186 research outputs found

    Phonation differences in the stop laryngeal contrasts of Jangli (Indo-Aryan)

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    Jangli is an under-studied Indo-Aryan language spoken in Punjab, Pakistan. Thepresent study investigates phonation differences in Jangli’s four-way stop laryngealcontrast (voiceless unaspirated, voiceless aspirated, voiced unaspirated, andvoiced aspirated). A wide range of acoustic correlates were measured includingH1*-H2*, H1*-A1*, H1*-A2*, and H1*-A3*. The findings indicated that voicelessaspirated and voiced aspirated stops are characterized by higher H1*-H2*, H1*-A1*,H1*-A2*, and H1*-A3*, compared to voiceless unaspirated and voiced unaspiratedstops. These results suggest that Jangli is among those languages which have araising effect of aspiration on the spectral tilt onsets of the following vowels. Theclassification results showed that H1*-H2* is the most important acoustic correlatefor distinguishing the four laryngeal categories of Jangli. The findings of this studywill contribute to the phonetic and phonological typology of the rich laryngealcontrasts of Indo-Aryan languages

    Extraocular Muscle Imbalance and Outcomes of Scleral Buckling Surgery for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

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    Objective: The objective was to study the muscle imbalance, restrictive motility in unlike gazes and the outcomes of the scleral buckling surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Study design: Prospective follow-up study Settings and duration: The study was conducted at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi from Aug 2015 to Jan 2016. Methodology: The patients were checked prior to surgery and two follow up visits were done afterwards. Thorough history was taken along with full orthoptic assessment and ocular motility in all four main gazes including elevation, depression, adduction and abduction. Vision, type and position of explants, site of detachment, and risk factors of detachment were also observed. Results: A total of 48 eyes of 46 patients were taken. Mean age of the study participants was 37.16±20.37 years. Horizontal, vertical and combined deviations were observed in study population. Exo deviation was most common deviation among patients. Most reported risk factors of retinal detachment included trauma, pseudophakia, aphakia and myopia. Motility limitations of all four gazes was observed and it was found out that after buckling the squint and restriction is been increased up till two months. Conclusion: Ocular restriction among the patients was observed over a period of 2 months and it depicted that encircling with sclera buckling elicited an increase in restrictive ocular motility from pre-operative to 1 week and 2 months after surgery

    Elucidation of deactivation mechanisms of zeolites used in petroleum and biomass upgrading processes

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    Zeolites have been identified and utilized as excellent heterogeneous catalysts in a variety of processes involving the upgrading of biomass and fossil-fuel feedstocks. However, the deactivation of zeolites has been observed with time on stream in catalytic reactions. Despite the increasing number of literature reports on zeolites in the past years, deactivation of zeolite catalysts is still a major economic concern, and there is a substantial motivation to investigate the deactivation of zeolites, in order to understand the different pathways that contribute to loss in activity, and to suggest efficient and cheap preventive measures. In this thesis, the structural changes, coke formation, sintering of impregnated metals and the associated deactivation behavior of microporous, hierarchical and metal-impregnated zeolites has been investigated. Three different processes, involving the upgrading of bio-oils and petroleum feeds, have been studied. The focus is on the different pathways of zeolite deactivation, taking into account the combined effect of zeolite morphology, process operating conditions and properties of the reaction medium (such as pH, presence of water or chelating agents etc.).Ph.D

