45 research outputs found

    The average percentage of difference (forecast error) for each state (2011 to 2014).

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    <p>The average percentage of difference (forecast error) for each state (2011 to 2014).</p

    Map of social media using the keyword “HIV” in the United States.

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    <p>Image from UCIPT’s HIV ChatterMap tool.</p

    Results of using Google Trends-based model to predict new HIV case diagnoses from 2011–2014.

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    <p>Results of using Google Trends-based model to predict new HIV case diagnoses from 2011–2014.</p

    Average coefficient of each variable (excluding control variables) and the proportion of states in which the variable is significant.

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    <p>Average coefficient of each variable (excluding control variables) and the proportion of states in which the variable is significant.</p

    The distributions of the number of being cited and citing others.

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    <p>(A) being cited; (B) citing others; (C) citing and being cited; (D) all.</p

    The topological properties of the HFS group.

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    <p><i>N</i>: number of nodes; <i>L</i>: number of links; Δ: network density; <i>NC</i>: number of components; <i>NG</i>: number of nodes in the giant component; <i></i>: average degree; <i>C</i>: average clustering coefficient; <i>l</i>: average shortest path length; <i>D</i>: network diameter; <i>λ<sub>in</sub></i>: power of in-degree distribution; <i>λ<sub>out</sub></i>: power of in-degree distribution; <i>r</i>: total degree assortativity coefficient; <i>r<sub>in</sub></i>: in-degree assortativity coefficient; <i>r<sub>out</sub></i>: out-degree assortativity coefficient.</p

    Key HFS participants according to PageRank and HITS.

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    <p>Key HFS participants according to PageRank and HITS.</p

    The temporal fluctuations of the citations from 2005 to 2010.

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    <p>The temporal fluctuations of the citations from 2005 to 2010.</p

    A typical HFS participant network.

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    <p>(A) with casual nodes, and (B) without casual nodes.</p