1,513 research outputs found

    Intelligent classification of sketch strokes

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    This paper presents an intelligent method for classifying pen strokes in an on-line sketching system. The method, based on adaptive threshold and fuzzy knowledge with respect to curve's linearity and convexity, can identify sketch strokes (curves) into lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, loop lines, spring lines and free-form B-spline curves. The proposed method has proven to be fast, suitable for real-time classification and identification

    Progressive surface modeling scheme from unorganised curves

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    This paper presents a novel surface modelling scheme to construct a freeform surface progressively from unorganised curves representing the boundary and interior characteristic curves. The approach can construct a base surface model from four ordinary or composite boundary curves and support incremental surface updating from interior characteristic curves, some of which may not be on the final surface. The base surface is first constructed as a regular Coons surface and upon receiving an interior curve sketch, it is then updated. With this progressive modelling scheme, a final surface with multiple sub-surfaces can be obtained from a set of unorganised curves and transferred to commercial surface modelling software for detailed modification. The approach has been tested with examples based on 3D motion sketches; it is capable of dealing with unorganised design curves for surface modelling in conceptual design. Its limitations have been discussed

    Incremental simulation modelling for Internet collaborative design

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    In order to support Web-based collaborative design in terms of transferring or updating models dynamically and efficiently, new incremental modelling and local updating strategies have been developed for simulation modelling application since simulation is more focused on visualisation effects than on geometry details. Based on an assembly connection concept, a drag-and-drop assembly method has also been proposed in simulation assembly. An assembly connection is defined as a group of assembly constraints and it makes assembly easier. A case study example is given to show the content of the proposed research

    Novel method of capturing static and dynamic anthropometric data for home design

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    This paper presents a novel method for capturing and measuring both static and dynamic anthropometric data of people. These data can be then used for barrier-free home design based on a concept of ergonomic design with motion. This new approach utilized a 3D motion capture system as a tool to simultaneously obtain anthropometric information based on body motion analyses. This paper reports the experimental system design, data collection and analysis techniques on body motions

    A sketch-based gesture interface for rough 3D stick figure animation

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    This paper introduces a novel gesture interface for sketching out rough 3D stick figure animation. This interface can allow users to draw stick figures with the system automatic assistance in figure proportion control. Given a 2D hand-drawn stick figure under a parallel view, there is a challenge to reconstruct a unique 3D pose from a set of candidates. Our system utilizes figure perspective rendering, and introduces the concept of ‘thickness contrast’ as a sketch gesture combined with some other constraints/assumptions for pose recovery. The resulting pose can be further corrected, based on physical constraints of human body. Once obtaining a series of 3D stick figure poses, user can easily sketch out motion paths and timing, and add their preferable sound/background. The resulting 3D animation can be automatically synthesized in VRML. This system has been tested on a variety of input devices: electric whiteboard, tablet PC, as well as a standard mouse

    A smart vision sensor for detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall in a home environment

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    This paper presents a smart vision sensor for detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall in an indoor home environment assisting parents' supervision to prevent fall injuries. We identified the risk factors by analyzing real fall injury stories and referring to a related organization's suggestions to prevent falls. In order to detect the risk factors using computer vision, two major image processing methods, clutter detection and toddler tracking, were studied with using only one commercial web-camera. For practical purposes, there is no need for a toddler to wear any sensors or markers. The algorithms for detection have been developed, implemented and tested

    Neural networks based recognition of 3D freeform surface from 2D sketch

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    In this paper, the Back Propagation (BP) network and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network are employed to recognize and reconstruct 3D freeform surface from 2D freehand sketch. Some tests and comparison experiments have been made to evaluate the performance for the reconstruction of freeform surfaces of both networks using simulation data. The experimental results show that both BP and RBF based freeform surface reconstruction methods are feasible; and the RBF network performed better. The RBF average point error between the reconstructed 3D surface data and the desired 3D surface data is less than 0.05 over all our 75 test sample data