    The tools of protect workers' rights in Islamic law

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    املخلص تناولت هذه الدراسة البحث يف الفقه اإلسالمي عن وسائل احلماية حلقوق العمال، وكانت مشتملة على جمموعة من املباحث واملطالب، حيث مت الرتكيز وبشكل جوهر ي على فلسفة الزكاة واألوقاف اإلسالمية ودورمها يف محاية حقوق العمال، فقد ثبت من خالل الدر اسة أن اإلسالم ميتلك يتشكل أبساليب و ً قوايً طرحا وسائل متعددة يف مواجهة ما يتهدد العمال من خطر، وخلصت الدراسة إىل ضرورة القيام إبجراء إعمال دور الزكاة جبعلها نظامني، النظام الفردي: وذلك إبخراج الغين زكاة ماله بنفسه على من يرغب هبدف تعزيز الصلة بني األغنياء والفقراء لتقوى صلة الرتاحم بني أفراد اجملتمع ً يقوى على مواجهة األخطار، والنظام املؤسسايت: واملتمثل قدميا ا هبيئات ً ف ببيت مال ملسلمني، وحديثا ً الزكاة، وعلى صعيد األوقاف ميكن للوزارات ومؤسسات الوقف أن تطرح برانجما حيمل اسم وقف ً تكافليا العمالBu makale, İslam fıkhında işçi haklarını koruma araçlarını ele almıştır. Bu vesileleri birkaç başlık ve fasılda açıklarken asıl üzerinde durduğu araçlar ise; zekat ve İslami vakıfların işçi haklarını koruma görevleridir. Bu araştırma esnasında İslam hukukunda işçilerin haklarını olası zararlara karşı koruyacak birçok vesile olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak zekat sistemini iki esas üzerinde aktif etmenin son derece gerekli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu iki esastan birincisi, zenginlerin belirledikleri işçilere hem sıla-i rahim hem de olası zararlardan muhafaza için verdiği zekat, ikincisi ise geçmişte Beytü'l Mâl'e günümüzde ise zekat kuruluşlarına benzeyen kuruluşların verdiği zekatlardır. Vakıflar için ise bakanlıklar ya da vakıflar müdürlüğü tarafından (işçi dayanışması programı) yine bu isimde bir vakıf kurulabilir.This article examines the tools of protection of workers' rights in Islamic law. The study describes the tools of protection of workers' rights in Islamic law in several headings and subheadings. The main issue of the study is the duties of Zakat and Islamic Foundations for the protection of workers' rights. This research has concluded that there are many tools in Islamic Law that will protect workers' rights against possible damages. More importantly, this study concluded that it was rather necessary to activate the zakat system on two bases. The first one is the Zakat which the rich people give to the workers, which they have determined, both for mutual aid and for protection from possible damages. The second one is the Zakat, which was given by the organizations. In the past, these organizations were similar to the Beytü'l-Mâl, and in contemporary era, they are like Foundations. This study suggests that for the foundations, the program of worker solidarity can be established by the directorate of foundations or the ministries

    Caudal bupivacaine alone versus bupivacaine with ketamine to compare postoperative analgesia

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    Objective: to compare the effectiveness of caudal bupivacain alone and bupivacaine with ketamine in terms of duration of analgesia. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Duration and Place: Department of Anaesthesia Quid e Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur from May 2018 to May 2019. Methodology: Study was started after approval from local ethical committee a parental consent was obtained after complete information of study. Main outcome variables are duration of analgesia, pain score, Bromage score. Data analysis was done with SPSS version 23.1. P value ≤0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Results: The mean duration of analgesia and time taken to void urine after surgery of the Group A was 5.80±2.71 hours and 4.45±0.51 hours, respectively. While, the mean duration of analgesia and time taken to void urine after surgery of the Group B was 12.53±2.51 hours and 4.52±0.53 hours, respectively. Statistically significant was observed in duration of analgesia. P value 0.000. Conclusion: Combination of Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg and bupivacain 0.25% in a dose of 1 ml/kg prolonged the duration of postoperative analgesia toa significant range in comparison with bupivacaine 25% of 1 ml/kg alone. Keywords: Caudal block, Spinal anesthesia, Bupivacain, Ketamine, analgesia. DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/56-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Urdu Ghazal’s Initial and practiced forms in Baluchistan

