3 research outputs found
Imla dan Komputer Arab Sebagai Transformasi Mata Kuliah Kitabah Mubtadi di UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
The Kitabah lil mubtadi course is a special course in the Arabic language education study program. In the 2022 academic year, this odd semester course will undergo a transformation into Arabic Imla and Computer courses. This is the background of this research so that it needs to be studied in depth to describe the transformation or changes in this course. This research is a library research that uses inductive-deductive analysis techniques. This study aims to reveal Arabic Imla and Computer courses as a transformation of special Arabic science courses. The results of this study indicate that the change in this course is a form of responding to the demands of national qualifications at the undergraduate level. This course focuses on digitizing the ability to write Arabic in a sentence and paragraph that is contained in the software offline and online. Imla and Arabic Computers are also a manifestation of the integration of science, religion, technology
Acculturation and Preservation of Islam-Bugis Culture of Makarti Jaya River Basin, South Sumatra
This paper describes the process of acculturation and the form of preservation of Islam-Bugis culture in Makarti Jaya River in South Sumatra. This research is a type of field research using qualitative methods. The data in this study were obtained through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. This research found four products of Islamic-Bugis cultural acculturation; Maccera` Aqorang (slaughtering animals before reading a letter that is considered auspicious), Mappanré lebbé (a tradition of reciting the Qur'an for prospective brides), cememe mallodung (bathing to remove bad traits before performing the pilgrimage), and Mabbaca Sure` Makkelluna Nabitta (reading the saga of shaving the hair of the Prophet Muhammad Saw). This research succeeded in contributing new treasures in the study of Islamic and Bugis culture, in the multicultural province of South Sumatra. For further researchers, it is recommended to study Islamic-Bugis culture in Makarti Jaya River by using a philological approach, because during the research process the author obtained several ancient texts that were used by the Bugis Makarti Jaya community as a reference in the process of acculturation of Islamic-Bugis culture
Murur Sebagai Wujud Moderasi Dalam Pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji
Penelitian ini membahas tentang skema murur di Muzdalifah yang diterapkan pemerintah Indonesia pada pelaksanaan ibadah haji tahun 2024. Secara spesifik penelitian ini menganalisis Keputusan Pengurus Besar Harian Syuriah Tentang Hasil Bahtul Masail Al Diniyyah Al- Waqiiyah dengan menggunakan pendekatan moderasi beragama. Melalui studi literatur dan menerapkan metode analisis deskriptif-analitis, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa murur di Muzdalifah merupakan aktualisasi dari moderasi beragama dalam pelaksanaan ibadah haji. Dari tiga pilar utama moderasi beragama; moderasi pemikiran, moderasi gerakan, dan moderasi perbuatan, murur di Muzdalifah termasuk dalam moderasi pemikiran. Murur di Muzdalifah sebagai bukti fleksibelitas pemahaman agama dalam memadukan konsep haji dengan kondisi jemaah haji tanpa menghilangkan substansi ibadah haji dan nilai-nilai spiritual yang mendasarinya dan dengan lahirnya keputusan Syuriah PBNU tentang murur di Muzdalifah memberi pandangan yang holistik dan inspiratif bagi umat muslim dalam menjalankan praktik ibadah yang lebih ramah dan inklusif di masa depan