22 research outputs found

    Marginal abatement costs of carbon dioxide in China: A nonparametric analysis

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    AbstractThe estimates of abatement costs about CO2 can provide useful information for policy-makers. With the framework of production theory, a marginal abatement costs model is established using the nonparametric method, and empirical results about China in 2007 are found in this paper. The two CO2 reduction strategies, maintaining the level of CO2 or reducing CO2 and expanding GDP at the same time, impact potential GDP greatly. 143.5 millions CO2 reduction means 35.1billions GDP loss and the marginal abatement cost of CO2 is 475.3yuan/ton on average

    Coupling Efficiency Measurements for Long-pulsed Solid Sodium Laser Based on Measured Sodium Profile Data

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    In 2013, a serial sky test has been held on 1.8 meter telescope in Yunnan observation site after 2011-2012 Laser guide star photon return test. In this test, the long-pulsed sodium laser and the launch telescope have been upgraded, a smaller and brighter beacon has been observed. During the test, a sodium column density lidar and atmospheric coherence length measurement equipment were working at the same time. The coupling efficiency test result with the sky test layout, data processing, sodium beacon spot size analysis, sodium profile data will be presented in this paper

    Orbital-Dependent Electron Correlation in Double-Layer Nickelate La3Ni2O7

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    The latest discovery of high temperature superconductivity near 80K in La3Ni2O7 under high pressure has attracted much attention. Many proposals are put forth to understand the origin of superconductivity. The determination of electronic structures is a prerequisite to establish theories to understand superconductivity in nickelates but is still lacking. Here we report our direct measurement of the electronic structures of La3Ni2O7 by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemmission spectroscopy. The Fermi surface and band structures of La3Ni2O7 are observed and compared with the band structure calculations. A flat band is formed from the Ni-3dz2 orbitals around the zone corner which is 50meV below the Fermi level. Strong electron correlations are revealed which are orbital- and momentum-dependent. Our observations will provide key information to understand the origin of high temperature superconductivity in La3Ni2O7.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure


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    Sequence Combining of Pulsed Lasers Using Refraction-Beam-Displacement

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    We present an approach for effectively combining high-power pulsed lasers based on a refraction displacement pulse combining technique. This approach allows for lasers combining with various repetition rates, pulse duration, polarization, output power, and wavelength. The maximum number of lasers that can be combined mainly depends on their repetition rate and pulse duration. This approach is a feasible way to combine a large number of high average power lasers while maintaining good beam quality

    60 W Yellow Laser at 561 nm by Intracavity Frequency Doubling of a Diode-Pumped Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser

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    A high-power yellow laser was achieved by intracavity frequency doubling of a diode-pumped Nd:YAG rod laser. A solid etalon was inserted into the resonator to implement efficient operation of the low-gain single line at 1123 nm transition. By using a LBO crystal inside the cavity as the frequency doubler, the maximum output power of the 561 nm yellow laser was obtained to be as high as 60.3 W with a pulse repetition frequency of 6 kHz, corresponding to an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of about 6.1%. The output power fluctuation of the yellow laser was measured to be better than 3% in half an hour

    Multiwavelength Green-Yellow Laser Based on a Nd:YAG Laser with Nonlinear Frequency Conversion in a LBO Crystal

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    We demonstrate a multiwavelength laser in the green-yellow region by means of a diode-pumped neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser. This laser system combines a homemade 1074 nm and 1112 nm dual-wavelength laser with extracavity second harmonic generation (SHG) or sum-frequency generation in a lithium triborate crystal to generate visible output at any one of three wavelengths, 537 nm, 546 nm, and 556 nm, by simple temperature tuning, which has an important application in detecting carbon monoxide. The maximum average output power at the three wavelengths (537 nm, 546 nm, and 556 nm) was obtained to be 10.5 W, 0.5 W, and 8.5 W, respectively. The maximum SHG conversion efficiency from the infrared to the visible spectral region was about 51%

    High Pulse Energy, Narrow Linewidth 6.45 μm from an Optical Parametric Oscillator in BaGa<sub>4</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> Crystal

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    This paper presents a high pulse energy, narrow linewidth, mid-infrared (MIR) laser at 6.45 μm, based on a BaGa4Se7 (BGSe) crystal optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by 1.064 μm laser. The maximum pulse energy at 6.45 μm was up to 1.23 mJ, with a pulse width of 24.3 ns and repetition rate of 10 Hz, corresponding to an optical–optical conversion efficiency of 2.1%, from pump light 1.064 μm to idler light 6.45 μm. The idler light linewidth was about 6.8 nm. Meanwhile, we accurately calculated the OPO phase-matching condition at BGSe crystal pumped by 1.064 μm laser, and a numerical simulation system was performed to analyze the input–output characteristics at 6.45 μm, as well as the effect of crystal length on the conversion efficiency. Good agreement was found between measurement and simulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest pulse energy at 6.45 μm, with the narrowest linewidth for any all-solid-state MIR ns laser in BGSe-OPO pumped by simple 1.064 μm oscillator. This simple and compact 6.45 μm OPO system, with high pulse energy and narrow linewidth, can meet the requirements for tissue cutting and improve tissue ablation accuracy