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    In Baluchistan, the inception of Urdu poetry was delayed compared to other major literary centers of Urdu. There are several important reasons for this, which, along with the unfamiliarity of this remote region with Urdu as a language, the unavailability of chronological links from a research point of view bears specific importance. According to the known facts, the first voice of Urdu poetry was Mulla Muhammad Hassan Brahui; even after him, this region's poetic journey seems to have been divided into large time gaps. This paper presents an analytical study of Urdu Ghazal, which was created in Baluchistan until the establishment of Pakistan. These initial relics of Urdu Ghazal in Baluchistan are not more than practiced forms, so they mostly fail to present a high specimen of creativity. However, under the influence of this poetic capital, this tradition of Urdu Ghazal got strengthened here in Baluchistan, and afterward, through this route, high and unique features of Urdu Ghazal appeared here, which can be proudly compared to the overall Urdu Ghazal

    Role of N-Acetylcysteine in Clearance of Secretions in Mechanical Ventilated Patients

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    Objective: to determine the role of nebulized N-acetylcysteine in mechanical ventilation in clearing the airway of these patients. Study Design: A Randomized Control Trial. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit Quid e Azam Medical College Bahawalpur. From January 2018 to June 2019.Methods: In this project total 50 patients were enrolled by consecutive sampling who remained on mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours and were between age 15 to 80 years old. Written consent of this project was taken from relative of each patient. These patients were divided into two groups by lottery method into case and control. The case group received 2 ml of NAC 20% with 8 ml normal saline 3 times a day for 1 day. The control group only received 10 ml normal saline via their nebulizers 3 times a day at 8 AM, 2 PM, and 9 PM. Data was collected and was analyzed. SPSS 22 was used for this purpose. All numerical variables of this research such as mean FiO2, mean peak and plateau pressure of airway, mean blood pressure, mean age and importantly mean density of secretions were calculated. In these values t test was applied and p value was calculated. If it was less than .005, then it was considered significant. Similarly, qualitative data such as type of disease were calculated in percentage and chi square test was used to check the significance. Results: The mean O2 saturation of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the controls was 93.84±2.28, 94.27±2.33 and 94.08±1.81 respectively. The mean peak airway pressure of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the controls was 23.16±3.49, 25.38±8.86 and 24.01±4.91 respectively. The mean plateau airway pressure of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the controls was 19.04±7.79, 21.37±4.86 and 21.85±8.93 respectively. The mean secretion density of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the controls was 1.04±0.024, 1.05±0.03 and 1.03±0.002 respectively. While, the mean O2 saturation of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the cases was 93.08±2.37, 94.61±2.56 and 94.11±2.34 respectively. The mean peak airway pressure of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the cases was 26.58±5.81, 23.81±8.28 and 24.34±6.15 respectively. The mean plateau airway pressure of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the cases was 21.88±78.01, 24.88±6.67 and 23.51±7.55 respectively. The mean secretion density of baseline, 12 hours and 24 hours of the cases was 1.01±0.021, 1.08±0.022 and 1.008±0.0195 respectively. The differences were statistically insignificant. P-value ≤ 0.05 is considered as significant. Conclusion: It is concluded from our observations that use of N-acetylcysteine in patients on mechanical ventilation is very effective in clearance of secretion and to maintain airway clear. Key words: N-acetylcysteine, mechanical ventilation, airway clearance, normal saline DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/56-02 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Implications of Critical Literacy for Language Classroom

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    The present study is aimed at examining how critical literacy helps the students in using language efficiently and exploring new ways of reading any text. The study focuses on gauging the place of critical literacy at graduate level and also checks the awareness of students and teachers to this productive way of using language. This study also tries to find out about the gap that exists between the objectives of critical literacy in Pakistan and our present curriculum. For this purpose both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were used. Finally it brings the results that in Pakistan curriculum dominantly focuses the structural level of language and does not give students sociopolitical insight. The learning of students is more bookish and does not enable the learners to employ their language skill in understanding the ways of the world. Keywords: Critical Literacy, Critical thinking, Curriculum, Civic education, Teaching methodolog