2 research outputs found

    Centimeter-Scale Achromatic Hybrid Metalens Design: A New Paradigm Based on Differentiable Ray Tracing in the Visible Spectrum

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    Single metalenses are limited by their physical constraints, precluding themselves from achieving high numerical aperture across a wide visible spectral band in large-aperture applications. A hybrid system that integrates a metalens with a refractive lens can address this issue, yet previous designs lacked sufficient flexibility. Here, by reanalyzing the generalized Snell's law, we introduce a new paradigm for the hybrid metalens design based on differentiable ray tracing. Through joint optimization of the phase distribution of the metalens and refractive lens parameters, our system achieves achromatic performance within the broad spectral range of 440-700 nm, with an aperture of 1 cm and an f-number of 1.4. Owing to the differentiable nature of the proposed system, it can be seamlessly integrated as the optical front-end into any differentiable computational imaging system. Our system offers unprecedented opportunities for the advancement of metalenses in innovative optical design and computational imaging domains

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Maintenance of stemness is associated with the interation of LRP6 and heparin-binding protein CCN2 autocrined by hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Correlations between CCN2/LRP6 and clinicopathology feature in 374 patients with HCC. Table S2. Univariate analysis of factors associated with survival and recurrence in 374 patients with HCC. Table S3. Multivariate analysis of factors associated with survival and recurrence in 374 patients with HCC. Table S4. Primary antibodies used for western blot and immunohistochemistry. Table S5. Sequences of primers used for qRT-PCR. Table S6. Primers for vectors construction. Table S7. vshRNA target sequences for CCN2 and LRP6. (DOC 87 kb