4,224 research outputs found

    Sacudirse el desgano. Humberto Giannini acerca de la pereza

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    En esta ponencia, revisaremos la noción de pereza que propone el profesor Humberto Giannini con el propósito de evidenciar por qué, desde su filosofía tardía, la pereza sería una experiencia de la que hay que desprenderse en pos de establecer vínculos genuinos con los otros. La pereza es un estado anímico que, fuertemente ligado al aburrimiento y al ocio, da cuenta de una forma defectiva de la cotidianeidad, la cual es expresión de una disposición hostil a la acción. En este sentido, y puesto que en sus últimas obras la acción adquiere un rol predominante, es que debemos desperezarnos ante los otros

    The magnetic structure and field dependence of the cycloid phas mediating the spin reorientation transition in Ca₃Ru₂O₇

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    We report a comprehensive experimental investigation of the magnetic structure of the cycloidal phase in Ca3Ru2O7, which mediates the spin reorientation transition, and establishes its magnetic phase diagram. In zero applied field, single-crystal neutron diffraction data confirms the scenario deduced from an earlier resonant x-ray scattering study: between 46.7~K <T<49.0~K the magnetic moments form a cycloid in the a−b plane with a propagation wavevector of (δ,0,1) with δ≃0.025 and an ordered moment of about 1 μB, with the eccentricity of the cycloid evolving with temperature. In an applied magnetic field applied parallel to the b-axis, the intensity of the (δ,0,1) satellite peaks decreases continuously up to about μ0H≃5 T, above which field the system becomes field polarised. Both the eccentricity of the cycloid and the wavevector increase with field, the latter suggesting an enhancement of the anti−symmetric Dzyaloshinskii−Moriya interaction via magnetostriction effects. Transitions between the various low-temperature magnetic phases have been carefully mapped out using magnetometry and resistivity. The resulting phase diagram reveals that the cycloid phase exists in a temperature window that expands rapidly with increasing field, before transitioning to a polarised paramagnetic state at 5 T. High-field magnetoresistance measurements show that below T≃70 K the resistivity increases continuously with decreasing temperature, indicating the inherent insulating nature at low temperatures of our high-quality, untwinned, single-crystals. We discuss our results with reference to previous reports of the magnetic phase diagram of Ca3Ru2O7 that utilised samples which were more metallic and/or poly-domain

    Magnetic structure and field dependence of the cycloid phase mediating the spin reorientation transition in Ca3Ru2 O7

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    We report a comprehensive experimental investigation of the magnetic structure of the cycloidal phase in Ca3Ru2O7, which mediates the spin reorientation transition and establishes its magnetic phase diagram. In zero applied field, single-crystal neutron diffraction data confirm the scenario deduced from an earlier resonant x-ray scattering study: For 46.7K <T< 49.0 K the magnetic moments form a cycloid in the a-b plane with a propagation wave vector of (δ,0,1) with δ≃0.025 and an ordered moment of about 1μB, with the eccentricity of the cycloid evolving with temperature. In an applied magnetic field applied parallel to the b axis, the intensity of the (δ,0,1) satellite peaks decreases continuously up to about μ0H≃5T, above which field the system becomes field polarized. Both the eccentricity of the cycloid and the wave vector increase with field, the latter suggesting an enhancement of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction over the symmetric exchange interactions via magnetostriction effects. Transitions between the various low-temperature magnetic phases have been carefully mapped out using magnetometry and resistivity. The resulting phase diagram reveals that the cycloid phase exists in a temperature window that expands rapidly with increasing field, before transitioning to a polarized paramagnetic state at 5 T. High-field magnetoresistance measurements show that below T≃70K the resistivity increases continuously with decreasing temperature, indicating the inherent insulating nature at low temperatures of our high-quality, untwinned, single crystals. We discuss our results with reference to previous reports of the magnetic phase diagram of Ca3Ru2O7 that utilized samples which were more metallic and/or polydomain

    Spin-orbit coupling in a half-filled t2gt_{2g} shell: the case of 5d35d^3 K2_2ReCl6_6

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    The half-filled t2gt_{2g} shell of the t2g3t_{2g}^3 configuration usually, in LS coupling, hosts a S = 3/2 ground state with quenched orbital moment. This state is not Jahn-Teller active. Sufficiently large spin-orbit coupling ζ\zeta has been predicted to change this picture by mixing in orbital moment, giving rise to a sizable Jahn-Teller distortion. In 5d35d^3 K2_2ReCl6_6 we study the electronic excitations using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and optical spectroscopy. We observe on-site intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations below 2 eV and corresponding overtones with two intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations on adjacent sites, the Mott gap at 2.7 eV, t2gt_{2g}-to-ege_g excitations above 3 eV, and charge-transfer excitations at still higher energy. The intra-t2gt_{2g} excitation energies are a sensitive measure of ζ\zeta and Hund's coupling JHJ_H. The sizable value of ζ≈\zeta \approx 0.29 eV places K2_2ReCl6_6 into the intermediate coupling regime, but ζ/JH≈0.6\zeta/J_H \approx 0.6 is not sufficiently large to drive a pronounced Jahn-Teller effect. We discuss the ground state wavefunction in a Kanamori picture and find that the S = 3/2 multiplet still carries about 97 % of the weight. However, the finite admixture of orbital moment allows for subtle effects. We discuss small temperature-induced changes of the optical data and find evidence for a lowering of the ground state by about 3 meV below the structural phase transitions.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Wideband THz time domain spectroscopy based on optical rectification and electro-optic sampling

