324 research outputs found

    Evidence for the interaction of Endophilin A3 with endogenous K(Ca)2.3 channels in PC12 cells

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    Background/Aims: Small-conductance calcium-activated (SK) channels play an important role by controlling the after-hyperpolarization of excitable cells. The level of expression and density of these channels is an essential factor for controlling different cellular functions. Several studies showed a co-localization of KCa2.3 channels and Endophilin A3 in different tissues. Endophilin A3 belongs to a family of BAR- and SH3 domain containing proteins that bind to dynamin and are involved in the process of vesicle scission in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Methods: Using the yeast two-hybrid system and the GST pull down assay we demonstrated that Endophilin A3 interacts with the N-terminal part of KCa2.3 channels. In addition, we studied the impact of this interaction on channel activity by patch clamp measurements in PC12 cells expressing endogenous KCa2.3 channels. KCa2.3 currents were activated by using pipette solutions containing 1 µM free Ca(2+). Results: Whole-cell measurements of PC12 cells transfected with Endophilin A3 showed a reduction of KCa2.3 specifc Cs(+) currents indicating that the interaction of Endophilin A3 with KCa2.3 channels also occurs in mammalian cells and that this interaction has functional consequences for current flowing through KCa2.3 channels. Since KCa2.3 specific currents could be increased in PC12 cells transfected with Endophilin A3 with DC-EBIO (30 µM), a known SK-channel activator, these data also implicate that Endophilin A3 did not significantly remove KCa2.3 channels from the membrane but changed the sensitivity of the channels to Ca(2+) which could be overcome by DC-EBIO. Conclusion: This interaction seems to be important for the function of KCa2.3 channels and might therefore play a significant role in situations where channel activation is pivotal for cellular function

    Protecting Important Sites for Biodiversity Contributes to Meeting Global Conservation Targets

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    Abstract Protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone of conservation efforts and now cover nearly 13% of the world's land surface, with the world's governments committed to expand this to 17%. However, as biodiversity continues to decline, the effectiveness of PAs in reducing the extinction risk of species remains largely untested. We analyzed PA coverage and trends in species' extinction risk at globally significant sites for conserving birds (10,993 Important Bird Areas, IBAs) and highly threatened vertebrates and conifers (588 Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, AZEs) (referred to collectively hereafter as 'important sites'). Species occurring in important sites with greater PA coverage experienced smaller increases in extinction risk over recent decades: the increase was half as large for bird species with.50% of the IBAs at which they occur completely covered by PAs, and a third lower for birds, mammals and amphibians restricted to protected AZEs (compared with unprotected or partially protected sites). Globally, half of the important sites for biodiversity conservation remain unprotected (49% of IBAs, 51% of AZEs). While PA coverage of important sites has increased over time, the proportion of PA area covering important sites, as opposed to less important land, has declined (by 0.45-1.14% annually since 1950 for IBAs and 0.79-1.49% annually for AZEs). Thus, while appropriately located PAs may slow the rate at which species are driven towards extinction, recent PA network expansion has under-represented important sites. We conclude that better targeted expansion of PA networks would help to improve biodiversity trends

    Protecting Important Sites for Biodiversity Contributes to Meeting Global Conservation Targets

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    Abstract Protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone of conservation efforts and now cover nearly 13% of the world's land surface, with the world's governments committed to expand this to 17%. However, as biodiversity continues to decline, the effectiveness of PAs in reducing the extinction risk of species remains largely untested. We analyzed PA coverage and trends in species' extinction risk at globally significant sites for conserving birds (10,993 Important Bird Areas, IBAs) and highly threatened vertebrates and conifers (588 Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, AZEs) (referred to collectively hereafter as 'important sites'). Species occurring in important sites with greater PA coverage experienced smaller increases in extinction risk over recent decades: the increase was half as large for bird species with.50% of the IBAs at which they occur completely covered by PAs, and a third lower for birds, mammals and amphibians restricted to protected AZEs (compared with unprotected or partially protected sites). Globally, half of the important sites for biodiversity conservation remain unprotected (49% of IBAs, 51% of AZEs). While PA coverage of important sites has increased over time, the proportion of PA area covering important sites, as opposed to less important land, has declined (by 0.45-1.14% annually since 1950 for IBAs and 0.79-1.49% annually for AZEs). Thus, while appropriately located PAs may slow the rate at which species are driven towards extinction, recent PA network expansion has under-represented important sites. We conclude that better targeted expansion of PA networks would help to improve biodiversity trends

