28,063 research outputs found

    Soliton solutions of the improved quark mass density-dependent model at finite temperature

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    The improved quark mass density-dependent model (IQMDD) based on soliton bag model is studied at finite temperature. Appling the finite temperature field theory, the effective potential of the IQMDD model and the bag constant B(T)B(T) have been calculated at different temperatures. It is shown that there is a critical temperature TC≃110MeVT_{C}\simeq 110 \mathrm{MeV}. We also calculate the soliton solutions of the IQMDD model at finite tmperature. It turns out that when T<TCT<T_{C}, there is a bag constant B(T)B(T) and the soliton solutions are stable. However, when T>TCT>T_{C} the bag constant B(T)=0B(T)=0 and there is no soliton solution, therefore, the confinement of quarks are removed quickly.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; Version to appear in Physical Review

    Quark spectral density and a strongly-coupled QGP

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    The maximum entropy method is used to compute the dressed-quark spectral density from the self-consistent numerical solution of a rainbow truncation of QCD's gap equation at temperatures above that for which chiral symmetry is restored. In addition to the normal and plasmino modes, the spectral function also exhibits an essentially nonperturbative zero mode for temperatures extending to 1.4-1.8-times the critical temperature, T_c. In the neighbourhood of T_c, this long-wavelength mode contains the bulk of the spectral strength and so long as this mode persists, the system may fairly be described as a strongly-coupled state of matter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Kondo effect in complex mesoscopic structures

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    We study the Kondo effect of a quantum dot placed in a complex mesoscopic structure. Assuming that electronic interactions are taking place solely on the dot, and focusing on the infinite Hubbard interaction limit, we use a decoupling scheme to obtain an explicit analytic approximate expression for the dot Green function, which fulfills certain Fermi-liquid relations at zero temperature. The details of the complex structure enter into this expression only via the self-energy for the non-interacting case. The effectiveness of the expression is demonstrated for the single impurity Anderson model and for the T-shaped network.Comment: 12 pages 6 figure

    Asymmetric synthesis of gonytolide A: strategic use of an aryl halide blocking group for oxidative coupling

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    The first synthesis of the chromanone lactone dimer gonytolide A has been achieved employing vanadium(V)-mediated oxidative coupling of the monomer gonytolide C. An o-bromine blocking group strategy was employed to favor para- para coupling and to enable kinetic resolution of (±)-gonytolide C. Asymmetric conjugate reduction enabled practical kinetic resolution of a chiral, racemic precursor and the asymmetric synthesis of (+)-gonytolide A and its atropisomer.We thank the National Institutes of Health (R35 GM-118173) for research support. Work at the BU-CMD is supported by NIH R24 Grant GM-111625. We thank Prof. Scott Miller and Dr. Anthony Metrano (Yale University) for helpful discussions and preliminary experiments. We thank the Uehara Memorial Foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship to T.I., the American Cancer Society for a postdoctoral fellowship to K.D.R. (PF-16-235-01-CDD), Dr. Jeffrey Bacon (Boston University) for X-ray crystal structure analyses, and Prof. Haruhisa Kikuchi (Tohoku University) for providing a natural sample of gonytolide A. NMR (CHE-0619339) and MS (CHE-0443618) facilities at Boston University are supported by the NSF. (R35 GM-118173 - National Institutes of Health; GM-111625 - NIH; Uehara Memorial Foundation; PF-16-235-01-CDD - American Cancer Society; CHE-0619339 - NSF; CHE-0443618 - NSF

    The Hamiltonian structure and Euler-Poincar\'{e} formulation of the Vlasov-Maxwell and gyrokinetic systems

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    We present a new variational principle for the gyrokinetic system, similar to the Maxwell-Vlasov action presented in Ref. 1. The variational principle is in the Eulerian frame and based on constrained variations of the phase space fluid velocity and particle distribution function. Using a Legendre transform, we explicitly derive the field theoretic Hamiltonian structure of the system. This is carried out with a modified Dirac theory of constraints, which is used to construct meaningful brackets from those obtained directly from Euler-Poincar\'{e} theory. Possible applications of these formulations include continuum geometric integration techniques, large-eddy simulation models and Casimir type stability methods. [1] H. Cendra et. al., Journal of Mathematical Physics 39, 3138 (1998)Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Singular electrostatic energy of nanoparticle clusters

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    The binding of clusters of metal nanoparticles is partly electrostatic. We address difficulties in calculating the electrostatic energy when high charging energies limit the total charge to a single quantum, entailing unequal potentials on the particles. We show that the energy at small separation hh has a strong logarithmic dependence on hh. We give a general law for the strength of this logarithmic correction in terms of a) the energy at contact ignoring the charge quantization effects and b) an adjacency matrix specifying which spheres of the cluster are in contact and which is charged. We verify the theory by comparing the predicted energies for a tetrahedral cluster with an explicit numerical calculation.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev

    Diffusive hidden Markov model characterization of DNA looping dynamics in tethered particle experiments

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    In many biochemical processes, proteins bound to DNA at distant sites are brought into close proximity by loops in the underlying DNA. For example, the function of some gene-regulatory proteins depends on such DNA looping interactions. We present a new technique for characterizing the kinetics of loop formation in vitro, as observed using the tethered particle method, and apply it to experimental data on looping induced by lambda repressor. Our method uses a modified (diffusive) hidden Markov analysis that directly incorporates the Brownian motion of the observed tethered bead. We compare looping lifetimes found with our method (which we find are consistent over a range of sampling frequencies) to those obtained via the traditional threshold-crossing analysis (which can vary depending on how the raw data are filtered in the time domain). Our method does not involve any time filtering and can detect sudden changes in looping behavior. For example, we show how our method can identify transitions between long-lived, kinetically distinct states that would otherwise be difficult to discern

    Spin blockade in ground state resonance of a quantum dot

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    We present measurements on spin blockade in a laterally integrated quantum dot. The dot is tuned into the regime of strong Coulomb blockade, confining ~ 50 electrons. At certain electronic states we find an additional mechanism suppressing electron transport. This we identify as spin blockade at zero bias, possibly accompanied by a change in orbital momentum in subsequent dot ground states. We support this by probing the bias, magnetic field and temperature dependence of the transport spectrum. Weak violation of the blockade is modelled by detailed calculations of non-linear transport taking into account forbidden transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Probing and modelling the localized self-mixing in a GaN/AlGaN field-effect terahertz detector

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    In a GaN/AlGaN field-effect terahertz detector, the directional photocurrent is mapped in the two-dimensional space of the gate voltage and the drain/source bias. It is found that not only the magnitude, but also the polarity, of the photocurrent can be tuned. A quasistatic self-mixing model taking into account the localized terahertz field provides a quantitative description of the detector characteristics. Strongly localized self-mixing is confirmed. It is therefore important to engineer the spatial distribution of the terahertz field and its coupling to the field-effect channel on the sub-micron scale.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to AP
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