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Shadow Banking and Systemic Risk in Europe and China
We compare the European and Chinese shadow banking systems. While the European shadow banking system is better developed than the Chinese shadow banking system, herd behavior and other factors in European markets create systemic risk, which contributed in part to the financial crisis. Dispersion of risk across the "under-developed" shadow banking system in China has led to some cases of localized, concentrated risk, but not to systemic risk. We discuss proposed European shadow banking regulation and its implications for systemic risk, and discuss what lessons China might glean from such policies. We also discuss what lessons
China's diverse and systemically uncoordinated shadow banking sector might provide for Europe
Deviation of light curves of gamma-ray burst pulses from standard forms due to the curvature effect of spherical fireballs or uniform jets
As revealed previously, under the assumption that some pulses of gamma-ray
bursts are produced by shocks in spherical fireballs or uniform jets of large
opening angles, there exists a standard decay form of the profile of pulses
arising from very narrow or suddenly dimming local (or intrinsic) pulses due to
the relativistic curvature effect (the Doppler effect over the spherical shell
surface). Profiles of pulses arising from other local pulses were previously
found to possess a reverse S-feature deviation from the standard decay form. We
show in this paper that, in addition to the standard decay form shown in Qin et
al. (2004), there exists a marginal decay curve associated with a local
function pulse with a mono-color radiation. We employ the sample of
Kocevski et al. (2003) to check this prediction and find that the phenomenon of
the reverse S-feature is common, when compared with both the standard decay
form and the marginal decay curve. We accordingly propose to take the marginal
decay curve (whose function is simple) as a criteria to check if an observed
pulse could be taken as a candidate suffered from the curvature effect. We
introduce two quantities and to describe the mentioned deviations
within and beyond the position of the decay phase, respectively. The
values of and of pulses of the sample are calculated, and the
result suggests that for most of these pulses their corresponding local pulses
might contain a long decay time relative to the time scale of the curvature
effect.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 1 table accepted for publication in MNRA
Modelling human behaviours and reactions under dangerous environment
This paper describes the framework of a real-time simulation system to model human behavior and reactions in dangerous environments. The system utilizes the latest 3D computer animation techniques, combined with artificial intelligence, robotics and psychology, to model human behavior, reactions and decision making under expected/unexpected dangers in real-time in virtual environments. The development of the system includes: classification on the conscious/subconscious behaviors and reactions of different people; capturing different motion postures by the Eagle Digital System; establishing 3D character animation models; establishing 3D models for the scene; planning the scenario and the contents; and programming within Virtools (TM) Dev. Programming within Virtools (TM) Dev is subdivided into modeling dangerous events, modeling character's perceptions, modeling character's decision making, modeling character's movements, modeling character's interaction with environment and setting up the virtual cameras. The real-time simulation of human reactions in hazardous environments is invaluable in military defense, fire escape, rescue operation planning, traffic safety studies, and safety planning in chemical factories, the design of buildings, airplanes, ships and trains. Currently, human motion modeling can be realized through established technology, whereas to integrate perception and intelligence into virtual human's motion is still a huge undertaking. The challenges here are the synchronization of motion and intelligence, the accurate modeling of human's vision, smell, touch and hearing, the diversity and effects of emotion and personality in decision making. There are three types of software platforms which could be employed to realize the motion and intelligence within one system, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed
A novel numerical mechanical model for the stress–strain distribution in superconducting cable-in-conduit conductors \ud
Besides the temperature and magnetic field, the strain and stress state of the superconducting Nb3Sn wires in multi-stage twisted cable-in-conduit conductors (CICCs), as applied in ITER or high field magnets, strongly influence their transport properties. For an accurate quantitative prediction of the performance and a proper understanding of the underlying phenomena, a detailed analysis of the strain distribution along all individual wires is required. For this, the thermal contraction of the different components and the huge electromagnetic forces imposing bending and contact deformation must be taken into account, following the complex strand pattern and mutual interaction by contacts from surrounding strands. In this paper, we describe a numerical model for a superconducting cable, which can simulate the strain and stress states of all single wires including interstrand contact force and associated deformation. The strands in the cable can be all similar (Nb3Sn/Cu) or with the inclusion of different strand materials for protection (Cu, Glidcop).\ud
The simulation results are essential for the analysis and conductor design optimization from cabling to final magnet operation conditions. Comparisons are presented concerning the influence of the sequential cable twist pitches and the inclusion of copper strands on the mechanical properties and thus on the eventual strain distribution in the Nb3Sn filaments when subjected to electromagnetic forces, axial force and twist moment. Recommendations are given for conductor design improvements. \ud
Transfer-matrix renormalization group study of the spin ladders with cyclic four-spin interactions
The temperature dependence of the specific heat and spin susceptibility of
the spin ladders with cyclic four-spin interactions in the rung-singlet phase
is explored by making use of the transfer-matrix renormalization group method.
The values of spin gap are extracted from the specific heat and susceptibility,
respectively. It is found that for different relative strength between
interchain and intrachain interactions, the spin gap is approximately linear
with the cyclic four-spin interaction in the region far away from the critical
point. Furthermore, we show that the dispersion for the one-triplet magnon
branch can be obtained by numerically fitting on the partition function.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
A test of the power law relationship between gamma-ray burst pulse width ratio and energy expected in fireballs or uniform jets
Recently, under the assumption that the Doppler effect of the
relativistically expanding fireball surface is important, Qin et al. showed
that in most cases the power law relationship between the pulse width and
energy of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)would exist in a certain energy range. We
check this prediction with two GRB samples which contain well identified
pulses. A power law anti-correlation between the full pulse width and energy
and a power law correlation between the pulse width ratio and energy are seen
in the light curves of the majority (around 65%) of bursts of the two samples
within the energy range of BATSE, suggesting that these bursts are likely to
arise from the emission associated with the shocks occurred on a
relativistically expanding fireball surface. For the rest of the bursts, the
relationships between these quantities were not predicted previously. We
propose to consider other spectral evolutionary patterns or other radiation
mechanisms such as a varying synchrotron or Comptonized spectrum to check if
the observed relationships for these rest bursts can also be accounted for by
the Doppler model. In addition, we find that the upper limits of the width
ratio for the two samples do not exceed 0.9, in agrement with what predicted
previously by the Doppler model. The plateau/power law/plateau and the peaked
features predicted and detected previously by Qin et al. are generally
observed, with the exceptions being noticed only in a few cases. According to
the distinct values of two power law indices of FWHM and ratio and energy, we
divide the bursts into three subsets which are located in different areas of
the two indices plane. We suspect that different locations of the two indices
might correspond to different mechanisms.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepte
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