4 research outputs found

    DGF rates for DCD kidneys preserved by MP versus CS.

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    <p>Pooled estimate of odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of DGF rates for DCD kidneys preserved by MP on 5 studies. Squares indicate OR in each study. The square size is proportional to the weight of the corresponding study; the length of horizontal lines represents the 95% CI. The rhombus indicates the pooled OR and 95% CI (fixed-effect model).</p

    Characteristics of the included studies.

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    <p>MP, Machine Perfusion; CS, Static Cold Storage; CIT, Cold Ischemic Time; WIT, Warm Ischemic Time; N/A, non-available.</p

    Outcomes and MP details of each included study.

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    <p>MP, Machine Perfusion; CS, Static Cold Storage; DGF, Delayed Graft Function; PNF, Primary Non-function; N/A, non-available.</p