7 research outputs found

    Do the regular annual extreme water level changes affect the seasonal appearance of Anabaena in Poyang Lake?

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    Background Poyang Lake is an ecosystem experiencing annual variations in water level of up to 14 m. Water level changes were 8.03 and 11.22 m, respectively, in the years 2013 and 2014. The biomass and heterocyst frequency of Anabaena increased in the summers of recent years. Methods A weekly to bi-weekly monitoring from June to November 2013 and 2014 was set up to explain the variations of Anabaena appearance in different phases of the water level. Results Anabaena was present in the lake throughout the year. The average relative biomass of Anabaena in the present study was over 40%, being most abundant in summer. The average heterocyst frequency was 0.23% in 2013 and 0.76% in 2014. Correlation analysis indicated a positive trend of Anabaena biomass with water temperature and water level and a negative one with total nitrogen (TN), which is the reason for the increase of heterocyst frequency in 2013 and 2014. Heterocyst frequency of Anabaena was positively correlated with water temperature, water level and PO4-P, and negatively with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN/DIP), NO3-N and TN. Moreover, water temperature and DIN/DIP were significantly correlated with water level, indicating that water level changes have a direct effect on Anabaena and heterocyst formation in Poyang Lake. Conclusions The results of this study support the hypothesis that increasing biomass and heterocyst formation of Anabaena can be primarily caused by seasonal changes of the water level in Poyang Lake

    An integrative approach sheds new light onto the systematics and ecology of the widespread ciliate genus Coleps (Ciliophora, Prostomatea)

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    Species of the genus Coleps are one of the most common planktonic ciliates in lake ecosystems. The study aimed to identify the phenotypic plasticity and genetic variability of different Coleps isolates from various water bodies and from culture collections. We used an integrative approach to study the strains by (i) cultivation in a suitable culture medium, (ii) screening of the morphological variability including the presence/absence of algal endosymbionts of living cells by light microscopy, (iii) sequencing of the SSU and ITS rDNA including secondary structures, (iv) assessment of their seasonal and spatial occurrence in two lakes over a one-year cycle both from morphospecies counts and high-throughput sequencing (HTS), and, (v) proof of the co-occurrence of Coleps and their endosymbiotic algae from HTS-based network analyses in the two lakes. The Coleps strains showed a high phenotypic plasticity and low genetic variability. The algal endosymbiont in all studied strains was Micractinium conductrix and the mutualistic relationship turned out as facultative. Coleps is common in both lakes over the whole year in different depths and HTS has revealed that only one genotype respectively one species, C. viridis, was present in both lakes despite the different lifestyles (mixotrophic with green algal endosymbionts or heterotrophic without algae). Our results suggest a future revision of the species concept of the genus Coleps

    Molecular Data Reveal a Cryptic Diversity in the Genus Urotricha (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Prostomatida), a Key Player in Freshwater Lakes, With Remarks on Morphology, Food Preferences, and Distribution

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    Species of the ciliate genus Urotricha are key players in freshwater plankton communities. In the pelagial of lakes, about 20 urotrich species occur throughout an annual cycle, some of which play a pivotal role in aquatic food webs. For example, during the phytoplankton spring bloom, they consume a remarkable proportion of the algal production. In ecological studies, urotrich ciliates are usually merely identified to genus rank and grouped into size classes. This is unsatisfying considering the distinct autecological properties of individual species and their specific spatial and temporal distribution patterns. As a basis for future research, we characterized in detail four common urotrich morphotypes, i.e., specimens identified as U. furcata and tentatively as U. agilis, U. pseudofurcata, and U. castalia, using state-of-the-art methods. We used an integrative polyphasic approach, in which morphological studies (in vivo observation, silver staining methods, scanning electron microscopy) were linked with a molecular approach exploiting four different gene fragments as taxonomic DNA barcodes with different resolution potential (SSU rDNA, ITS-1, ITS-2, hypervariable V4 and V9 regions of the SSU rDNA). We shed light on the diversity of urotrich ciliates as well as on their global distribution patterns, and annual cycles. Additionally, we coupled individual species occurrences and environmental parameters, and subsequently modeled the distribution and occurrence, using logistic regressions. Furthermore, for one strain putatively identified as U. castalia, we ascertained the optimal cultivation media and food preferences. Thereby, our comprehensive view on these important freshwater ciliates that frequently occur in environmental high throughput sequencing datasets worldwide will allow future studies to better exploit protistan plankton data from lakes

    Erratum to : Performance evaluation of operational atmospheric correction algorithms over the East China Seas (Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, (2017), 35, 1, (1-22), 10.1007/s00343-016-5170-6)

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    Unfortunately for all articles of Vol. 35 No. 1 the future journal title “Journal of Oceanology and Limnology” was used instead of the current journal title “Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology”. All articles in the issue are aff ected. Please make sure to cite the articles with the following Vol. and No. info: Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Vol. 35 No. 1, [page range]