73 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo se centra en la comunicación entre el colectivo chino y el personal médico en España cuando los chinos acuden al médico, para analizar si su comunicación es fluida sin la ayuda de otras personas, si alguna vez se han generado malentendidos debido a las diferencias culturales y si necesitan un intérprete que les ayude a comunicarse. Asimismo, se examinan la figura del intérprete sanitario chino-español y las competencias necesarias que debe poseer, y se analizan las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los intérpretes sanitarios a la hora de prestar servicios de interpretación y las posibles soluciones, por último, se hace hincapié en la importancia de la competencia intercultural y se señalan algunas vías posibles para desarrollarla. Este trabajo se divide en dos secciones principales: teórica y práctica. En la parte teórica se exploran las definiciones y sentidos de interpretación sanitaria, intérpretes sanitarios, modalidades de interpretación sanitaria, cultura, interculturalidad y competencia intercultural, y se analizan la formación y la profesión del intérprete sanitario. La parte práctica del estudio consiste en realizar entrevistas a dos grupos distintos: los chinos que viven en España y los intérpretes sanitarios chino-españoles, combinada con una encuesta para los que no pueden asistir a la entrevista debido a la distancia o al tiempo, luego, se recogen las informaciones de las entrevistas y encuestas con el fin de llevar a cabo una investigación sobre el tema. El valor teórico de este estudio radica en que proporciona un estudio detallado y en profundidad de la competencia intercultural de los intérpretes sanitarios chino-españoles, algo que todavía es relativamente escaso. El valor práctico de este estudio es proporcionar algunas sugerencias o ideas para los intérpretes que se dedican ahora o se dedicarán en el futuro a la interpretación sanitaria entre chino y español, como maneras de superar las dificultades y formas de desarrollar la competencia intercultural本文主要是通过对华人群体就医时与西班牙医护人员的沟通情况进行研究,从而分析他们之间的沟通在没有他人的帮助下是否顺畅,他们是否曾因为文化差异造成过误解以及他们是否需要一名口译员帮助其沟通。随之探讨汉西医疗口译员角色,及其应具备的能力,分析医疗口译员们在提供口译服务过程中会遇到的难题以及可能的解决措施,最后强调跨文化能力的重要性,并提供一些可行的培养跨文化能力的方法。本文主要分为理论和实践两个部分。理论部分会针对医疗口译,医疗口译员,医疗口译方式,文化,跨文化以及跨文化能力等相关名词的定义和含义进行探讨,以及对医疗口译员这份职业及其培训进行分析。而实践部分就是对西班牙华人以及有经验的汉西医疗口译员这两类群体分别进行访谈,同时结合调查问卷的方式,收集访谈和问卷中的信息以进行相关主题的研究。本研究的理论价值在于对汉西医疗口译员跨文化能力进行了详尽且较为深入的研究,目前相关研究的还比较少见。本研究的实践价值就在于为从事或者即将从事汉西医疗口译的译员们提供一些建议或启示,比如克服困难的一些方式以及培养跨文化能力的方法。Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos. Especialidad en chi-esp (M196

    Attention-based Class Activation Diffusion for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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    Extracting class activation maps (CAM) is a key step for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS). The CAM of convolution neural networks fails to capture long-range feature dependency on the image and result in the coverage on only foreground object parts, i.e., a lot of false negatives. An intuitive solution is ``coupling'' the CAM with the long-range attention matrix of visual transformers (ViT) We find that the direct ``coupling'', e.g., pixel-wise multiplication of attention and activation, achieves a more global coverage (on the foreground), but unfortunately goes with a great increase of false positives, i.e., background pixels are mistakenly included. This paper aims to tackle this issue. It proposes a new method to couple CAM and Attention matrix in a probabilistic Diffusion way, and dub it AD-CAM. Intuitively, it integrates ViT attention and CAM activation in a conservative and convincing way. Conservative is achieved by refining the attention between a pair of pixels based on their respective attentions to common neighbors, where the intuition is two pixels having very different neighborhoods are rarely dependent, i.e., their attention should be reduced. Convincing is achieved by diffusing a pixel's activation to its neighbors (on the CAM) in proportion to the corresponding attentions (on the AM). In experiments, our results on two challenging WSSS benchmarks PASCAL VOC and MS~COCO show that AD-CAM as pseudo labels can yield stronger WSSS models than the state-of-the-art variants of CAM

    Visual Commonsense R-CNN

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    We present a novel unsupervised feature representation learning method, Visual Commonsense Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (VC R-CNN), to serve as an improved visual region encoder for high-level tasks such as captioning and VQA. Given a set of detected object regions in an image (e.g., using Faster R-CNN), like any other unsupervised feature learning methods (e.g., word2vec), the proxy training objective of VC R-CNN is to predict the contextual objects of a region. However, they are fundamentally different: the prediction of VC R-CNN is by using causal intervention: P(Y|do(X)), while others are by using the conventional likelihood: P(Y|X). This is also the core reason why VC R-CNN can learn "sense-making" knowledge like chair can be sat -- while not just "common" co-occurrences such as chair is likely to exist if table is observed. We extensively apply VC R-CNN features in prevailing models of three popular tasks: Image Captioning, VQA, and VCR, and observe consistent performance boosts across them, achieving many new state-of-the-arts. Code and feature are available at https://github.com/Wangt-CN/VC-R-CNN.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    The sources and transport pathways of sediment in the northern Ninety-east Ridge of the India Ocean over the last 35000 years

