74 research outputs found

    Is Kinesio Taping useful for advanced cancer lymphoedema treatment? A case report

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    Lymphoedema is a common and distressing symptom in palliative care. The classic physiotherapy treatment for lymphoedema includes a combination of manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression therapy (multi-layer bandaging, compression garments), decongestive exercises and skin care. Lymphoedema therapy in advanced cancer patients should be adapted to their general condition and the intensity of other symptoms. In this article we present a case of an advanced cancer patient whose painful skin tension, caused by lymphoedema, was successfully reduced with the use of Kinesio Taping. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 4: 141–144Lymphoedema is a common and distressing symptom in palliative care. The classic physiotherapy treatment for lymphoedema includes a combination of manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression therapy (multi-layer bandaging, compression garments), decongestive exercises and skin care. Lymphoedema therapy in advanced cancer patients should be adapted to their general condition and the intensity of other symptoms. In this article we present a case of an advanced cancer patient whose painful skin tension, caused by lymphoedema, was successfully reduced with the use of Kinesio Taping. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 4: 141–14

    Problems of palliative care in patients with multiple myeloma

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    Background. In cases of multiple myeloma, palliative care includes patients who still undergo active oncological treatment and those who have discontinued it. The aim of the research is to present the difficulties which doctors of palliative care and others taking care of patients with multiple myeloma may face. Material and methods. The trial included patients of home hospice care and the patients of a Palliative Care Ward. Retrospective analysis based on medical documentation was applied and, in patients that were still on treatment, prospective observation was conducted. Results. The analysis included four patients on chemotherapy and two patients for whom intensive oncological treatment had been discontinued. The most frequent symptoms were afflictions connected to bone pain. These were often accompanied by secondary neurological symptoms of pathological bone fractures or compressions caused directly by the neoplastic tumour and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Secondary nephropathy (myelomic kidney) and a tendency to hypercalcaemia occurred. Various symptoms of blood hyperviscosity syndrome (dysfunctions of organs: kidneys, heart; bleeding gums and nose) were observed. Additionally during palliative care, it was essential to notice and counteract disease aggravations. Conclusion. Patients with multiple myeloma constitute a great challenge in palliative care due to the changeable clinical course of the disease, repetitive relapses and remissions. Numerous symptoms of the disease require continuous observation and the proper treatment, which demonstrates that simultaneous multi-specialist care is essential.Background. In cases of multiple myeloma, palliative care includes patients who still undergo active oncological treatment and those who have discontinued it. The aim of the research is to present the difficulties which doctors of palliative care and others taking care of patients with multiple myeloma may face. Material and methods. The trial included patients of home hospice care and the patients of a Palliative Care Ward. Retrospective analysis based on medical documentation was applied and, in patients that were still on treatment, prospective observation was conducted. Results. The analysis included four patients on chemotherapy and two patients for whom intensive oncological treatment had been discontinued. The most frequent symptoms were afflictions connected to bone pain. These were often accompanied by secondary neurological symptoms of pathological bone fractures or compressions caused directly by the neoplastic tumour and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Secondary nephropathy (myelomic kidney) and a tendency to hypercalcaemia occurred. Various symptoms of blood hyperviscosity syndrome (dysfunctions of organs: kidneys, heart; bleeding gums and nose) were observed. Additionally during palliative care, it was essential to notice and counteract disease aggravations. Conclusion. Patients with multiple myeloma constitute a great challenge in palliative care due to the changeable clinical course of the disease, repetitive relapses and remissions. Numerous symptoms of the disease require continuous observation and the proper treatment, which demonstrates that simultaneous multi-specialist care is essential

    The impact of rehabilitation on the functioning of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot study

