMA method has been applied to identify the modal features of the Al-Hamra Firduos Tower, an iconic 412.6 m tall building located in Kuwait City (Kuwait). The final results well agree with a previous experimental study, and it was also possible to identify two new vibration modes of the structure. The implemented open-source Python code is made freely available


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    Tendo o esporte como uma manifestação da Cultura de Movimento que se apresenta de maneira hegemônica nos meios de comunicação e compreendendo este momento como o de “repedagogização” no campo acadêmico da Educação Física, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo pensar nas análises de reportagens televisivas como possibilidade didático-pedagógica nas aulas de Educação Física numa estreita relação com a Mídia- Educação. Trabalhamos como pressuposto teórico-metodológico a “abordagem compreensiva” proposto por Ferrés (1996) e algumas categorias de análise desenvolvido por Pires et al (2006). O esforço aqui é de tentar problematizar o esporte para além do ensino de técnicas e habilidades, ampliando assim as discussões didáticas na Educação Física e pensando em mediar pedagogicamente os discursos oriundos da TV com a intenção de uma educação para a cidadania dos sujeitos

    The Potential Impact of a Dog Training Program on the Animal Adoptions in an Italian Shelter

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Human–dog relationships are mainly focused on the physical and emotional wellbeing, and has much evolved in the last decades, becoming even more intense over time. Such a novel conception should also be applied to the life that takes place in kennels, which have been mistakenly regarded as a landfill or a burden on society for too many years. Here, we took into consideration an Italian shelter, and analyzed 555 adopted dogs who underwent a well-detailed behavioral training program, to assess the potential impact of the education upon the adoption of attitude. We documented a higher increase in the number of adoptions both for adult and senior animals when compared to the age-matched untrained dogs. Collectively, our data highlight the importance of a proper training, mainly accomplished with reward methods, to get a more suitable and balanced owner-dog attachment. ABSTRACT: One of the main concerns of the human–dog relationship is today associated with the quality life inside the kennels, which are very often regarded as animal dump where dogs are exiled, representing a burden on society. In the present study we sought to investigate the importance of performing an appropriate behavioral program on the adoption chances within an Italian shelter, near Naples (Ottaviano). In this respect, we enrolled 555 adopted dogs of different ages, who followed a tailored-4-month lasting training program between 2018 and 2020. Once entered there, they were carefully examined by the veterinary behaviorist, and directed towards a suited training program, to improve living conditions. We documented a higher number of both adult and senior dogs who left the kennel and were adopted, compared to the age-matched untrained animals (n = 479), housed in the same kennel from 2015 to 2017. Taken together, the present data highlight an important role for training in improving the natural attitudes of the companion dogs, thus pointing towards a better human–animal bond

    Retrospective analysis of dog bites in Southern Italy

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    ABSTRACT: Dog bite is one of the major public health problems involving people worldwide. Although, several studies have investigated this phenomenon in different countries, little information about the incidence of dog bite episodes in Italy is available. We analysed data about dog biting events between 2010 and 2019 provided by the CRIUV, the Regional Reference Centre for Veterinary Urban Hygiene in the largest city of Southern Italy, namely. Naples. We observed severe and profound inconsistencies in the data collection that reveal structural and significant weaknesses of the current data collection system. Given the multifactorial nature of dog bite, we highlight the need to improve the gathering of all the information related to the factors affecting the occurrence of biting episodes for an accurate assessment of the biting phenomenon

    Human-Animal Relationship Dysfunction: A Case Study of Animal Hoarding in Italy

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    "Animal hoarding" or "compulsive hoarding of animals" is a psychiatric disease, which has important social implications and a profound influence on animal welfare. To date, this phenomenon has been little investigated and largely unexplored. The present study aims to systematically describe a case of animal hoarding, which remains unresolved. The report refers to a case of a woman suffering from animal hoarding that emerged in 2005. From March 2014 to December 2019, 450 animals were seized over nine different occasions. This disease had significant implications on the welfare of the animals collected, which lived in poor housing and hygiene conditions that frequently led to their death. Since animal hoarding cases involve sanitary, legal, and veterinary aspects, we believe that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary in order to prevent a recurrence and a new accumulation of animals. A holistic approach should be taken according to the One Health principle that involves different stakeholders at every level in order to adopt an efficient solution

    Time-dependent cyclic behavior of reinforced concretebridge columns under chlorides-induced corrosion andrebars buckling

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    This study presents the results of a refined numerical investigation meant at understanding the time-dependent cyclic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns under chlorides-induced corrosion. The chloride ingress in the cross-section of the bridge column is simulated, taking into account the effects of temperature, humidity, aging, and corrosion-induced cover cracking. Once the partial differential equations governing such multiphysics problem are solved through the finite-element method, the loss of reinforcement steel bars cross-section is calculated based on the estimated corrosion current density. The nonlinear cyclic response of the RC bridge column under corrosion is, thus, determined by discretizing its cross-sections into several unidirectional fibers. In particular, the nonlinear modeling of the corroded longitudinal rebars exploits a novel proposal for the estimation of the ultimate strain in tension and also accounts for buckling under compression. A parametric numerical study is finally conducted for a real case study to unfold the role of corrosion pattern and buckling mode of the longitudinal rebars on the time variation of capacity and ductility of RC bridge columns