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    The Ninety-east Ridge (NER) is located in the southern Bay of Bengal in the northeast Indian Ocean and is composed of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments. In addition to contributions from marine biomass, the ridge also contains terrestrially sourced sedimentary material. However, considerable disagreement remains regarding the origin of these terrestrial materials and transport pathways. This paper discusses the collection of seafloor surface sediments and three sediment cores recovered from the northern region of the NER, as well as the analysis of clay minerals, Sr-Nd isotopes, and sediment grain size. The ages of the three core sediments are constrained by AMS 14C dating to better establish the source and transport pathways of the terrestrial materials within NER sediments over the past 35000 years. The research results show that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the predominate source of terrigenous sedimentary material in the NER. In the plateau, the crustal materials were weathered and stripped and then transported to the Andaman Sea via the Irrawaddy River. From there, the material was transported westward by monsoon-driven circulation to the northernmost part of the NER before being transported to the south for final deposition. This transport mode has changed little over the past 35000 years. However, during the rapidly changing climate of the Younger Dryas (12.9~11.5 ka BP), there were some variations in the input amount, grain size, and Sr-Nd isotope value of the source material. The above conclusions are significant for re-evaluating the source of terrigenous sediments, the temporal and spatial changes in transport modes, and the sensitivity of the NER to climatic shifts

    Tectonic dynamics of the Zhongjiannan Basin in the western South China Sea since the late Miocene

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    The Zhongjiannan Basin is located west of the South China Sea (SCS) and was affected by the left-lateral strike-slip of the Red River Fault (RRF), the West Edge Fault of the South China Sea (WEFSCS) and the continental rifting of the South China Sea in the early Cenozoic. The Zhongjiannan Basin formed in a strike-pull basin with an S‒N distribution. During the middle Miocene, the sea spreading of the SCS stopped, but the dynamic mechanism of the Zhongjiannan Basin, which controlled the sedimentary and the structural evolution after the late Miocene, remains unclear. In this paper, through the segment interpretation of the latest seismic section in the Zhongjiannan Basin, we conduct a comparative study of the sedimentary structure in the southern and northern Zhongjiannan Basin since the late Miocene. Combined with the regional tectonic dynamics analysis, we propose that the sedimentary and structural evolution of the Zhongjiannan Basin since the late Miocene was mainly controlled by residual magmatic activity in the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) after expansion stopped, and the compressional structure stress field weakened gradually from south to north. The compressional tectonic stress field from north to south was formed in the northern basin under the dextral strike-slip movement of the RRF. The sedimentary and structural environment was relatively stable in the middle basin. Therefore, the sedimentary-structure evolution of the Zhongjiannan Basin since the late Miocene was controlled by the two different structural stress fields. The above knowledge not only has guiding significance for oil and gas exploration in the Zhongjiannan Basin but also provides a reference for studying the initiation time of dextral strike-slip along the Red River Fault Zone, as well as the junction position between the RRF and the WEFSCS

    Construction and evaluation of a transformant library of Lasiodiplodia theobromae generated through Restriction Enzyme-Mediated Integration

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    Grapevine dieback, caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae, is an important trunk disease worldwide. Transformants of L. theobromae were generated in an attempt to identify potential pathogenicity-related genes. Lasiodiplodia theobromae strain JZB 0300251, a highly virulent isolate, was selected for the genetic transformation. Based on optimised conditions, the Restriction Enzyme-Mediated Integration (REMI) methodology was established in L. theobromae using pUCATPH (a plasmid carrying a hygromycin B marker). A total of 6,036 transformants were generated with four restriction enzymes, respectively and the transformant library was evaluated based on 200 randomly selected transformants. Mutants that exhibited various degrees of virulence and different growth rates were obtained. The study provides basic results that will lead to increased understanding of the role of the pathogenicity-related genes involved in the infection process of L. theobromae

    Design of Robust Sensing Matrix for UAV Images Encryption and Compression

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    The sparse representation error (SRE) exists when the images are represented sparsely. The SRE is particularly large in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) images due to the disturbance of the harsh environment or the instability of its flight, which will bring more noise. In the compressed sensing (CS) system, the projected SRE in the compressed measurement will bring a significant challenge to the recovery accuracy of the images. In this work, a new SRE structure is proposed. Following the new structure, a lower sparse representation error (LSRE) is achieved by eliminating groups of sparse representation. With the proposed LSRE modeling, a robust sensing matrix is designed to compress and encrypt the UAV images. Experiments for UAV images are carried out to compare the recovery performance of the proposed algorithm with the existing related algorithms. The results of the proposed algorithm reveal superior recovery accuracy. The new CS framework with the proposed sensing matrix to address the scenario of UAV images with large SRE is dominant