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    Background. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neurologic disorder during which results in a progressive deterioration of motor function. Rehabilitation is one of the elements of symptomatic treatment in patients with ALS. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of rehabilitation on the functioning of ALS patients in terms of daily living activities. Material and methods. Ten ALS patients participated in this pilot study. The study involved completing a questionnaire by the patient. The questionnaire consisted of 5 parts: general information of the patient, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS), the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale — Modified Version (HADS-M) and the part assessing the impact of rehabilitation on the patient’s functioning. Results. Most patients reported that rehabilitation was helping them breathe, reduced pain and improved sleep quality. An improvement in mental state was also observed in most patients. According to the responses provided by the patients, the treatment often led to hardly any or no improvement at all in terms of such activities as: walking, walking up and down the stairs, writing or preparing meals. Conclusions. Rehabilitation should be an element of symptomatic treatment provided to patients with ALS, at least because it has been shown to improve their mental state, although in many cases therapy has very little effect overall. The information provided in this paper may be of value for carers and physiotherapists working with the patients, as it may enable them to increase the effectiveness of their decisions to improve the patients’ comfort and quality of life.Background. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neurologic disorder during which results in a progressive deterioration of motor function. Rehabilitation is one of the elements of symptomatic treatment in patients with ALS. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of rehabilitation on the functioning of ALS patients in terms of daily living activities. Material and methods. Ten ALS patients participated in this pilot study. The study involved completing a questionnaire by the patient. The questionnaire consisted of 5 parts: general information of the patient, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS), the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale — Modified Version (HADS-M) and the part assessing the impact of rehabilitation on the patient’s functioning.Results. Most patients reported that rehabilitation was helping them breathe, reduced pain and improved sleep quality. An improvement in mental state was also observed in most patients. According to the responses provided by the patients, the treatment often led to hardly any or no improvement at all in terms of such activities as: walking, walking up and down the stairs, writing or preparing meals. Conclusions. Rehabilitation should be an element of symptomatic treatment provided to patients with ALS, at least because it has been shown to improve their mental state, although in many cases therapy has very little effect overall. The information provided in this paper may be of value for carers and physiotherapists working with the patients, as it may enable them to increase the effectiveness of their decisions to improve the patients’ comfort and quality of life

    What is the role of a physiotherapist in palliative care? Cases report

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    Physiotherapy may enhance the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present 3 cases of advanced cancer patients, whose symptoms were successfully treated with physiotherapy. In addition, this publication describes individual physiotherapy interventions and how they benefit patients with advanced cancer. The authors proved that physiotherapy applied in patients provided with palliative care is of great importance to the process of symptom treatment. It minimizes complications and effects of the disease and optimizes patients’ condition.Physiotherapy may enhance the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present 3 cases of advanced cancer patients, whose symptoms were successfully treated with physiotherapy. In addition, this publication describes individual physiotherapy interventions and how they benefit patients with advanced cancer. The authors proved that physiotherapy applied in patients provided with palliative care is of great importance to the process of symptom treatment. It minimizes complications and effects of the disease and optimizes patients’ condition

    Are soft tissue therapies and Kinesio Taping useful for symptom management in palliative care? Three case reports.

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    Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–92Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–9

    Efektywność fizjoterapii stosowanej u pacjentów cierpiących z powodu zmęczenia związanego z chorobą nowotworową

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    Zmęczenie związane z chorobą nowotworową dotyczy bardzo dużej grupy pacjentów onkologicznych. Jest to obecnie najczęściej zgłaszany objaw uboczny leczenia przeciwnowotworowego. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem zmęczenia u pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową w kontekście możliwości wykorzystania fizjoterapii. Autorka przedstawiła aktualny stan wiedzy, oparty na wynikach badaniań klinicznych dotyczących wykorzystania i efektywności procedur fizjoterapeutycznych jako jednego z elementów leczenia niefarmakologicznego zmęczenia związanego z chorobą nowotworową

    Kompleksowa fizjoterapia pacjentów z obrzękiem limfatycznym

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    Problem obrzęku limfatycznego dotyczy dużej grupy pacjentów onkologicznych. Może być związany bezpośrednio z nowotworem lub powstawać jako objaw niepożądany terapii przeciwnowotworowej. Podstawową formą leczenia obrzęku limfatycznego jest fizjoterapia. W poniższym artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat możliwości leczenia obrzęku limfatycznego poprzez wykorzystanie różnych metod fizjoterapii. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera opis poszczególnych form terapii oraz ocenę ich efektywności, sporządzoną na podstawie analizy dostępnych badań klinicznych i własnych doświadczeń w zakresie leczenia obrzęku limfatycznego. Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2010, 4, 1: 23-2

    Are soft tissue therapies beneficial for patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer?