    Review: Allelochemicals as multi-kingdom plant defence compounds: towards an integrated approach

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    © 2020 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry. The capability of synthetic pesticides to manage weeds, insect pests and pathogens in crops has diminished due to evolved resistance. Sustainable management is thus becoming more challenging. Novel solutions are needed and, given the ubiquity of biologically active secondary metabolites in nature, such compounds require further exploration as leads for novel crop protection chemistry. Despite improving understanding of allelochemicals, particularly in terms of their potential for use in weed control, their interactions with multiple biotic kingdoms have to date largely been examined in individual compounds and not as a recurrent phenomenon. Here, multi-kingdom effects in allelochemicals are introduced by defining effects on various organisms, before exploring current understanding of the inducibility and possible ecological roles of these compounds with regard to the evolutionary arms race and dose–response relationships. Allelochemicals with functional benefits in multiple aspects of plant defence are described. Gathering these isolated areas of science under the unified umbrella of multi-kingdom allelopathy encourages the development of naturally-derived chemistries conferring defence to multiple discrete biotic stresses simultaneously, maximizing benefits in weed, insect and pathogen control, while potentially circumventing resistance. © 2020 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry

    Regional differences in HIV prevalence among drug users in China: potential for future spread of HIV?

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    Kretzschmar M, Zhang W, Mikolajczyk RT, et al. Regional differences in HIV prevalence among drug users in China: potential for future spread of HIV? BMC Infectious Diseases. 2008;8(1):108.Background: Drug use and in particular injecting drug use has been at the forefront of the explosive spread of HIV in general populations in many countries in Asia. There is concern that also in China increased HIV incidence in drug users might spark off a generalized epidemic in the wider population. Close monitoring of HIV incidence and risk factors in drug users is therefore important to be able to target interventions effectively. Second generation surveillance was launched to assess HIV prevalence and risk behaviours jointly with the purpose of describing trends and predicting future developments. To assess whether these goals were fulfilled among drug users in China we provide an analysis of risk factors for HIV infection and of regional differences in HIV prevalence. Methods: We analysed data collected in 2005 in 21 drug user second generation surveillance sentinel sites from 14 provinces in China. We used random effects logistic regression to test for risk factors for HIV infection and regional differences. Results: The overall HIV-1 antibody prevalence was 5.4% (279/5128); 4.9% among injecting drug users (IDU) not sharing needles and 3.7% among non-injecting drug users. We found substantial heterogeneity among the surveillance sites with prevalence rates ranging between 0% and 54%. HIV status was strongly affected by the regional prevalence of HIV. Risk behaviours were highly prevalent in regions where HIV prevalence is still low. The distribution of duration of drug use in different sites indicated different stages of the drug use epidemics. Conclusion: ]Regional differences in HIV prevalence in China reflect different stages of the drug use and HIV epidemics rather than differences in risk behaviours. Therefore, outbreaks of HIV among drug users in regions where prevalence is still low can be expected in the future. However, methodological limitations of surveillance embedded into routine systems limit the usability of existing data. More standardized approaches to data collection in secondary generation HIV surveillance are necessary to better understand regional differences in risk behaviour and prevalence and to design targeted intervention for those regions at risk of experiencing outbreaks

    Predictors of HIV and Syphilis among Men Who Have Sex with Men in a Chinese Metropolitan City: Comparison of Risks among Students and Non-Students

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    Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at a substantial risk of HIV, given rising HIV prevalence in urban China. Adolescent and adult students often take HIV-related risk as part of sexual exploration. We compared the risks of HIV and syphilis infections and risky sexual behaviors between student and non-student among urban MSM.Respondent driven sampling approach was used to recruit men who were self-identified as MSM in Chongqing Metropolitan City in southwestern China in 2009. Each participant completed a computer-assisted self-interview which collected demographic and behavioral data, and provided blood specimens for HIV and syphilis testing. Multivariable logistic regression analyses identified predictors for HIV and syphilis infections while comparing student and non-student MSM.Among 503 MSM participants, 36.4% were students, of whom 84.2% were in college. The adjusted prevalence of HIV infection was 5.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.1%-10.2%) in students and 20.9% (95% CI: 13.7%-27.5%) in non-students; the adjusted prevalence of syphilis was 4.4% (95% CI: 0.7%-9.0%) in students and 7.9% (95% CI: 3.6%-12.9%) in non-students (P = 0.12). Two groups had similar risky sexual behaviors such as number of sexual partners and exchanging sex for money. Multivariate analysis showed that students had lower HIV prevalence than non-students (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.1-0.8) adjusting for age, ethnicity and other variables.Student MSM have lower HIV and similar syphilis prevalence compared with non-student MSM. However, due to a shorter duration of sexual experience and high prevalence of at-risk sexual behaviors among student MSM, HIV risk might be quite high in students as in non-students

