15,736 research outputs found

    SIMPLE: Stable Increased-throughput Multi-hop Protocol for Link Efficiency in Wireless Body Area Networks

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    In this work, we propose a reliable, power efficient and high throughput routing protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs). We use multi-hop topology to achieve minimum energy consumption and longer network lifetime. We propose a cost function to select parent node or forwarder. Proposed cost function selects a parent node which has high residual energy and minimum distance to sink. Residual energy parameter balances the energy consumption among the sensor nodes while distance parameter ensures successful packet delivery to sink. Simulation results show that our proposed protocol maximize the network stability period and nodes stay alive for longer period. Longer stability period contributes high packet delivery to sink which is major interest for continuous patient monitoring.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    The Hiring Entity’s Usual Course of Business

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    The ABC test has increasingly become a tool to differentiate employees from independent contractors. Companies and counsel throughout the nation have grappled with Part B of this test, which requires a determination of the hiring entity’s “usual course of business.” Adjudicators have provided little guidance on how to conduct this analysis and are admittedly frustrated with this “elusive concept.” Yet a thorough treatment of the analytical framework and guiding principles of Part B of the ABC Test has not been put forth. This article fills this void in scholarship. By tracing the relevant concepts to the common law control test, and more importantly, a lesserknown framework analyzing skill and integration to determine liability, in addition to articulating the genesis and proliferation of the ABC Test within unemployment insurance legislation, this article answers a call from the judiciary to locate the origins of the ABC Test. Assessing decisions from state supreme courts and intermediate appellate bodies, this article then examines three methods courts use to determine whether work was done outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business. The principal insight of this article is that work which is in the hiring entity’s usual course of business is work which provides regular aid to the business. This article concludes by analyzing two related questions within the Part B framework: (1) whether the Part B test is work-specific or worker-specific, a question of salience given the use of class actions, and (2) how to describe the hiring entity’s business, a question of import due to the rise of the gig economy

    M-GEAR: Gateway-Based Energy-Aware Multi-Hop Routing Protocol for WSNs

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    In this research work, we advise gateway based energy-efficient routing protocol (M-GEAR) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We divide the sensor nodes into four logical regions on the basis of their location in the sensing field. We install Base Station (BS) out of the sensing area and a gateway node at the centre of the sensing area. If the distance of a sensor node from BS or gateway is less than predefined distance threshold, the node uses direct communication. We divide the rest of nodes into two equal regions whose distance is beyond the threshold distance. We select cluster heads (CHs)in each region which are independent of the other region. These CHs are selected on the basis of a probability. We compare performance of our protocol with LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). Performance analysis and compared statistic results show that our proposed protocol perform well in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Drug related critical incidents

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    Drug related incidents are a common form of reported medical errors. This paper reviews the critical incidents related to drug errors reported from the main operating theatre suite in a teaching hospital in a developing country from January 1997 to December 2002. Each report was evaluated individually by two reviewers using a structured process. During this period, 44 874 anaesthetics were administered; 768 critical incidents were reported, 165 (21%) of which were related to drug errors. Underdosage, side-effect/drug reaction and syringe swap were the most common. A total of 76% were classified as preventable; 56% due to human error and 19% due to system error. High risk incidents accounted for 10% of all drug errors and most of these were related to the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs. This analysis has been found useful in addressing some issues about priorities

    Effect of NPK and Zn on Growth, Flowering and Bulb Production in Tulip under Polyhouse Conditions in Kashmir

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    Healthy and uniform bulbs of tulip cv. 'Apeldoorn' were planted in two consecutive growing seasons under polyhouse conditions in FRBD design to study the effect of nutrient management on growth, flowering and bulb production in tulip in the Kashmir valley. Experimental treatments comprised of three levels of nitrogen (0,75 and 150 kg ha-1) and two levels of phosphorus (0 and 50 kg ha-1), potassium (0 and 50 kg/ha) and zinc (0 and 5 kg ha-1). Except for bulb survival, nitrogen @ 75 kg ha-1 significantly improved all the parameters. However, further increase in dose of nitrogen (150 kg ha-1) influenced only a few parameters like scape length, wrapper leaf area, vase life and bulblet weight per plant. Application of phosphorus, potassium and zinc also resulted in better growth, flower quality and bulb production. Application of different nutrients caused increased concentration of nutrients in leaf tissue, which resulted in better performance of the plant. Combined application of N, P, K and Zn @ 75, 50, 50 and 5 kg ha-1, respectively, was found to be the most suitable dose for obtaining better growth, quality flower and bulb production