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    There is a widely acknowledged and steadily rising incidence rate of head and neck tumours. Consequently, the overall quality of life of patients suffering from such tumour locations has significantly deteriorated, while attendant treatment costs remain on the rise. Advances in modern surgical techniques are believed to appreciably improve the prognosis, though. At the same time, a pursuit of invasive anti-cancer treatment results in many structural and functional changes in those patients, warranting application of select physiotherapy management. This manuscript presents a patient diagnosed with neck tumours in whomphysiotherapy regimen comprising the select soft tissue therapy techniques was applied. The implemented physiotherapeutic intervention proved instrumental in achieving an appreciable improvement with regard to a majority of variables under study.Palliat Med Pract 2018; 12, 4: 203–20

    The problems of patients with lymphoedema. Pilot study of breast cancer survivors

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    Background and aims: Lymphoedema is a serious problem for many breast cancer survivors. It is a chronic condition, which can often limit patients’ activities and result in dramatic life changes. The aim of the study was to define problems the patients contended with. Material and methods: The clinical study involved 22 patients suffering from post-mastectomy lymphoedema. They were asked to fill in a special lymphoedema physiotherapy assessment form. Results: All the patients included in the study underwent physiotherapy within lymphoedema treatment. Only three patients (14%) used complex decongestive therapy and most of the patients (82%) had therapy only once a year for twenty days. The results of the study confirm the fact, that lymphoedema is a chronic condition. Fourteen patients (63%) described their lymphoedema as permanent and increasing in time and only three patients (14%) as periodically retreating. The post-mastectomy pain syndrome is another serious problem of patients after surgery. Four of the patients (18%) suffered from pain with the average intensity of 9 on NRS scale (0-10). None of the patients received any special analgetic treatment, which proves that the post-mastectomy pain syndrome is rarely diagnosed and treated. Conclusion: The study presents the outline of problems and needs of patients after breast cancer surgery. It also emphasizes the importance of physiotherapy in post-mastectomy patients. However, it ought to be continued in a bigger group of patients as to authenticate the observations.Background and aims: Lymphoedema is a serious problem for many breast cancer survivors. It is a chronic condition, which can often limit patients’ activities and result in dramatic life changes. The aim of the study was to define problems the patients contended with. Material and methods: The clinical study involved 22 patients suffering from post-mastectomy lymphoedema. They were asked to fill in a special lymphoedema physiotherapy assessment form. Results: All the patients included in the study underwent physiotherapy within lymphoedema treatment. Only three patients (14%) used complex decongestive therapy and most of the patients (82%) had therapy only once a year for twenty days. The results of the study confirm the fact, that lymphoedema is a chronic condition. Fourteen patients (63%) described their lymphoedema as permanent and increasing in time and only three patients (14%) as periodically retreating. The post-mastectomy pain syndrome is another serious problem of patients after surgery. Four of the patients (18%) suffered from pain with the average intensity of 9 on NRS scale (0-10). None of the patients received any special analgetic treatment, which proves that the post-mastectomy pain syndrome is rarely diagnosed and treated. Conclusion: The study presents the outline of problems and needs of patients after breast cancer surgery. It also emphasizes the importance of physiotherapy in post-mastectomy patients. However, it ought to be continued in a bigger group of patients as to authenticate the observations

    Zastosowanie fizjoterapii w leczeniu pacjentki z zaawansowanym nowotworem piersi

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    Physiotherapy is an important part of a comprehensive symptom management in patients receiving palliative care. It helps to reduce the intensity of many symptoms that significantly lower patients’ quality of life. In this article the author presents a case of an advanced cancer patient whose lymphedema and myofascial pain were successfully treated with physiotherapy.Fizjoterapia jest jednym z elementów kompleksowego leczenia objawowego chorych objętych opieką paliatywną. Pozwala na niwelowanie natężenia wielu objawów istotnie obniżających jakość życia chorych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiony został opis przypadku chorej cierpiącej z powodu obrzęku limfatycznego i bólu mięśniowo-powięziowego, u której zastosowano wybrane metody fizjoterapii