    Concomitant ablation of atrial fibrillation in octogenarians: an observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiac surgery is increasingly required in octogenarians. These patients frequently present atrial fibrillation (AF), a significant factor for stroke and premature death. During the last decade, AF ablation has become an effective procedure in cardiac surgery. Because the results of concomitant AF ablation in octogenarians undergoing cardiac surgery are still not clear, we evaluated the outcome in these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Among 200 patients undergoing concomitant AF ablation (87% persistent AF), 28 patients were ≥ 80 years (82 ± 2.4 years). The outcome was analysed by prospective follow up after 3, 6, 12 months and annually thereafter. Freedom from AF was calculated according to the Kaplan-Meier method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Octogenarians were similar to controls regarding AF duration (48 ± 63.2 versus 63 ± 86.3 months, n.s.) and left atrial diameter (49 ± 6.1 versus 49 ± 8.8 mm, n.s.), but differed in EuroSCORE (17.3 ± 10.93 versus 7.4 ± 7.31%, p < 0.001), prevalence of paroxysmal AF (25.0 versus 11.0%, p = 0.042) and aortic valve disease (67.8 versus 28.5%, p < 0.001). ICU stay (8 ± 16.9 versus 4 ± 7.2 days, p = 0.027), hospital stay (20 ± 23.9 versus 14 ± 30.8 days, p < 0.05), and 30-d-mortality (14.3 versus 4.6%, p = 0.046) were increased. After 12 ± 6.1 months of follow-up (95% complete), 14 octogenarians (82%) and 101 controls (68%, n.s.) were in sinus rhythm; 59% without antiarrhythmic drugs in either group (n.s.). Sinus rhythm restoration was associated with improved NYHA functional class and renormalization of left atrial size. Cumulative freedom from AF demonstrated no difference between groups. Late mortality was higher in octogenarians (16.7 versus 6.1%, p = 0.065).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sinus rhythm restoration rate and functional improvement are satisfactory in octogenarians undergoing concomitant AF ablation. Hence, despite an increased perioperative risk, this procedure should be considered even in advanced age.</p

    Improvements to the Red List Index

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    The Red List Index uses information from the IUCN Red List to track trends in the projected overall extinction risk of sets of species. It has been widely recognised as an important component of the suite of indicators needed to measure progress towards the international target of significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. However, further application of the RLI (to non-avian taxa in particular) has revealed some shortcomings in the original formula and approach: It performs inappropriately when a value of zero is reached; RLI values are affected by the frequency of assessments; and newly evaluated species may introduce bias. Here we propose a revision to the formula, and recommend how it should be applied in order to overcome these shortcomings. Two additional advantages of the revisions are that assessment errors are not propagated through time, and the overall level extinction risk can be determined as well as trends in this over time

    Evolution of nuclear structure with increasing spin and internal excitation energy in 152Dy

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    The total γ ray spectrum emitted by 152Dy has been measured in two different reactions and decomposed into its constituent parts. From the measured decay times, multiplicities, multipolarities and spectral shapes, the average decay path has been reconstructed. The yrast single-particle structures have been shown to give way to highly collective bands at internal excitations energies &gt; 1.5 MeV. A model, which takes into account the competition between statistical and collective decay at high spin and temperature, has been used to fit all features of the data, yielding Qt=7.0+2.5-1.5 e b for the collective bands

    Recruiting Injection Drug Users: A Three-Site Comparison of Results and Experiences with Respondent-Driven and Targeted Sampling Procedures

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    Several recent studies have utilized respondent-driven sampling (RDS) methods to survey hidden populations such as commercial sex-workers, men who have sex with men (MSM) and injection drug users (IDU). Few studies, however, have provided a direct comparison between RDS and other more traditional sampling methods such as venue-based, targeted or time/space sampling. The current study sampled injection drug users in three U.S. cities using RDS and targeted sampling (TS) methods and compared their effectiveness in terms of recruitment efficiency, logistics, and sample demographics. Both methods performed satisfactorily. The targeted method required more staff time per-recruited respondent and had a lower proportion of screened respondents who were eligible than RDS, while RDS respondents were offered higher incentives for participation