872 research outputs found

    Space-time properties of the higher twist amplitudes

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    A consistent and intuitive description of the twist-4 corrections to the hadron structure functions is presented in a QCD-improved parton model using time-ordered perturbative theory, where the collinear singularities are naturally eliminated. We identify the special propagators with the backward propagators of partons in time order.Comment: 18 Pages, Latex, 8 Ps figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    J/psi couplings to charmed resonances and to pi

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    We present an evaluation of the strong couplings JD^(*)D^(*) and JD^(*)D^(*)pi by an effective field theory of quarks and mesons. These couplings are necessary to calculate pi+J/psi --> D^(*)+barD^(*) cross sections, an important background to the J/psi suppression signal in the quark-gluon plasma. We write down the general effective lagrangian and compute the relevant couplings in the soft pion limit and beyond.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 reference added and minor comments, style changed to RevTe

    Joint Resummation for Higgs Production

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    We study the application of the joint resummation formalism to Higgs production via gluon-gluon fusion at the LHC, defining inverse transforms by analytic continuation. We work at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We find that at low Q_T the resummed Higgs Q_T distributions are comparable in the joint and pure-Q_T formalisms, with relatively small influence from threshold enhancement in this range. We find a modest (about ten percent) decrease in the inclusive cross section, relative to pure threshold resummation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures as eps file

    Non-perturbative effects and the resummed Higgs transverse momentum distribution at the LHC

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    We investigate the form of the non-perturbative parameterization in both the impact parameter (b) space and transverse momentum (p_T) space resummation formalisms for the transverse momentum distribution of single massive bosons produced at hadron colliders. We propose to analyse data on Upsilon hadroproduction as a means of studying the non-perturbative contribution in processes with two gluons in the initial state. We also discuss the theoretical errors on the resummed Higgs transverse momentum distribution at the LHC arising from the non-perturbative contribution.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Restoration of kTk_T factorization for low pTp_T hadron hadroproduction

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    We discuss the applicability of the kTk_T factorization theorem to low-pTp_T hadron production in hadron-hadron collision in a simple toy model, which involves only scalar particles and gluons. It has been shown that the kTk_T factorization for high-pTp_T hadron hadroproduction is broken by soft gluons in the Glauber region, which are exchanged among a transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) parton density and other subprocesses of the collision. We explain that the contour of a loop momentum can be deformed away from the Glauber region at low pTp_T, so the above residual infrared divergence is factorized by means of the standard eikonal approximation. The kTk_T factorization is then restored in the sense that a TMD parton density maintains its universality. Because the resultant Glauber factor is independent of hadron flavors, experimental constraints on its behavior are possible. The kTk_T factorization can also be restored for the transverse single-spin asymmetry in hadron-hadron collision at low pTp_T in a similar way, with the residual infrared divergence being factorized into the same Glauber factor.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in EPJ

    J/psi suppression in heavy ion collisions by quark momentum diffusion

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    The momentum diffusion effect of the quark pair due to the multiple scattering in a nuclear medium is studied to explain the observed J/psi yields in SPS experiments. The resulting suppression is found to be insufficient to reproduce the J/psi yield in Pb-Pb collisions at SPS energy.Comment: 2 pages (1 figure

    Differential Cross Section for Higgs Boson Production Including All-Orders Soft Gluon Resummation

