5,437 research outputs found
Low-lying S-wave and P-wave Dibaryons in a Nodal Structure Analysis
The dibaryon states as six-quark clusters of exotic QCD states are
investigated in this paper. With the inherent nodal surface structure analysis,
the wave functions of the six-quark clusters (in another word, the dibaryons)
are classified. The contribution of the hidden color channels are discussed.
The quantum numbers of the low-lying dibaryon states are obtained. The States
, ,
, and the
hidden color channel states with the same quantum numbers are proposed to be
the candidates of dibaryons, which may be observed in experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure
Efficiency optimization in a correlation ratchet with asymmetric unbiased fluctuations
The efficiency of a Brownian particle moving in periodic potential in the
presence of asymmetric unbiased fluctuations is investigated. We found that
there is a regime where the efficiency can be a peaked function of temperature,
which proves that thermal fluctuations facilitate the efficiency of energy
transformation, contradicting the earlier findings (H. kamegawa et al. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 5251). It is also found that the mutual interplay between
asymmetry of fluctuation and asymmetry of the potential may induce optimized
efficiency at finite temperature. The ratchet is not most efficiency when it
gives maximum current.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
Incommensurate magnetic order in the alpha-Fe(Te,Se) superconductor systems
Magnetic spin fluctuations is one candidate to produce the bosonic modes that
mediate the superconductivity in the ferrous superconductors. Up until now, all
of the LaOFeAs and BaFe2As2 structure types have simple commensurate magnetic
ground states, as result of nesting Fermi surfaces. This type of
spin-density-wave (SDW) magnetic order is known to be vulnerable to shifts in
the Fermi surface when electronic densities are altered at the superconducting
compositions. Superconductivity has more recently been discovered in
alpha-Fe(Te,Se), whose electronically active antifluorite planes are
isostructural to the FeAs layers found in the previous ferrous superconductors
and share with them the same quasi-two-dimensional electronic structure. Here
we report neutron scattering studies that reveal a unique complex
incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in the parent compound alpha-FeTe. When
the long-range magnetic order is suppressed by the isovalent substitution of Te
with Se, short-range correlations survive in the superconducting phase.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Robust and clean Majorana zero mode in the vortex core of high-temperature superconductor (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe
The Majorana fermion, which is its own anti-particle and obeys non-abelian
statistics, plays a critical role in topological quantum computing. It can be
realized as a bound state at zero energy, called a Majorana zero mode (MZM), in
the vortex core of a topological superconductor, or at the ends of a nanowire
when both superconductivity and strong spin orbital coupling are present. A MZM
can be detected as a zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in tunneling
spectroscopy. However, in practice, clean and robust MZMs have not been
realized in the vortices of a superconductor, due to contamination from
impurity states or other closely-packed Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon (CdGM)
states, which hampers further manipulations of Majorana fermions. Here using
scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we show that a ZBCP well separated from the
other discrete CdGM states exists ubiquitously in the cores of free vortices in
the defect free regions of (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe, which has a superconducting
transition temperature of 42 K. Moreover, a Dirac-cone-type surface state is
observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and its topological
nature is confirmed by band calculations. The observed ZBCP can be naturally
attributed to a MZM arising from this chiral topological surface states of a
bulk superconductor. (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFeSe thus provides an ideal platform for
studying MZMs and topological quantum computing.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures (supplementary materials included), accepted by
The Superconducting Transition Temperatures of Fe1+xSe1--y, Fe1+xSe1--yTey and (K/Rb/Cs)zFe2--xSe2
In a recent contribution to this journal, it was shown that the transition
temperatures of optimal high-Tc compounds obey the algebraic relation, Tc0 =
kB-1{\beta}/\ell{\zeta}, where \ell is related to the mean spacing between
interacting charges in the layers, {\zeta} is the distance between interacting
electronic layers, {\beta} is a universal constant and kB is Boltzmann's
constant. The equation was derived assuming pairing based on interlayer Coulomb
interactions between physically separated charges. This theory was initially
validated for 31 compounds from five different high-Tc families (within an
accuracy of \pm1.37 K). Herein we report the addition of Fe1+xSe1-y and
Fe1+xSe1-yTey (both optimized under pressure) and AzFe2-xSe2 (for A = K, Rb, or
Cs) to the growing list of Coulomb-mediated superconducting compounds in which
Tc0 is determined by the above equation. Doping in these materials is
accomplished through the introduction of excess Fe and/or Se deficiency, or a
combination of alkali metal and Fe vacancies. Consequently, a very small number
of vacancies or interstitials can induce a superconducting state with a
substantial transition temperature. The confirmation of the above equation for
these Se-based Fe chalcogenides increases to six the number of superconducting
families for which the transition temperature can be accurately predicted.Comment: 16 pages, 54 references 3 figures 1 tabl
A Microscopic Mechanism for Muscle's Motion
The SIRM (Stochastic Inclined Rods Model) proposed by H. Matsuura and M.
Nakano can explain the muscle's motion perfectly, but the intermolecular
potential between myosin head and G-actin is too simple and only repulsive
potential is considered. In this paper we study the SIRM with different complex
potential and discuss the effect of the spring on the system. The calculation
results show that the spring, the effective radius of the G-actin and the
intermolecular potential play key roles in the motion. The sliding speed is
about calculated from the model which well agrees with
the experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
Tunable hybrid surface waves supported by a graphene layer
We study surface waves localized near a surface of a semi-infinite dielectric
medium covered by a layer of graphene in the presence of a strong external
magnetic field. We demonstrate that both TE-TM hybrid surface plasmons can
propagate along the graphene surface. We analyze the effect of the Hall
conductivity on the disper- sion of hybrid surface waves and suggest a
possibility to tune the plasmon dispersion by the magnetic field.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
Critical magnetic fluctuations induced superconductivity and residual density of states in superconductor
We propose the multiband extension of the spin-fermion model to address the
superconducting d-wave pairing due to magnetic interaction near critical point.
We solve the unrestricted gap equation with a general d-wave symmetry gap and
find that divergent magnetic correlation length leads to the very
unharmonic shape of the gap function with shallow gap regions near nodes. These
regions are extremely sensitive to disorder. Small impurity concentration
induces substantial residual density of states. We argue that we can understand
the large value and its pressure
dependence of the recently discovered superconductor under pressure
within this approach.Comment: 5 figure
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