3,999 research outputs found

    Resonant Spin Hall Conductance in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Rashba Interaction in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field

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    We study transport properties of a two-dimensional electron system with Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a perpendicular magnetic field. The spin orbit coupling competes with Zeeman splitting to introduce additional degeneracies between different Landau levels at certain magnetic fields. This degeneracy, if occuring at the Fermi level, gives rise to a resonant spin Hall conductance, whose height is divergent as 1/T and whose weight is divergent as lnT-\ln T at low temperatures. The Hall conductance is unaffected by the Rashba coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Holographic Superconductors with Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz Black Holes

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    We discuss the phase transition of planar black holes in Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity by introducing a Maxwell field and a complex scalar field. We calculate the condensates of the charged operators in the dual CFTs when the mass square of the complex scalar filed is m2=2/L2m^2=-2/L^2 and m2=0m^2=0, respectively. We compute the electrical conductivity of the \hl superconductor in the probe approximation. In particular, it is found that there exists a spike in the conductivity for the case of the operator with scaling dimension one. These results are quite similar to those in the case of Schwarzschild-AdS black holes, which demonstrates that the holographic superconductivity is a robust phenomenon associated with asymptotic AdS black holes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures,refs adde

    Magnetic Field Effect on the Phase Transition in AdS Soliton Spacetime

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    We investigate the scalar perturbations in an AdS soliton background coupled to a Maxwell field via marginally stable modes. In the probe limit, we study the magnetic field effect on the holographic insulator/superconductor phase transition numerically and analytically. The condensate will be localized in a finite circular region for any finite constant magnetic field. Near the critical point, we find that there exists a simple relation among the critical chemical potential, magnetic field, the charge and mass of the scalar field. This relation indicates that the presence of the magnetic field causes the phase transition hard.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. contents improved and references adde

    The Progenitor of Supernova 2004dj in a Star Cluster

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    The progenitor of type II-plateau supernova (SN) 2004dj is identified with a supergiant in a compact star cluster known as "Sandage Star 96" (S96) in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2403, which was fortuitously imaged as part of the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) Multicolor Sky Survey from Feb 1995 to Dec 2003 prior to SN 2004dj. The superior photometry of BATC images for S96, taken with 14 intermediate-band filters covering 3000-10000\AA, unambiguously establishes the star cluster nature of S96 with an age of 20\sim 20Myr, a reddening of E(BV)0.35\hbox{E}(B-V)\sim 0.35 mag and a total mass of 96,000\sim 96,000M_{\odot}. The compact star cluster nature of S96 is also consistent with the lack of light variations in the past decade. The SN progenitor is estimated to have a main-sequence mass of \sim12M_{\odot}. The comparison of our intermediate-band data of S96 with the post-outburst photometry obtained as the SN has significantly dimmed, may hopefully conclusively establish the nature of the progenitor.Comment: 4 pages; 3 figures. To accept for Publications in ApJ Letters, but slightly longer in this perprin

    Analysis of Ba1(1260)(b1(1235))KB \to a_1(1260)(b_1(1235))K^* decays in the perturbative QCD approach

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    Within the framework of perturbative QCD approach, we study the charmless two-body decays Ba1(1260)K,b1(1235)KB\to a_1(1260)K^*, b_1(1235)K^*. Using the decays constants and the light-cone distribution amplitudes for these mesons derived from the QCD sum rule method, we find the following results: (a) Our predictions for the branching ratios are consistent well with the QCDF results within errors, but much larger than the naive factorization approach calculation values. (b) We predict that the anomalous polarizations occurring in the decays BϕK,ρKB\to \phi K^*, \rho K^* also happen in the decays Ba1KB\to a_1K^*, while do not happen in the decays Bb1KB\to b_1K^*. Here the contributions from the annihilation diagrams play an important role to explain the lager transverse polarizations in the decays Ba1KB\to a_1K^*, while they are not sensitive to the polarizations in decays Bb1KB\to b_1K^*. (c) Our predictions for the direct CP-asymmetries agree well with the QCDF results within errors. The decays Bˉ0b1+K,Bb10K\bar B^0\to b^{+}_1K^{*-}, B^-\to b^{0}_1K^{*-} have larger direct CP-asymmetries, which could be measured by the present LHCb experiments.Comment: 12pages, 1figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.5913, arXiv:1203.591

    Resonant spin Hall conductance in quantum Hall systems lacking bulk and structural inversion symmetry

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    Following a previous work [Shen, Ma, Xie and Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256603 (2004)] on the resonant spin Hall effect, we present detailed calculations of the spin Hall conductance in two-dimensional quantum wells in a strong perpendicular magnetic field. The Rashba coupling, generated by spin-orbit interaction in wells lacking bulk inversion symmetry, introduces a degeneracy of Zeeman-split Landau levels at certain magnetic fields. This degeneracy, if occuring at the Fermi energy, will induce a resonance in the spin Hall conductance below a characteristic temperature of order of the Zeeman energy. At very low temperatures, the spin Hall current is highly non-ohmic. The Dresselhaus coupling due to the lack of structure inversion symmetry partially or completely suppresses the spin Hall resonance. The condition for the resonant spin Hall conductance in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings is derived using a perturbation method. In the presence of disorder, we argue that the resonant spin Hall conductance occurs when the two Zeeman split extended states near the Fermi level becomes degenerate due to the Rashba coupling and that the the quantized charge Hall conductance changes by 2e^2/h instead of e^2/h as the magnetic field changes through the resonant field.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. This is a sequel to Physical Review Letters 90, 256603 (2004

    The Molecular Biology Toolkit (MBT): a modular platform for developing molecular visualization applications

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    BACKGROUND: The large amount of data that are currently produced in the biological sciences can no longer be explored and visualized efficiently with traditional, specialized software. Instead, new capabilities are needed that offer flexibility, rapid application development and deployment as standalone applications or available through the Web. RESULTS: We describe a new software toolkit – the Molecular Biology Toolkit (MBT; ) – that enables fast development of applications for protein analysis and visualization. The toolkit is written in Java, thus offering platform-independence and Internet delivery capabilities. Several applications of the toolkit are introduced to illustrate the functionality that can be achieved. CONCLUSIONS: The MBT provides a well-organized assortment of core classes that provide a uniform data model for the description of biological structures and automate most common tasks associated with the development of applications in the molecular sciences (data loading, derivation of typical structural information, visualization of sequence and standard structural entities)

    Quantitative and functional post-translational modification proteomics reveals that TREPH1 plays a role in plant thigmomorphogenesis

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    Plants can sense both intracellular and extracellular mechanical forces and can respond through morphological changes. The signaling components responsible for mechanotransduction of the touch response are largely unknown. Here, we performed a high-throughput SILIA (stable isotope labeling in Arabidopsis)-based quantitative phosphoproteomics analysis to profile changes in protein phosphorylation resulting from 40 seconds of force stimulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Of the 24 touch-responsive phosphopeptides identified, many were derived from kinases, phosphatases, cytoskeleton proteins, membrane proteins and ion transporters. TOUCH-REGULATED PHOSPHOPROTEIN1 (TREPH1) and MAP KINASE KINASE 2 (MKK2) and/or MKK1 became rapidly phosphorylated in touch-stimulated plants. Both TREPH1 and MKK2 are required for touch-induced delayed flowering, a major component of thigmomorphogenesis. The treph1-1 and mkk2 mutants also exhibited defects in touch-inducible gene expression. A non-phosphorylatable site-specific isoform of TREPH1 (S625A) failed to restore touch-induced flowering delay of treph1-1, indicating the necessity of S625 for TREPH1 function and providing evidence consistent with the possible functional relevance of the touch-regulated TREPH1 phosphorylation. Bioinformatic analysis and biochemical subcellular fractionation of TREPH1 protein indicate that it is a soluble protein. Altogether, these findings identify new protein players in Arabidopsis thigmomorphogenesis regulation, suggesting that protein phosphorylation may play a critical role in plant force responses

    PT Symmetry as a Generalization of Hermiticity

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    The Hilbert space in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics is formulated as a linear vector space with a dynamic inner product. The most general PT-symmetric matrix Hamiltonians are constructed for 2*2 and 3*3 cases. In the former case, the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian represents the most general matrix Hamiltonian with a real spectrum. In both cases, Hermitian matrices are shown to be special cases of PT-symmetric matrices. This finding confirms and strengthens the early belief that the PT-symmetric quantum mechanics is a generalization of the conventional Hermitian quantum mechanics.Comment: 13 page