151 research outputs found

    Thermochromic Conductive Fibers with Modifiable Solar Absorption for Personal Thermal Management and Temperature Visualization

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    Thermal management textiles provide an energy-efficient strategy for personal thermal comfort by regulating heat flow between the human body and the environment. However, textiles with a single heating or cooling mode cannot realize temperature regulation under dynamic weather. Furthermore, monocolor textiles do not satisfy aesthetic requirements in a garment. Here, we develop a thermochromic (TC) conductive fiber with a coaxial structure composed of a conductive core and thermochromic shell. The TC conductive fiber-woven fabric has the ability of low-energy dynamic thermal management by combining Joule heating and modulation of solar absorption. Compared with commercial white fabrics, TC conductive fabrics exhibit a maximum temperature drop of 2.5 K, while the temperature of colored commercial fabrics is 7.5–16 K higher than that of commercial white fabrics in the hot. In the cold, the combination of Joule heating and the photothermal effect can provide desired thermal comfort for humans. Meanwhile, heat obtained from solar absorption brings the temperature of a fabric to a predetermined level, which saves energy of 625 W/m2 compared to a conductive-fiber-based textile. In addition, TC conductive fabrics with trichromatic evolution provide a sensitive and instant temperature visualization capable of identification of invisible and intense infrared radiation. These results provide another path to expand potential applications of wearable, flexible electronics

    Mean proportion of total sensitivity to scalp, skull, and CSF as a function of source-detector separation.

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    <p>Errorbars represent standard errors across all nineteen locations in the International 10–20 System. Separate curves again represent pre-thresholding of the sensitivity (3-point Green's function) maps at 5, 4, 3 or 2 orders of magnitude (OM) reduction in sensitivity compared to peak.</p

    Optical properties for scalp, skull, CSF, gray and white matter used for all Monte Carlo simulations.

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    <p>Optical properties for scalp, skull, CSF, gray and white matter used for all Monte Carlo simulations.</p

    Photon sensitivity profile at a broad range of source-detector separations.

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    <p>Contours are drawn for each order of magnitude loss in sensitivity from peak and are truncated after 5 orders of magnitude.</p

    Mean NIRS depth sensitivity in the brain plotted in two orthogonal ways, by SD separation.

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    <p>(A) The top two traces represent scalp (blue) and skull (green) sensitivity. Sensitivity to scalp and skull were equal at a SD separation of 25 mm. On average, 1% or more of the sensitivity profile was achieved for all of the most superficial 11.2 mm of the intracranial volume at SD separations of 25 mm or greater (circle). (B) Intracranial sensitivity in depth as a function of source-detector separation (excluding scalp and skull). At all separations, sensitivity decreases exponentially with depth (i.e., linear curves through ∼15 mm depth on this semilog plot).</p

    Photon propagation through scattering tissue.

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    <p>(A) Representation of a single photon moving through tissue, from the source, to an arbitrary point inside the medium. Accumulation of photon weights during this process is the basis of a 2-point Green's function. (B) Example 2-point Green's function, with colors representing the intensity of light reaching any given point in the tissue (truncated after a 5 order-of-magnitude reduction in intensity from peak). (C) Representation of a single photon traveling from the source, to a point in the medium, and on to a detector; the basis of a 3-point sensitivity function. (D) Example 3-point sensitivity function generated from two MC simulations (one for the source, one for the detector) spaced 30 mm apart.</p

    Fitted exponential decay coefficient, c, from the sensitivity function in Eqn. (6) as a function of SD separation.

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    <p>The asymptote at ∼40 mm separations means that further increasing the SD separation provides diminishing returns for NIRS sensitivity to brain function.</p

    Estimated relative NIRS sensitivity (proportions) as a function of depth for a SD separation of 30 mm.

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    <p>Estimated relative NIRS sensitivity (proportions) as a function of depth for a SD separation of 30 mm.</p

    Mean proportion of total sensitivity to the tissue types indicated as a function of source-detector separation.

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    <p>Errorbars represent standard errors across all nineteen locations in the International 10–20 System. Separate curves represent pre-thresholding of the sensitivity (3-point Green's function) maps at 5, 4, 3, or 2 orders of magnitude (OM) reduction in sensitivity compared to peak, representing progressively less optimal NIRS measurement systems. (A) Sensitivity to brain tissue = gray plus white matter. (B) Non-brain tissue = CSF plus skull plus scalp. (C) Gray matter only. (D) White matter only.</p
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