419 research outputs found

    Space-time properties of the higher twist amplitudes

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    A consistent and intuitive description of the twist-4 corrections to the hadron structure functions is presented in a QCD-improved parton model using time-ordered perturbative theory, where the collinear singularities are naturally eliminated. We identify the special propagators with the backward propagators of partons in time order.Comment: 18 Pages, Latex, 8 Ps figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Naringin supplementation affects performance, carcass traits, meat quality and oxidative stability of finishing pigs

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    Naringin is a major flavanone derivate that has many important biological functions in animals. However, its effect on pigs is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of naringin supplementation on performance, carcass traits, meat quality and oxidative stability in finishing pigs. Ninety-six pigs, with an average initial body weight of 66.2 ± 0.63 kg, were randomly divided into four groups. One group was fed a basal diet without supplementation (control), and the three others were fed diets supplemented with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 g naringin /kg DM of feed for 50 days. Each treatment was replicated six times with four pigs per replicate. Feed and water were available ad libitum. The 0.5 g/kg naringin treatment group had an improved loin eye muscle area, reduced serum triglycerides and were leaner compared with the other groups. Pigs in the 1.5 g/kg naringin treatment had higher pH45min values and inosine monophosphate concentrations, and lower MyHC IIb mRNA expression in muscle than the other groups. MyHC IIa mRNA expression was significantly up-regulated in all naringin-supplemented diet groups. Naringin significantly increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and total anti-oxidative capacity in meat, as well as SOD and glutathione peroxidase activity in the liver. These results indicate that the dietary addition of naringin at 0.5 g/kg improved carcass characteristics, while 1.5 g/kg improved the oxidative stability and pork quality in finishing pigs. Keywords: antioxidant capacity; carcass characteristics; naringin-supplemented diets; pork qualit

    Accessing Transversity in Double-Spin Asymmetries at the BNL-RHIC

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    We give upper bounds for transverse double-spin asymmetries in polarized proton-proton collisions by saturating the positivity constraint for the transversity densities at a low hadronic resolution scale. We consider prompt photon, jet, pion, and heavy flavor production at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Estimates of the expected statistical accuracy for such measurements are presented, taking into account the acceptance of the RHIC detectors.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures as eps file

    Spin-dependent structure functions g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 for inclusive spin-half baryon production in electron-positron annihilation

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    Two spin-dependent structure functions g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 for the inclusive spin-half baryon production in electron-positron annihilation are studied in the context of QCD factorization as well as in the naive quark parton model. As a result, it is found that the sum of g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 is related to h^1\hat h_1 and g^T\hat g_T, two quark fragmentation functions defined by Jaffe and Ji. In connection with the measurement of quark fragmentation functions, the possible phenomenological consequences are discussed.Comment: RevTex, four Ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Novel Structure Function for Photon Fragmentation into a Λ\Lambda Hyperon and Transverse Λ\Lambda Polarization in Unpolarized Electron-Positron Annihilation

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    The possibility is examined for the inclusive Λ\Lambda in unpolarized electron-positron annihilation to be transversely polarized. Due to final-state interactions, there exists a novel structure function F^(z,Q2)\hat F(z,Q^2) for the inclusive Λ\Lambda hyperon (or any other baryons) production from the unpolarized time-like photon fragmentation, which makes contribution to the transverse Λ\Lambda polarization in the unpolarized electron-positron annihilation.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, the version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    Jet broadening in deeply inelastic scattering

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    In deeply inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering (DIS), the average jet transverse momentum is broadened because of the multiple scattering in the nuclear medium. The size of jet broadening is proportional to the multi-parton correlation functions inside nuclei. We show that at leading order, jet broadening in DIS and nulcear enhancement in di-jet momentum imbalance and Drell-Yan share the same four-parton correlation functions. We argue that jet broadening in DIS provide an indenpendent measurement of the four-parton correlation functions and a test of QCD treatment of multiple scattering.Comment: Latex, 18 pages, five figures; a few typos were correcte

    Reconstruction of a Nonminimal Coupling Theory with Scale-invariant Power Spectrum

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    A nonminimal coupling single scalar field theory, when transformed from Jordan frame to Einstein frame, can act like a minimal coupling one. Making use of this property, we investigate how a nonminimal coupling theory with scale-invariant power spectrum could be reconstructed from its minimal coupling counterpart, which can be applied in the early universe. Thanks to the coupling to gravity, the equation of state of our universe for a scale-invariant power spectrum can be relaxed, and the relation between the parameters in the action can be obtained. This approach also provides a means to address the Big-Bang puzzles and anisotropy problem in the nonminimal coupling model within Jordan frame. Due to the equivalence between the two frames, one may be able to find models that are free of the horizon, flatness, singularity as well as anisotropy problems.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Nonperturbative Description of Deep Inelastic Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD

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    We explore the deep inelastic structure functions of hadrons nonperturbatively in an inverse power expansion of the light-front energy of the probe in the framework of light-front QCD. We arrive at the general expressions for various structure functions as the Fourier transform of matrix elements of different components of bilocal vector and axial vector currents on the light-front in a straightforward manner. The complexities of the structure functions are mainly carried by the multi-parton wave functions of the hadrons, while, the bilocal currents have a dynamically dependent yet simple structure on the light-front in this description. We also present a novel analysis of the power corrections based on light-front power counting which resolves some ambiguities of the conventional twist analysis in deep inelastic processes. Further, the factorization theorem and the scale evolution of the structure functions are presented in this formalism by using old-fashioned light-front time-ordered perturbation theory with multi-parton wave functions. Nonperturbative QCD dynamics underlying the structure functions can be explored in the same framework. Once the nonperturbative multi-parton wave functions are known from low-energy light-front QCD, a complete description of deep inelastic structure functions can be realized.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages and no figur

    Q^2-Evolution of Nucleon's Chiral-Odd Twist-3 Structure Function: h_L(x,Q^2)

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    We investigate the Q2Q^{2}-evolution of the chiral-odd spin-dependent parton distribution hL(x,Q2)h_{L}(x, Q^{2}) relevant for the polarized Drell-Yan processes. The results are obtained in the leading logarithmic order in the framework of the renormalization group and the standard QCD perturbation theory. We calculate the anomalous dimension matrix for the twist-3 operators for hLh_{L} in the one-loop order. The operator mixing among the relevant twist-3 operators including the operators proportional to the QCD equations of motion is treated properly in a consistent scheme. Implications for future experiments are also discussed.Comment: HUPD-9419, Latex file, 21 pages, 7 figures available on reques

    Wilson Lines off the Light-cone in TMD PDFs

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    Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) also take into account the transverse momentum (pTp_T) of the partons. The pTp_T-integrated analogues can be linked directly to quark and gluon matrix elements using the operator product expansion in QCD, involving operators of definite twist. TMDs also involve operators of higher twist, which are not suppressed by powers of the hard scale, however. Taking into account gauge links that no longer are along the light-cone, one finds that new distribution functions arise. They appear at leading order in the description of azimuthal asymmetries in high-energy scattering processes. In analogy to the collinear operator expansion, we define a universal set of TMDs of definite rank and point out the importance for phenomenology.Comment: 12 pages, presented by the first author at the Light-Cone Conference 2013, May 20-24, 2013, Skiathos, Greece. To be published in Few Body System
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