15,328 research outputs found

    Isovector channel of quark-meson-coupling model and its effect on symmetry energy

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    The non-relativistic approximation of the quark-meson-coupling model has been discussed and compared with the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model which includes spin exchanges. Calculations show that the spin-exchange interaction has important effect on the descriptions of finite nuclei and nuclear matter through the Fock exchange. Also in the quark-meson-coupling model, it is the Fock exchange that leads to a nonlinear density-dependent isovector channel and changes the density-dependent behavior of the symmetry energy.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures and 1 table, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Phase-Remapping Attack in Practical Quantum Key Distribution Systems

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) can be used to generate secret keys between two distant parties. Even though QKD has been proven unconditionally secure against eavesdroppers with unlimited computation power, practical implementations of QKD may contain loopholes that may lead to the generated secret keys being compromised. In this paper, we propose a phase-remapping attack targeting two practical bidirectional QKD systems (the "plug & play" system and the Sagnac system). We showed that if the users of the systems are unaware of our attack, the final key shared between them can be compromised in some situations. Specifically, we showed that, in the case of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol with ideal single-photon sources, when the quantum bit error rate (QBER) is between 14.6% and 20%, our attack renders the final key insecure, whereas the same range of QBER values has been proved secure if the two users are unaware of our attack; also, we demonstrated three situations with realistic devices where positive key rates are obtained without the consideration of Trojan horse attacks but in fact no key can be distilled. We remark that our attack is feasible with only current technology. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of our attack in order to ensure absolute security. In finding our attack, we minimize the QBER over individual measurements described by a general POVM, which has some similarity with the standard quantum state discrimination problem.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Twenty Years of Student Scholarship: Celebrating the Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies

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    In this paper, we propose a novel controllable text-to-image generative adversarial network (ControlGAN), which can effectively synthesise high-quality images and also control parts of the image generation according to natural language descriptions. To achieve this, we introduce a word-level spatial and channel-wise attention-driven generator that can disentangle different visual attributes, and allow the model to focus on generating and manipulating subregions corresponding to the most relevant words. Also, a word-level discriminator is proposed to provide fine-grained supervisory feedback by correlating words with image regions, facilitating training an effective generator which is able to manipulate specific visual attributes without affecting the generation of other content. Furthermore, perceptual loss is adopted to reduce the randomness involved in the image generation, and to encourage the generator to manipulate specific attributes required in the modified text. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state of the art, and is able to effectively manipulate synthetic images using natural language descriptions. Code is available at https://github.com/mrlibw/ControlGAN.Comment: NeurIPS 201

    Alternate proof of the Rowe-Rosensteel proposition and seniority conservation

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    For a system with three identical nucleons in a single-jj shell, the states can be written as the angular momentum coupling of a nucleon pair and the odd nucleon. The overlaps between these non-orthonormal states form a matrix which coincides with the one derived by Rowe and Rosensteel [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 172501 (2001)]. The propositions they state are related to the eigenvalue problems of the matrix and dimensions of the associated subspaces. In this work, the propositions will be proven from the symmetric properties of the 6j6j symbols. Algebraic expressions for the dimension of the states, eigenenergies as well as conditions for conservation of seniority can be derived from the matrix.Comment: 9 pages, no figur

    Determination and optimization of mode matching into optical cavities by heterodyne detection

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    We report on a novel high-sensitivity method to characterize and improve mode matching into optical cavities. This method is based on heterodyne detection of cylindrical transverse cavity modes. A specially designed annular-segmented photodiode is used to measure the amplitude of nonresonant modes reflected by the cavity. Our measurements allow us to optimize cavity mode matching to nearly 99.98% and will play an important diagnostic role in gravitational-wave detectors

    Monotonicity and logarithmic convexity relating to the volume of the unit ball

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    Let Ωn\Omega_n stand for the volume of the unit ball in Rn\mathbb{R}^n for nNn\in\mathbb{N}. In the present paper, we prove that the sequence Ωn1/(nlnn)\Omega_{n}^{1/(n\ln n)} is logarithmically convex and that the sequence Ωn1/(nlnn)Ωn+11/[(n+1)ln(n+1)]\frac{\Omega_{n}^{1/(n\ln n)}}{\Omega_{n+1}^{1/[(n+1)\ln(n+1)]}} is strictly decreasing for n2n\ge2. In addition, some monotonic and concave properties of several functions relating to Ωn\Omega_{n} are extended and generalized.Comment: 12 page