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    The transverse momentum QTQ_T distribution is computed for inclusive Higgs boson production at the energy of the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We focus on the dominant gluon-gluon subprocess in perturbative quantum chromodynamics and incorporate contributions from the quark-gluon and quark-antiquark channels. Using an impact-parameter bb-space formalism, we include all-orders resummation of large logarithms associated with emission of soft gluons. Our resummed results merge smoothly at large QTQ_T with the fixed-order expectations in perturbative quantum chromodynamics, as they should, with no need for a matching procedure. They show a high degree of stability with respect to variation of parameters associated with the non-perturbative input at low QTQ_T. We provide distributions dσ/dydQTd\sigma/dy dQ_T for Higgs boson masses from MZM_Z to 200 GeV. The average transverse momentum at zero rapidity yy grows approximately linearly with mass of the Higgs boson over the range MZ<mh0.18mh+18M_Z < m_h \simeq 0.18 m_h + 18 ~GeV. We provide analogous results for ZZ boson production, for which we compute 25 \simeq 25 GeV. The harder transverse momentum distribution for the Higgs boson arises because there is more soft gluon radiation in Higgs boson production than in ZZ production.Comment: 42 pages, latex, 26 figures. All figures replaced. Some changes in wording. Published in Phys. Rev. D67, 034026 (2003

    Nuclear dependence coefficient α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) for the Drell-Yan and J/ψ\psi production

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    Define the nuclear dependence coefficient α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) in terms of ratio of transverse momentum spectrum in hadron-nucleus and in hadron-nucleon collisions: dσhAdqT2/dσhNdqT2Aα(A,qT)\frac{d\sigma^{hA}}{dq_T^2}/ \frac{d\sigma^{hN}}{dq_T^2}\equiv A^{\alpha(A,q_T)}. We argue that in small qTq_T region, the α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) for the Drell-Yan and J/ψ\psi production is given by a universal function:\ a+bqT2a+b q_T^2, where parameters a and b are completely determined by either calculable quantities or independently measurable physical observables. We demonstrate that this universal function α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) is insensitive to the A for normal nuclear targets. For a color deconfined nuclear medium, the α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) becomes strongly dependent on the A. We also show that our α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) for the Drell-Yan process is naturally linked to perturbatively calculated α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) at large qTq_T without any free parameters, and the α(A,qT)\alpha(A,q_T) is consistent with E772 data for all qTq_T.Comment: latex, 28 pages, 10 figures, updated two figures, and add more discussion

    Effects of Long-term Exposure on E-glass Composite Material Subjected to Stress Corrosion in a Saline Medium

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    [EN] This work provides an insight on very long-term degradation of polyester-fiber glass composites immersed more than 30,000 h in saline medium under service stresses. Samples were loaded under bending conditions with stresses both in the elastic and plastic fields, with the result that characteristics in a flexural mode were able to be determined and the ensuing decrease in characteristics was fitted to an exponential model. The degree of losses ranged from 25 to 31% for the bending modulus, from 28 to 35% for the flexural strength, and from 40 to 51% for the specific fracture energy. The most notable losses were for specimens immersed in artificial sea water under a continuous stress of 140 MPa, corresponding to the plastic behavior of the material. Although the existence of matrix plasticization is doubtful, the osmotic effects of the diffusion on the matrix and the junction to the fibers, the presence of microcracks, and the effects of chemical ions in the medium on the surface fiber composition became evident in the strength degradation of the material.Segovia López, EF.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Sahuquillo Navarro, O.; Vicente Escuder, Á. (2007). Effects of Long-term Exposure on E-glass Composite Material Subjected to Stress Corrosion in a Saline Medium. Journal of Composite Materials. 41(17):2119-2128. doi:10.1177/0021998307074134S21192128411

    Two-sided Grassmann-Rayleigh quotient iteration

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    The two-sided Rayleigh quotient iteration proposed by Ostrowski computes a pair of corresponding left-right eigenvectors of a matrix CC. We propose a Grassmannian version of this iteration, i.e., its iterates are pairs of pp-dimensional subspaces instead of one-dimensional subspaces in the classical case. The new iteration generically converges locally cubically to the pairs of left-right pp-dimensional invariant subspaces of CC. Moreover, Grassmannian versions of the Rayleigh quotient iteration are given for the generalized Hermitian eigenproblem, the Hamiltonian eigenproblem and the skew-Hamiltonian eigenproblem.Comment: The text is identical to a manuscript that was submitted for publication on 19 April 200