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    We present an analytical model describing the full electromagnetic propagation in a THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system, from the THz pulses via Optical Rectification to the detection via Electro Optic-Sampling. While several investigations deal singularly with the many elements that constitute a THz-TDS, in our work we pay particular attention to the modelling of the time-frequency behaviour of all the stages which compose the experimental set-up. Therefore, our model considers the following main aspects: (i) pump beam focusing into the generation crystal; (ii) phase-matching inside both the generation and detection crystals; (iii) chromatic dispersion and absorption inside the crystals; (iv) Fabry-Perot effect; (v) diffraction outside, i.e. along the propagation, (vi) focalization and overlapping between THz and probe beams, (vii) electro-optic sampling. In order to validate our model, we report on the comparison between the simulations and the experimental data obtained from the same set-up, showing their good agreement

    Electronic excitations in 5d45d^4 J=0 Os4+^{4+} halides studied by RIXS and optical spectroscopy

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    We demonstrate that the cubic antifluorite-type halides K2_2OsCl6_6, K2_2OsBr6_6, and Rb2_2OsBr6_6 are excellent realizations of non-magnetic J=0 compounds. The magnetic susceptibility shows the corresponding Van-Vleck type behavior and no sign of defects. We investigate the electronic excitations with two complementary techniques, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and optical spectroscopy. This powerful combination allows us to thoroughly study, e.g., on-site intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations and t2gt_{2g}-to-ege_g excitations as well as inter-site excitations across the Mott gap and an exciton below the gap. In this way, we determine the electronic parameters with high accuracy, altogether yielding a comprehensive picture. In K2_2OsCl6_6, we find the spin-orbit coupling constant ζ\zeta=0.34 eV, Hund's coupling JHJ_H=0.43 eV, the onset of excitations across the Mott gap at Δ\Delta=2.2 eV, the cubic crystal-field splitting 10Dq=3.3 eV, and the charge-transfer energy ΔCT\Delta_{CT}=4.6 eV. With JH/ζJ_H/\zeta=1.3, K2_2OsCl6_6 is in the intermediate-coupling regime. In a t2gt_{2g}-only Kanamori picture, the above values correspond to ζeff\zeta^{eff}=0.41 eV and JHeffJ_H^{eff}=0.28 eV, which is very close to results reported for related 5d45d^4 iridates. In the tetragonal phase at 5 K, the non-cubic crystal field causes a peak splitting of the J=1 state as small as 4 meV. Compared to K2_2OsCl6_6, the bromides K2_2OsBr6_6 and Rb2_2OsBr6_6 show about 12-14 % smaller values of 10Dq and ΔCT\Delta_{CT}, while the spin-orbit-entangled intra-t2gt_{2g} excitations below 2 eV and hence ζ\zeta and JHJ_H are reduced by less than 4 %. Furthermore, the Mott gap in K2_2OsBr6_6 is reduced to about 1.8 eV.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca₃Ru₂O₇

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    The layered-ruthenate family of materials possess an intricate interplay of structural, electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom that yields a plethora of delicately balanced ground states. This is exemplified by Ca3Ru2O7, which hosts a coupled transition in which the lattice parameters jump, the Fermi surface partially gaps and the spins undergo a 90∘ in-plane reorientation. Here, we show how the transition is driven by a lattice strain that tunes the electronic bandwidth. We apply uniaxial stress to single crystals of Ca3Ru2O7, using neutron and resonant x-ray scattering to simultaneously probe the structural and magnetic responses. These measurements demonstrate that the transition can be driven by externally induced strain, stimulating the development of a theoretical model in which an internal strain is generated self-consistently to lower the electronic energy. We understand the strain to act by modifying tilts and rotations of the RuO6 octahedra, which directly influences the nearest-neighbour hopping. Our results offer a blueprint for uncovering the driving force behind coupled phase transitions, as well as a route to controlling them

    Spontaneous cycloidal order mediating a spin-reorientation transition in a polar metal

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    We show how complex modulated order can spontaneously emerge when magnetic interactions compete in a metal with polar lattice distortions. Combining neutron and resonant x-ray scattering with symmetry analysis, we reveal that the spin reorientation in Ca3_3Ru2_2O7_7 is mediated by a magnetic cycloid whose eccentricity evolves smoothly but rapidly with temperature. We find the cycloid to be highly sensitive to magnetic fields, which appear to continuously generate higher harmonic modulations. Our results provide a unified picture of the rich magnetic phases of this correlated, multi-band polar metal.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (+ 11 pages, 3 figures of supplemental material
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