29 research outputs found

    Effects of extracts of TP and AMB on mice body weights

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       Fig. 3. Effects of extracts of TP and AMB on mice body weights.  The values are expressed as mean (n = 8). BD stands for basal diet. HFD stands for high fat diet. BF stands for bezafibrate. ETP stands for extraction of TP. EAMB stands for extraction of AMB. The groups MEx1 to MEx5 are the mixture extracts of TP and AMB (The ratio of quercetin to adenosine are 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1 and 1.5:1.). </p

    HPLC chromatograms of quercetin and adenosine in TP or AMB.

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       Fig. 2. HPLC chromatograms of quercetin and adenosine in TP or AMB.  A, chromatogram for standard quercetin at λ=370nm with injection of 10μL; B, chromatogram for extraction of TP at the same condition of a; C, chromatogram for standard adenosine at λ=260nm with injection of 10μL; D, chromatogram for extraction of AMB at the same condition of c. </p

    Pathological changes of liver in mice

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    Fig. 4. Pathological changes of liver in mice A representative histological section of liver was stained by H&E (25 μm). A, BD group; B, HFD group; C, PPS group; D, BF group; E, ETP group; F, EAMB group; G-K, the groups MEx1 to MEx5.</p

    The view of Trichosanthis Fructus and Allium macrostemon Bunge

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    Fig. 1. The view of Trichosanthis Fructus and Allium macrostemon Bunge.  A, Cucurbitaceous trichosanthes kirilowii and its fruit that shooted in the plantation; B, The whole plant of Allium macrostemon Bunge; C, Traditional Chinese medicine, Trichosanthes pericarpium; D, Traditional Chinese medicine, Allium macrostemon Bunge. </p

    Table files

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    Raw unedited microscopy images-histological section of liver

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    Raw unedited microscopy images-histological section of liver</p

    Raw unedited microscopy images-histological section of aorta

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    Raw unedited microscopy images-histological section of aorta</p

    Photomicrographs of heart aorta morphology

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       Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of heart aorta morphology. A representative histological section of the aorta was stained by H&E (25 μm). A, BD group; B, HFD group; C, PPS group; D, BF group; E, ETP group; F, EAMB group; G-K, the groups MEx1 to MEx5. </p