11 research outputs found

    Spin Transport in Cold Fermi gases: A Pseudogap Interpretation of Spin Diffusion Experiments at Unitarity

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    We address recent spin transport experiments in ultracold unitary Fermi gases. We provide a theoretical understanding for how the measured temperature dependence of the spin diffusivity at low TT can disagree with the expected behavior of a Fermi liquid (FL) while the spin susceptiblity(following the experimental protocols) is consistent with a Fermi liquid picture. We show that the experimental protocols for extracting χs\chi_s are based on a FL presumption; relaxing this leads to consistency within (but not proof of) a pseudogap-based approach. Our tranport calculations yield insight into the measured strong suppression of the spin diffusion constant at lower TT.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Unconventional particle-hole mixing in the systems with strong superconducting fluctuations

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    Development of the STM and ARPES spectroscopies enabled to reach the resolution level sufficient for detecting the particle-hole entanglement in superconducting materials. On a quantitative level one can characterize such entanglement in terms of the, so called, Bogoliubov angle which determines to what extent the particles and holes constitute the spatially or momentum resolved excitation spectra. In classical superconductors, where the phase transition is related to formation of the Cooper pairs almost simultaneously accompanied by onset of their long-range phase coherence, the Bogoliubov angle is slanted all the way up to the critical temperature Tc. In the high temperature superconductors and in superfluid ultracold fermion atoms near the Feshbach resonance the situation is different because of the preformed pairs which exist above Tc albeit loosing coherence due to the strong quantum fluctuations. We discuss a generic temperature dependence of the Bogoliubov angle in such pseudogap state indicating a novel, non-BCS behavior. For quantitative analysis we use a two-component model describing the pairs coexisting with single fermions and study their mutual feedback effects by the selfconsistent procedure originating from the renormalization group approach.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure