2,171 research outputs found

    Interactive effect of leader ethicality and competency on Chinese customs officers’ organizational citizenship behaviors

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    The dual qualities of an effective leader—ethicality and competency—have long been identified but seldom empirically examined. Using survey data from 329 Chinese customs officers collected in December 2022, this study investigates whether ethical leadership influences customs officers’ organizational citizenship behaviors indirectly through work engagement and trust in leader. Following the interactive approach, we further postulate that leader competency can accentuate these indirect relationships. Mplus 8.3, SPSS 26.0 and Hayes’ PROCESS macro for SPSS were used to conduct statistical analyses including descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, common method deviation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and regression analysis. The results reveal that work engagement and trust in leader act as mediators in the ethical leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors relationship. Moreover, these indirect relationships are stronger when customs officers perceive their leaders are more competent. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Female behavioral strategies during consortship in Tibetan macaques (\u3ci\u3eMacaca thibetana\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Consortship has been defined as a temporary association between an adult male and an estrous/receptive female. It has been considered as male mating strategies to improve male mating success and potential reproductive success. However, the female roles have been more or less neglected, and thus, less is known about female behavioral strategies during the consortship periods. In this study, during the two consecutive mating seasons, we collected behavioral data of free-ranging Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) habituated in Mt. Huangshan, China, to investigate female behaviors when she was consorted by an adult male. The results showed that (a) females were more likely to approach and exhibit sexual solicitation to their consorting males during the consorted period, and females also exhibited less approach to their nonconsorting males; (b) females exhibited strong responses (either departed distantly or formed affiliative relationships with their consorting male partner) when their consorting males mated with rival females or showed sexual motivation toward rival females; (c) female preferences were positively correlated to the duration of consortships and the frequencies of ejaculation copulations, independent of the social ranks of their consorting male partners. Our results suggested that female strategies played much more important roles in forming and maintaining consortship than previously assumed. It provides new insight into understanding female adaptive strategies to male strategies by forming consortships in multimale–multifemale primate species when males could not identify female\u27s fertile phase accurately

    Class Is Invariant to Context and Vice Versa: On Learning Invariance for Out-Of-Distribution Generalization

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    Out-Of-Distribution generalization (OOD) is all about learning invariance against environmental changes. If the context in every class is evenly distributed, OOD would be trivial because the context can be easily removed due to an underlying principle: class is invariant to context. However, collecting such a balanced dataset is impractical. Learning on imbalanced data makes the model bias to context and thus hurts OOD. Therefore, the key to OOD is context balance. We argue that the widely adopted assumption in prior work, the context bias can be directly annotated or estimated from biased class prediction, renders the context incomplete or even incorrect. In contrast, we point out the everoverlooked other side of the above principle: context is also invariant to class, which motivates us to consider the classes (which are already labeled) as the varying environments to resolve context bias (without context labels). We implement this idea by minimizing the contrastive loss of intra-class sample similarity while assuring this similarity to be invariant across all classes. On benchmarks with various context biases and domain gaps, we show that a simple re-weighting based classifier equipped with our context estimation achieves state-of-the-art performance. We provide the theoretical justifications in Appendix and codes on https://github.com/simpleshinobu/IRMCon.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 202

    Combined effects of permeability and fluid saturation on seismic wave dispersion and attenuation in partially-saturated sandstone

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    Knowledge of dispersion and attenuation is essential for better reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon identification. However, limited by reliable laboratory data at seismic frequency bands, the roles of rock and fluid properties in inducing dispersion and attenuation are still poorly understood. Here we perform a series of laboratory measurements on Bentheimer and Bandera sandstone under both vacuum-dry and partially water-saturated conditions at frequencies ranging from 2 to 600 Hz. At vacuum-dry conditions, the bulk dispersion and attenuation in Bandera sandstone with more clay contents are distinctly larger than those in Bentheimer sandstone, suggesting clay contents might contribute to the inelasticity of the rock frame. The partially water-saturated results show the combined effects of rock permeability and fluid saturation on bulk dispersion and attenuation. Even a few percent of gas can substantially dominate the pore-fluid relaxation by providing a quick and short communication path for pore pressure gradients. The consequent bulk dispersion and attenuation are negligible. Only as the samples are approaching fully water-saturated conditions, rock permeability begins to play an essential role in the pore-fluid relaxation. For Bandera sandstone with lower permeability, a partially relaxed status of pore fluids is achieved when the gas saturation is lower than 5%, accompanied by significant attenuation and dispersion.Cited as: Wei, Q., Wang, Y., Han, D., Sun, M., Huang, Q. Combined effects of permeability and fluid saturation on seismic wave dispersion and attenuation in partially-saturated sandstone. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 5(2): 181-190, doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.02.0

    N-(2-Chloro­pyrimidin-4-yl)-2-methyl-2H-indazol-6-amine methanol monosolvate

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    In the title compound, C12H10ClN5·CH3OH, the indazole ring system and the pyrimidine ring make a dihedral angle of 23.86 (4)°. In the crystal, the components are linked by N—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds into chains propagated in [010]. Inter­molecular π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances = 3.6404 (9), 3.6725 (9) and 3.4566 (9) Å] between the rings of neighbouring chains also stabilize the crystal packing